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colorful人生 last won the day on April 2 2020

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About colorful人生

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    Kiwamu's Bitch
  • Birthday March 3

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    Huh, was never super crazy about WANDS... Now that Mikoto (ジグザグ) is their new vocalist for their revival after 20 years, I might have to revisit them. It's been quite the journey from Ray°C to doing a Conan opening. Happy for him being part of this historic moment.

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    2. colorful人生


      It's unmistakably his voice. I think they just keep it a "secret" like how mafumafu is kamiboku's vo./gt. . 




      I'd say that's pretty dead-on (-sans the angle.)


      I had no idea until I got some Detective Conan-related video in my YT suggestions. Had to do a double-take considering this is already a few months old.



    3. colorful人生


      Dug a bit more into the comments. It's theorized that...


      -  After オトイロハ (otoiroha) disbanded (which was really just a brief hiatus before their ジグザグ reformation), 長戸大幸 (Mr. Daiko Nagato), founder of the Being Group which produced ZARD & WANDS, scouted him for his "indies-era" voice. So he was familiar w/ his visual kei bands.


      -  He went under the pen name 上原大史 (Daishi Uehara) and did some composition/arrangement work for a ZARD tribute album and other works (w/ Being Group.)


      -  He performed in 琳派ROCK (Rimpa Rock) (shown at 5:16.) This alludes to the fact that he was already involved w/ the Being Group.


      - Became the 3rd vocalist of WANDS. The band suddenly active after 20 years (which makes this all the more special.)



      * This is an important resource:



      Completely overlooked the intense fan-research that goes into j-idol blogs & wikis. I should know considering I've done the same for some Johnny's -related v-artists. Going to comb over this to fix some details.


      ** Bonus Fact:



      It seems like ジグザグ's channel views grew fivefold with the 真っ赤なLip MV release. Also explains why CD prices have shot up too (something I actually observed a week-or-so ago.)

    4. suji


      bruh that's so wild! Good for him getting a gig like this! Although I'm not really into Zigzag anymore, there's no denying he has a great voice, so he truly deserves this! I was just surprised because I vaguely remember seeing a tweet about the day he joined and I didn't realize it was him out of all people!

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