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Status Updates posted by JRD

  1. Sale at Diesel? I'm gonna go in and buy like 4 shirts and now I'm poor.

  2. Anyone remembers when one of the mods on Batsu had like this line script that reflect the username of whoever read her sig on their account; and it caused chaos and pure confusion. And Gay Egyptians?

  3. Kirakira perfection ❤️ 君だけのstyle, 僕らのYELL!


  4. So one of you guys did have Baphomet's last release without the cover art for sale, but didn't know what it was~ You unnecessarily made me pay an obscene amount for 3 CDs I already had and one I didn't, plus you gave 10 Chekis away? No long after I posted in the last music related by thread.

  5. FJ coming through with that free 1 day FedEx delivery. WTF I didn't even get a notice about it! Superb job at customer service you awesome awesome people!

  6. FJ found my items. I'm so happy rn. Thank you everyone that cared during my materialistic crisis. 

    1. saishuu


      ayyy i'm happy for you!

    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen


    3. Komorebi


      Glad to know you found them!!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  7. 君は鋭く。 quiet e.r has been out since 2019/04/19 and they didn't say shit about the release! I want this so bad.

  8. I'm cleaning out my VK closet, so I'm gonna start listing stuff for free. Like R-指定 SHOXX single, and MULTIPLE copies of CDs stuff. So coming soon in the future.

  9. FJ: We're sorry you're missing your stuff, but can you take pictures of every item in the box and the packaging it was in, plus the billed weight of said items, cause we totally don't believe you didn't get your shit.

    Like do you want me to re-wrap everything in bubble wrap and pack everything up and take pictures of it? Like seriously? Like this is the first time in 9 years of service with you guys and the only complaint I have and you can't even give me a decent, we'll go look and see if it's in your storage area?

    1. nekkichi


      Idg why they're asking billed weight from you when the postal service (at least for both airmail and EMS express and whatever else they ship with) keeps a record of parcel weight on posting from japan, during transit and on arrival alongside the tracking data like wtf

    2. JRD


      I had them ship them FedEx, and it had the total weight of shipment and what FJ put. So I took a picture of that and told them is that enough proof for weight?

    3. Paraph


      i hope it gets straightened out for you, sounds like a nightmare

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  10. With Apples destruction. I just downloaded the 4 Singles from 8P-SB I didn't have and Meteor's Kanon. Why aren't you guys listening to Ready Player, that shit bops and slaps. Make me want to return to the rave scene, sans the newer not so P.L.U.R bros. You can be a Meji fan and 8P fan. Flight Plan and Twily boys slaps hard in my car.

    1. AliceParanoid


      I just listend to there newer Stuff a few days back. 
      8Bit Boy is the SHIT! Still need to listen through everything tho. 

    2. JRD


      Go on to YouTube and listen to Ready Player and Pictionary!

  11. My GAD is over the roof. My breathing exercises aren't helping. FJ needs their support center open 24/7.

    1. Zeus


      you can do this @JRD


    1. evenor


      I hope it gets resolved ;(

    2. colorful人生


      Ugh, that whole situation sounds ridiculous. Hoping it gets resolved [2]


      Checking 4chan in case someone on /jp/ flips out about getting CDs... Actually, those figures can get expensive, I'd be shocked if the recipient doesn't notify FJ.

    3. JRD


      @colorful人生 thank you so much, I really do appreciate the effort. I want to pay you back for the effort.

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  13. MFW when I find a NOISIA(仮) DT I didn't realize I had.

    1. Gaz


      WHICH ONE???? ;W; 

    2. JRD


      御臨終, I honestly don't remember buying it at all.

  14. Does anyone else not remember they ordered a release and end up finding another copy lying in your room unopened?

    1. monkeybanana4


      Yeah 😅 Multiple copies of the same CD now sit on my shelf, lol.

  15. Band releases two type live limit only. Buy both types. Puts on zealink 4 months later as a 3rd type, but with both type benefits and cheaper. Way to fuck over people.

    1. JRD


    2. evenor


      I just knew you were referencing cielgrave! I for one am happy for the third type being released cause both A+B types were soooo expensive on Y!

    3. JRD


      Yay another cielgrave fan! Yeah, it's kinda lame for me lol Well at least this has a bonus 4th song too. So excited for it, but also bummed out.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  16. Meguru liking my Detective Pickachu post a week later. Someone still remembers me. ❤️ 

  17. Closet Child Ikebukuro also closing down T.T the one with all the rares too.

    1. suji



    2. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      ) : ....these were the only reliable places for me, i can't go back to scalping myself w mercari

  18. Mfw I should have made food at home...stuck in the drive thru for about 15mins now. Laziness for the loss.

    1. nekkichi


      lmao what kind of a reverse "mom can we stop at the mcdonald's/we have food at home" meme experience

  19. Taking bribes on Marvelous Cruelty lucky bag demo tape limited to 5 copies and Virge's Revival live lucky bag usb limited to 1 copy.

  20. I fell asleep at Icon at Westfield watching ENDGAME. Well, I saw the first 15 mins at least lol

    1. JRD


      I went with friends, one fell asleep with me, and other just watched the movie and told us that it was an awesome movie and he didn't want to wake us up. Stupid reclining chairs with heated seats.

  21. I guess this year is my year of finding releases I've been looking for for 5+ years, would never have thought I would get them for less than 500yen either!

    1. xriko


      Can you share me a bit of your luck ? just need 2/3 CD to fully complete my collection x)

    2. JRD


      I'm sending you all my positive vibes and luck right now. 

  22. Finally listened to BLACKPINK’s new e.p and I freaking love it. Release after release, BP making BLINKS proud everywhere. Don’t know what to do and kick ughhhh love love love.

  23. FULL EFFECT' "MUSIC NEVER STOPS" is another Album. Oh gawd I can't, Hisato likes giving us what we don't deserve. Probably going to be 500yen like NEW ERA and 何でもあり始めました。

  24. Sorry if anyone messaged within the last month. I'm starting to get a notification for them. 

  25. SHiSHi is selling their 0th single on their online shop. Go support them and buy 5 different types for 5 different アー写 of your fave member! 

    1. Gesu


      Damn, just put the info through a translator (because I can barely read a lick of Japanese) and they don't ship to overseas :( thanks for the update, though! :)

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