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  1. Like
    Elazmus reacted to itsukoii for a status update, brb crying (happily) over dimlim for the next 5 years   
    brb crying (happily) over dimlim for the next 5 years
  2. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Huniefoxx for a status update, Every day I check this website in the hopes that maybe, maybe, Avanchick have done so   
    Every day I check this website in the hopes that maybe, maybe, Avanchick have done something stupid again.
  3. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Zeus for a status update, THE GALLO is pretty neat   
    THE GALLO is pretty neat
  4. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Komorebi for a status update, So... I tried last.fm, still don't get it, idk why people use it instead of their own   
    So... I tried last.fm, still don't get it, idk why people use it instead of their own player on their own computer.
  5. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Himeaimichu for a status update, Otsuka Headlock by DEZERT is so catchy. I gets me in weird mood where I want to both   
    Otsuka Headlock by DEZERT is so catchy. I gets me in weird mood where I want to both headbang, and dance. 
    Dancing to Metal should be a legitimate thing. If Hardcore Punk has hardcore dancing, who says I can groove out to something metal? xD
    Well, we already kind of have that thing in Vkei, if you count the small dances Kyo from Dir En Grey used to do for the song Myaku, or Karma from AvelCain does to Gesshoku
  6. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Aferni for a status update, Wonder when Hinata is bringing back llll-Ligro-, doesn't look at all like him and kaz   
    Wonder when Hinata is bringing back llll-Ligro-, doesn't look at all like him and kazari gave up on it. I hope llll-Ligro- is stable enough when they return, I hope they don't get another anki incident. 
  7. Like
    Elazmus reacted to platy for a status update, Insanity Injection is pure horror-kei. Their songs are 3scary5me   
    Insanity Injection is pure horror-kei.
    Their songs are 3scary5me 
  8. Like
    Elazmus reacted to saishuu for a status update, me going through the Show Yourself thread   
    me going through the Show Yourself thread

  9. Like
    Elazmus reacted to appl- for a status update, 10/10 points for making fun of Vkei. I need full version of this. help   
    10/10 points for making fun of Vkei. 
    I need full version of this. help
  10. Like
    Elazmus reacted to saishuu for a status update, remember when Like absolute myself happened to VK? (meant to post ジオラマ, but it's noto   
    remember when Like absolute myself happened to VK?
    (meant to post ジオラマ, but it's noton YT for some reason)
  11. Like
    Elazmus got a reaction from echo for a status update, love ピサロ oh my heart   
    love ピサロ oh my heart
  12. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Mamo for a status update, Thanks for recommending SCAPEGOAT earlier this month @tetsu_sama69 @Ada Suilen @Peace   
    Thanks for recommending  SCAPEGOAT earlier this month @tetsu_sama69@Ada Suilen @Peace Heavy mk II and @Elazmus. They"re fuckin' awesome!
  13. Like
    Elazmus reacted to reminiscing2004 for a status update, Favorite early ガゼット release? I love them all dearly, but the Zakurogata no Yuutsu/Zet   
    Favorite early ガゼット release? I love them all dearly, but the Zakurogata no Yuutsu/Zetsu/Miseinen maxi is just one of the most perfectly crafted releases I've ever heard. Anyone else feel similar?
  14. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Tokage for a status update, i am terrified, what the fuck is THIS   
    i am terrified, what the fuck is THIS
  15. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Mamo for a status update, Is scapegoat worth listening to?   
    Is scapegoat worth listening to? 
  16. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Mamo for a status update, Is "grimoire" any good?   
    Is "grimoire" any good?
  17. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Aferni for a status update, why are you in my nightmares..ugh   
    why are you in my nightmares..ugh
  18. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Komorebi for a status update, Razor's debut mini album is so great I keep wondering why Ryoga was wasting his poten   
    Razor's debut mini album is so great I keep wondering why Ryoga was wasting his potential in Born.
  19. Like
    Elazmus reacted to tetsu_sama69 for a status update, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! DICKS OUT FOR VK!!   
  20. Like
    Elazmus reacted to chemicalpictures for a status update, DOF's ケサランパサラン is so lovely!   
    DOF's ケサランパサラン is so lovely!
  21. Like
    Elazmus reacted to emmny for a status update, happy birthday bro!   
    happy birthday bro!
  22. Like
    Elazmus reacted to chemicalpictures for a status update, RAZOR's ANOTHER is mindblowingly good   
    RAZOR's ANOTHER is mindblowingly good
  23. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Shir0 for a status update, Happy Birthday @Elazmus !   
    Happy Birthday @Elazmus!
  24. Like
    Elazmus reacted to chemicalpictures for a status update, oooooooooh woooooooh kagirinakuuuuuu tsudzuite ku myyyyy waaaaaay   
    oooooooooh woooooooh kagirinakuuuuuu tsudzuite ku myyyyy waaaaaay
  25. Like
    Elazmus reacted to returnal for a status update, 15peopleintheaudiencekei is best kei   
    15peopleintheaudiencekei is best kei
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