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Status Updates posted by Ito

  1. I love all of you guys! Thanks for making MH such an awesome place.

    1. Delkmiroph


      you're welcome :D

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      here, have some positive vibes right back at you :)

  2. Come check out my gf's wonderful singing! -

  3. I think Keel's R'lyeh -might- be my favorite Japanese release of the year so far.

  4. sgt. really needs to put out a new release.

    1. CAT5


      Them and many others

    2. Ito


      They are certainly not the only band that needs a new one, but man, it's been 4 years >.<

  5. Going oldschool lol

    1. WhirlingBlack


      90% of the userbase won't get the reference, which I guess is the funny part.

    2. Ito



  6. I got a huge spider bite on the back of my neck while sleeping...I feel like my head is going to explode >.<

    1. Kles


      spiderman transformation...

  7. Kenny-chan kawaii princessu! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I__8eDIBFuw

    1. Rize


      I haven't seen those episodes yet, but it really looked amazing. South Park goes anime! ww

  8. Time for me to do some absolutely terrible Karaoke tonight!

    1. allisapp


      I did that last weekend. Haven't seen any birds since then for some reason.

  9. Fixed this Kuroyume single cover: http://i.imgur.com/jL1FRQ1.jpg

  10. Damn the new Boris album is great.

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      a bit hit or miss for me, but for the most part it is really good. and the most important, in stark contrast to the last two efforts it doesn't sound like shit! melody and angel is where it's at :)

  11. I had to put my dog down today...I can honestly say that this is the first time in my life I have ever been exhausted from crying.

    1. hiroki


      so sorry to hear that. :(

  12. Does anyone have a good rip of Jizue's Shiori? mine has all of these pops which make it sound like it was recorded off of a vinyl.

    1. Ito


      Nevermind, it was just my sound pc's sound being a bitch.

  13. Listening to Christmas music with my gf...my ears want to commit suicide.

    1. beni


      xD My class today! Played Mariah Carey, I wanted to scream, it's only the 1st! Still more to come, oh god.

    1. Tetora


      Front A, maybe with a bit brighter text, and lots of nice backs but leaning toward A or C, and would consider adding a strapline, or desc. of what kind of photographer you are.

  14. I am beyond exhausted. This weekend was crazy and fun and now I am ready for bed.

    1. blackdoll


      similar weekend here

  15. 12 hour work day followed by a completely blown out flat tire and driving like a grandma on the interstate with my spare...I am fucking exhausted.

    1. togz


      Omg that sounds wild. Please rest up well!

  16. Apparently I have an allegric reaction to steroid injects....that's....fun.

    1. doombox


      Oh no. Please take care. That sounds really unpleasant. :(

  17. What did I just watch -

    1. ghost


      Wat the ffffaaadge? I d...I don't think they're doing the whole GWAR thing right.

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