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JRD last won the day on April 4

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About JRD

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    Follow me at @nameinbiography or @JRD KTO#8970 discord
  • Birthday 04/25/1989

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    @JRD KTO#8970 discord

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    I listen to EVERYTHING. I don't hate on music <3

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  1. By the end of the summer, there will be no more uploads from me. I've been called a bitch, elitist, e.t.c. I spend my hard earn money to share bands I love with you guys. I've been with TW/MH since the beginning, some of you even have my personal cell number. I'm trying a new twitter @nameinbiography I'm not very social-able. You can also catch me in discord. I'll still be here giving my opinions or fan girling or stuff. I don't dislike any of you, some of you even make me laugh with your wits and I respect you for it. I'm very approachable so don't be afraid of me cause I'm more afraid of you.

    1. platy


      That sucks :( I'm sorry that happened and I can't make sense why you would be called those things for sharing so much with the community.

    2. 少女椿


      If somebody call you a bitch or elitist, just let em know that this is not their business. I have exactly the same experience, and it's better to ignore people who disrespect your time, money or tastes. Hugs!♡

    3. robkun


      Maaaan to be completely honest, I know exactly where you’re coming from. A quick heads up as I’m gonna embark on a rant. Idunno how many people will see this, but I thought I’d just let it out.  I’ve been inching closer to considering retiring from uploading on here myself by the month completely. Back in the day when I started, people would always leave likes, comment and say thanks, and would just let their gratitude be known. Nowadays though, people just seem to ignore writing anything/liking the post, and just take. The original considerate folk seemed to gradually leave throughout the last few years. And then there was a “controversy” that made me stop uploading a whole other format all together.


      It definitely feels like a somewhat different place as it seems a bit more ghosted and a lot more hostile. The hostility seemed to have reared its ugly head a few years ago, and just unraveled from there. Idunno. I may leave myself sometime, but maybe not. I haven’t really decided. But as for where you’re coming from, I hear ya loud and clear and can relate all the way. Lots of peckerbutts have infiltrated on here, whether rude, ungrateful or both. And it just seems to exacerbate.

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