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Status Updates posted by JRD

  1. I guess Kiwi or someone from starwave lurks here since they took down my synk;yet video that was on unlisted on my channnel.

    1. Komorebi


      What's more impressive is whoever it is, can access the proper section.

  2. I guess my friends made an impromptu trip to Japan in next month. See whoever at FULL EFFECT' oneman live on the 15th and again in November for Blaze.

    1. Mamo


      Sounds fun.

  3. I want to be in the new FULL EFFECT' PV. Too bad they're only asking for gyas to do a fucking furi video.

    1. BrenGun


      Just ask them if you can be in the new pv. 

  4. Happy Birthday! ❤️

    1. chemicalpictures


      yaaay, thank you so much!

  5. 君は鋭く。quiet e.r. is almost complete. Delayed as fuck, but I'm so excited for more music.

    1. chemicalpictures


      I'm really excited aswell, those guys are the remaining bastions of art kei

  6. SHiSHi is selling their 0th single on their online shop. Go support them and buy 5 different types for 5 different アー写 of your fave member! 

    1. Gesu


      Damn, just put the info through a translator (because I can barely read a lick of Japanese) and they don't ship to overseas :( thanks for the update, though! :)

  7. I fell asleep at Icon at Westfield watching ENDGAME. Well, I saw the first 15 mins at least lol

    1. JRD


      I went with friends, one fell asleep with me, and other just watched the movie and told us that it was an awesome movie and he didn't want to wake us up. Stupid reclining chairs with heated seats.

  8. Mfw I should have made food at home...stuck in the drive thru for about 15mins now. Laziness for the loss.

    1. nekkichi


      lmao what kind of a reverse "mom can we stop at the mcdonald's/we have food at home" meme experience

  9. Does anyone else not remember they ordered a release and end up finding another copy lying in your room unopened?

    1. monkeybanana4


      Yeah 😅 Multiple copies of the same CD now sit on my shelf, lol.

  10. My GAD is over the roof. My breathing exercises aren't helping. FJ needs their support center open 24/7.

    1. Zeus


      you can do this @JRD

  11. I'm cleaning out my VK closet, so I'm gonna start listing stuff for free. Like R-指定 SHOXX single, and MULTIPLE copies of CDs stuff. So coming soon in the future.

  12. I was gifted a few ドドドドドドドドマイナーbands. My ears are bleeding.

    1. returnal


      that's the spirit!

  13. Jury Duty over. I'm happy. Defense attorney was hawt as fuck. 10/10 would let me butthole speak whatever language if asked.

    1. nekkichi


      get iT, sister

  14. Had to show MEGURU my collection for Panic Day. All photosets, shit ton of chekis, whole discography including rare VHS, posters, flyers, postcards, e.t.c. I hope it made him happy!


    1. chemicalpictures


      maan, that's so cool!

      I really wish he would come back someday

  15. I can't believe CieLGraVE disbands this month. They should wait for this pandemic to be over so people would show up say their goodbyes, like me T.T

    1. evenor


      Ditto T~T.  At least they uploaded some rare tracks on youtube in preparation for the event!

  16. I'm gonna do a poll for my final upload on Sept.23. I'll let you guys decide on which release it'll be, trust it's a list of how the fuck did you get that, only one release will be uploaded. And that release will be the winner of the poll. I'll start it tomorrow and it'll end on Sept.22. I'm super tired from work.

    1. Gaz


      I'm both tempted and dreading to see the list, knowing only one thing gets uploaded :-( 

  17. Jin-Machine has so many releases my iPad has a scroll option for them. It's too insane.

    1. tetsu_sama69


      Anyone who manages to collect their entire release discography should have a placement for a world record for how massive it is.

  18. Since my S/O decided I wasn't important today; I decided to rip some CDs. Some bands were not meant to be heard, but I found out Kiki(Mercurious, Kisnate, Hi;BRiD, POPCORE) was in Kluze and actually wrote the better of the two songs and Nobro was a terrible singer. Oh I love my Koteosa bands.

    1. shiroihana


      Oh wow is there any chance you will share Kluze?? I'm dying to hear that band. 🥺🙏

  19. Clopening shifts are the worst. I hate bitches.

  20. I wish I was a professional twerker.

  21. New last.fm homepage looks neato.

  22. NSFW or Carnist. I think I got like a Venereal Disease https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-Spay1ui-8

  23. Hipster by Marc Jacobs

  24. omg my mom took us somewhere south of LA and we're like the only asians

  25. I don't care what anyones says, Red Robins' mini wedge salad is like the best thing on their menu! Swimming in creamy crispy heaven. Btw their garlic fries sucks.

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