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JRD last won the day on April 4

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About JRD

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    Follow me at @nameinbiography or @JRD KTO#8970 discord
  • Birthday 04/25/1989

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    @JRD KTO#8970 discord

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    I listen to EVERYTHING. I don't hate on music <3

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  1. It's seems like I need a third shelf and I need to re-arrange my room lmfao. I think I'm hitting close to 10k CDs, not including dupes, the question is, how the fuck is this going to fit in my room.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. VkBrutaliaN


      I kinda feel ya.

      As much as i love collecting myself there are a few things when you collection gets bigger and bigger which might be considered as "work" which kinda sucks.

      Also although i don't want to paint the devil on the wall but i guess you have copied everything to (tons of) harddrives but i would die if one or more would get screwed so the files can't be played anymore...  but anyway i leave it with that cuz otherwise i could write a whole roman about problems once your collection gets bigger etc... XD

    3. JRD


      Oh you don't even know how many backups I have lmao 3 external hard drives and my PC. That's how paranoid I am, especially because those live distros aren't going to last as long as professional print.

    4. VkBrutaliaN


      Yeah thats also why i started to copy everything to my pc and external harddrive.

      Before i just deleted everything i haven't listened to in about 6 months.

      And luckily although i had to copy quite a lot CDR when i started to rip my whole collection there was only once CDR which was fucked and it was the CD "Bring back memory" from the band LIMITED but luckily its just one song and a ballad i really don't care about. The song could be ripped but there's a constant scrachy noice throughout the whole song... quite strange... XD


      Currently i try to rip all my comment DVDR's to my PC and harddrive. i guess in about 1-2 years this new project will be finally finished.

      And there comes the next problem with collecting since my external harddrive seems to have an USB3 port or whatever it's called and my PC only USB2.

      so therefore i can transfer/copy files from my PC to my harddrive but sometimes it takes like 40 seconds just to open some files which sucks etc.

      Collecting was really an easier hobby when my collectio was WAY smaller so alone therefore i totally feel ya in every single way.

      Done with the rant!^^°

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