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Status Updates posted by colorful人生

  1. AC died and it's 92F, lol. R.I.P me.  It's fixed, I live another day.

  2. ❤️ DGD - Artificial Selection 

    1. YuyoDrift


      eyyyy I forgot it came out!



  3. 🎄 Merry Christmas! 🎄

  4. 🎄 Merry Christmas!!!

    1. Miku70


      Merry Christmas to you 😊

  5. ABOO - 狐火 sounds so much like a ダウナー  song it's like they never disbanded. MELLOW-mp- has me excited for their future releases.

    1. Raburr7


      i know right, love their first single.  狐火 is similar to their earlier works, love it

  6. Absolutely cackling at Spotify's new~ish "Your Daily Drive" playlist. Mine is tonal whiplash w/ back-to-back Stevie Wonder, DIMLIM, and a smattering of K-pop. Not to mention "Discover Weekly" is finally back to normal after the onslaught of Christmas music a few months ago.

    1. ghost


      It's literally just tracks you've put into playlists but in a random assortment. Talk about lazy 😂

  7. Anon who tried to brute-force my patreon account can eat a dick. Shoutout to sites that have multi-factor & email authentication 👍.

    1. xriko


      And patreon doesn't have any protection about brute forcing ?

      No limit of login tryin' ?

    2. colorful人生


      15 login attempts in 2 minutes (likely less b/c the email notifs. were delayed and were in a barrage) by unique IPs only locked the account for an hour. Indiv. made 15 more attempts in the same timeframe, but one of them was a successful login by me. I went in and disabled the account b/c I hadn't used it in a year. Luckily I've made unique passwords for all my active accs. 

  8. Anybody find any interesting Steam Summer Sale titles? Not planning on getting anything, but I do recommend "A Hat in Time", "FFXV", and the "Clannad Bundle". 

    1. platy


      Firewatch has a really good discount, so I finally got it. There's also great discounts on lots of visual novels if you're into that. 

    2. Abelcain


      Vanquish and Bayonetta maybe 

    3. chemicalpictures


      I'm a bit disappointed to be honest. Nothing really catching my eyes this time.

  9. aw fuck, TinyPic is shutting down this year. there goes all my old vk shitposts.

    1. Himeaimichu


      I forgot Tinypic existed. I remember using it and Image Shack back in the Myspace era lol.

  10. Axkey sending me some mints so I'm minty fresh while I bawl over their final live. Y'all slick. 

  11. Bang!!Bambina!! is such a fun song!

  12. Chat's Jukebox-ing rn, feel free to join. No registering needed! http://jukebox.today/mhchat

  13. Completely overused meme, but I wonder how many times "The Lick" has been used in vk. Off the top of my head I'm thinking of  実験台モルモット, but I'm interested in the more subtle ones.

  14. Damn son, the Burning Sun scandal is turning into a 2nd gen K-pop massacre. Members in BB, F.T Island, and now Highlight.

    1. Zeus


      @Masato tl;dr from a not-kpop fan: a video uploaded to youtube showing a beating at a south korean club used for selling drugs and prostitution was run by a former member of BIG BANG seungri and ends up roping in sk police, yg entertainment, and other kpop stars who were somehow connected to seungri and this mess. story still developing. someone should make a topic for this @colorfuljinsei it's too juicy to be left to statuses .

    2. nekkichi


      sounds like a typical day in south korea tbh, but it's a kiii if kpop stans are so delulu about the violent male culture over there that they think their pastel-haired idols are pure and innocent

    3. Gesu


      I read yesterday that he admitted to filming having sex with people then uploading it without their consent.


    4. Show next comments  24 more
  15. Damn, I found out about Brexit last night, but I didn't realize it would turn into even more of a clusterfuck when I woke up o.o.

  16. Damn, today is the last day Best Buy will sell CDs. Yet when I went, there were only the existing 25% off sales, hence no one batted an eye. Target is moving to consignment only. R.I.P Physical CDs in the U.S. 

    1. colorful人生


      Yeah, I forgot to factor in Walmart, actually. So when they disappear there, the format pretty much dies.

    2. YuyoDrift


      Whoa are you serious? Where the fuck have I been lol.

    3. colorful人生


      I visited the local one just now, and everything was only 25% off. I would have bought something if it was like 80%...


      I just heard about it today, but it was announced back in February, lol.

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  17. Ever forget the vocalist of a song but remember the general melody? Then you shuffle through diff. vocalists until you figure out the actual one... I want those previous x headcanons to be real ;;.


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