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  1. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from SHOKI in KAMIJO new single "カストラート" (castrato) release   
    sounds pretty nice from that preview and dat engrish yo
  2. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to emmny in sads debuts new bassist and restarts activities   
    i love their look, kiyoharu is the most stylish (assuming the design stuff is done by him/in collab with him) out of all these visual oyajis
  3. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Karma’s Hat in Chanty Gu.shia. has been arrested   
    Can't they arrest someone from a shittier band instead
  4. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Yukami in スティグマ new single   
  5. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to nick in LONDBOY guitar RIO arrested   
  6. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Karma’s Hat in LONDBOY guitar RIO arrested   
    My man 
  7. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to rvrgf in ex-KILLANETH members new unit "TRNTY D:CODE" have formed   
    Looking forward to them releasing 2 singles and then disbanding, as seems to be the trend with Kai's last few bands.
    Joking aside, I really do love Kai's vocals, so I'm actually quite excited for this. Still, I hope this band manages to stick together longer than Kai's last few projects have.
  8. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Alkaloid in new band "CHOKE" has formed   
    New band "CHOKE" will hold their first live at Shinjuku CLUB SCIENCE at 2017/5/5.
    Deluxe edition of their album "CHOKE1" is available through their web shop, which includes CD+DVD+T-shirt (6000 yen, limited 100)
    [track list]
    1.under ground
    3.Slash and burn
    4.Stay high
    Vo.REON (ex-RUVISH)
    Gu.KVYA NONO (ex-JOKER-->HeaRt-->ν[NEU]-->ニンジャマンジャパン(NINJAMAN JAPAN), DragonWAPPPPPPER-->サウイフモノ(souiumono))
    Ba.B5 (ex-ANTI-KRANKE-->蜂-biene--->白黒キネマ(monokuro kinema)(support)-->DragonWAPPPPPPER(support)-->Medi@lize(support)-->PLUNKLOCK)

  9. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Zeus in A question to everyone   
    Since neither one of you have answered my question to a degree which satisfies me, I'm now taking action. If the two of you can share a room and share a computer, you can share your feelings too. This little cat and mouse game you have been playing is old news. Leave your little games on Reddit and the confines of your apartment. I don't want either one of you mucking up the forums until you hold hands, sing kumbaya, and figure out which one of your two personalities is the more dominant one. I've already banned one of you so this shouldn't be too hard.
    Oh, and I'm going to attribute any future accounts with Pokemon names in them to be either one of you...
  10. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to flamingditto69 in A question to everyone   
    What the Muk did you just Mukin’ say about me, you little pidgey? I’ll have you know my Rattata is in the top percentage of Rattatas, and I’ve been involved in numerous gym battles with Brock, and I have over 300 confirmed Rattata catches. I am trained in Normal-type warfare and I’m the top youngster in the entirety of Pewter City. You are nothing to me but just another trainer. I will wipe you the Muk out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on Route 3, mark my Muking words. You think you can get away with walking past me on your way to Mt. Moon? Think again, Muker. As we speak, I am contacting my secret network of youngsters across Kanto and your Pokedex is being traced right now so you better prepare for PokeBattle, Magikarp. The PokeBattle that wipes out the pathetic little Pokemon you call your Bulbasaur. You’re muking fainted, Kakuna. I can stand right here, and only right here, and my Rattata can make you black out in over 700 ways, and that's just with tackle. Not only am I extensively trained in Rattata combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of my comfy cargo shorts and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable Abra off the face of the region, you little Spearow. If only you could have known what a PokeBattle your little walk past me was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have stayed in Viridian Forest. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you pants wearing idiot. I will tail whip fury all over you and you will faint in it. You’re Muking blacked out, Red.
  11. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to emmny in A question to everyone   
    i told y'all she was crazy from day 1 let emmny have WARNED THE PEOPLE when she turns into minpha and doxes the WHOLE FORUM!!!
  12. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in YOHIO declared ambassador for Visual Kei app   
    what the fuck is going on in here on this day
  13. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to suji in D 14th anniversary oneman event + new looks!   
    D will hold their 14th anniversary oneman event, 「ヴァイスヴァルトの花嫁/シュヴァルツヴァルトの獣」 (Weisswald no Hanayome/Schwarzwald no Kemono), on April 6, April 14, and April 15.
    2017/4/6 [木] TSUTAYA O-WEST
    2017/4/14 [金] 名古屋Electric Lady Land
    2017/4/15 [土] ESAKA MUSE
    Ruiza's solo band will make a guest appearance.
    Bride of Weisswald:

    Beast of Schwarzwald:

    I'm so mad they got rid of that elf look so quickly...
  14. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from itsukoii in Fads, trends and influences in J-rock/Visual kei: What's next?   
    It's hard to say where the scene will go. It's mostly a big mess of metalcore, DJ ent, EDM, and some random spots of more revival kei. It's only hard to predict because visual kei is not defined by a particular genre of music so it could be anything. It's just dominated by certain genres depending upon where the scene currently stands on what's popular and gets sales. That's really what it comes down to. 
    Hell, it could be two dudes banging pots together and screaming with shitty make-up/outfits and it could be defined as visual kei just based on that.
  15. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from -NOVA- in Vexent 1st Album VICTIM   
  16. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from suji in 3 new members have joined BABY I LOVE YOU   
    forCroiX members?! YAAASSSS
  17. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to emmny in -OZ- one-day revival   
    Already posted. Please check prior content in News thread before posting unnecessary information in forum.
    linked here.
  18. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to suji in ex-メディーナ(Mediena) & MALISEND members new band "ヴァージュ(Virge)" has formed   
    damn some of y'all are so ungrateful smh 😂
  19. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to suji in David, SUI (ex-Megaromania-->凛(Lin)) solo project, has joined Chateau Agency   
    he does crabwalk on stage............................

  20. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to nick in Old User Names and Avatars   
  21. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Zeus in A Decade of Musings   
    I find myself with a lot of time to think about the state of Japanese music and how things have changed since I first became a fan. I'm sure you guys have these thoughts as well. For the 10th anniversary, I'm going to publish some random musings I've had about the scene. They'll just be bullet points from one sentence to a few sentences about anything related to visual kei or J-rock. If you guys want to join in just leave your bullet points below and I'll be posting them sometime soon.
    Thoughts from @Zeus:

    the GazettE
    We always had a dream of getting together a J-Rock Wikipedia of sorts to catalog our history. That idea is all but dead in the water. Last.fm is the closest we have to that and it's very decentralized. The day those servers go down is the day an entire epoch of international visual kei ends. From the perspective of an international fan, live distributed releases suck ass. It sucks more when the song in question is not put on another purchasable release, rendering that song out of reach for people like me unless we fork over tons of money to a third party reseller, so it's not like we could benefit the band if we tried. It really sucks when it was given away at a band's last gig, because the fans of that band will only dwindle from that moment on and the release will become even rarer until it reaches a tipping point where no one cares anymore. Then, you might get it if someone feels kind and doesn't purge it from their hard drives. An entire era of Japanese history was lost when Mega Upload went down. Many places exclusively used that website for all their deeds. It's said that 4% of all the traffic in the internet flowed through their servers at their peak. I say this because there are lots of releases that you just can't find anymore because links are dead and the fans have left. I've learned a valuable lesson about the permanence of data. I used to hate collection albums and viewed them as a quick way to make a buck. But after some stellar recent releases and faves of mine that broke up and left a collection album behind before they broke up, they are very useful for both sharing a blast from the past and for making mix tapes. Most blogspots have always seemed like a futile attempt to mimic what we do here for some bored teenagers 15 seconds of fame. I used to expend my energy trying to stamp them out, but that's just as futile. There were a select few that actually served as an archival device and were lit. Places like Byouto and Evil en lucifer existed with a plan and a demographic in mind and actually bothered with mirroring their own links and getting their own CDs. Re-recordings are almost always better than remasters for me. At least with the former it feels like the band put some effort into it. Speaking of which, the re-recordings on Lycaon's second album aren't that bad. I still don't like EROS or Aventure though. I've never listened to an X JAPAN song and I don't understand all of the hate Yoshiki gets sometimes. I like poking fun at Japanese Democracy, but other than that I'm from a different era than original X fans (are there even any left) so I can't cash in on nostalgia. I'm so far divorced from their music I have no feelings one way or another and if it ever does get released, I plan on buying, listening, and reviewing the new album fairly as if we haven't been waiting forever to hear it.  

    Never thought I would see a scene without UNDERCODE. Then again, there was a time I thought there would never be a scene without Matina and these days few people remember that label. Does YOHIO hang around here? He must visit every now and again - this place is too addictive and centralizing not to. Is there even anywhere else to go? Where do all the n00bs come from? I haven't heard anyone refer to anything as "too American" in years. We successfully stamped that ignorance out of the scene! I remember when XodiacK was first formed, their partnership with HearJapan, and their subsequent financial failure with their first single. They were a joke back then. Now they are considered a cult classic. It's crazy how malleable opinions are. BORN and Lycaon are two bands I waited forever for their disbandment, and when it happened I wasn't happy. Visual kei is making a third shift in sound away from the millenial-kei tunes into the unknown. This is a great time to be a fan!  
    Thoughts from @fitear1590:

    the fin.
    I need more VK bands with technical guitar work that aren't necessarily tied to some offshoot of metal (Aicle was a perfect example) The lines between VK and certain brands of indie are getting more porous; a very exciting combination of worlds! Honestly, what happened to Shiina Ringo? She was such a prominent figure in my music taste at one point, but she fizzled out... Please. End. The. Treble. Synth. Fad. Long live "art kei". May the patron saints (ex-members of bands like Moran, yazzmad, amber gris, etc.) keep the style going!  
    Thoughts from @emmny:

    amber gris saved visual kei after Buglug tried to destroy it and before issei literally almost destroyed himself falling off a balcony meto style Few things were more depressing than seeing Yuuki ruin UnsraW and then flop into infinity with DOAK "Lost november" by Diaura is the most iconic vk song released in...ever Revival kei was the only thing that saved vk past 2012 DIR EN GREY's career trajectory has been amazing and no I don't care what you have to say about DSS No, i'm not EVER getting over D'espairsray so can it. Can bands stop acting like visual kei is still popular, trying to play massive venues (which would have been considered average size 10 years ago) and then flopping intensely? Miztavlah YOU'RE NEXT...300/1200 O-West wait on it DADAROMA and Mejibray have the biggest followings in the western fandoms since vk died and its actually kinda adorable...won't save vk tho Ikenai Kiss by DIV was both the peak and death of EDM kei...RIP  
    Thoughts from @doombox:

    I still don't know how baby VK bands manage to pay for their costumes and make up artists when they can't get 100 people in a venue. MIYAVI proved you can survive after VK, have a public marriage and family, be covered in tattoos, and still be wildly popular. These days it's getting plain to see VK has gone down like the Titanic and we're all waiting in tiny lifeboats, clinging to each other and hoping another big ship will eventually come to save us. I'm still not over K (Pay money To my Pain), Shunsuke (Eldorado, bis), or Jasmine You (Versailles).  ONE OK ROCK took over the world. I'm still in shock. Japanese electro-core burnt out way too fast but man it was fun while it lasted.   
    Thoughts from @tetsu_sama69:

    When will people realize that most VK bands are just homage of older previous groups and THIS WILL ALWAYS BE A THING?!!? Most VK singers are just massive fanboys of Kiyoharu/Kyo/Hyde/Ruki even if it doesn't seem like they are there always SOMETHING that gives it away and trust me even your vk daddies had people they were fanboys of as well. "Musical differences" is just an excuse for you ran out of mommy/daddy's money for your costumes/recordings OR you just don't get along To survive in this fandom you either have to be extremely open-minded or stick to what you know you like but trust me... not everyone is going to like what you like and you have to accept that Accept it, we're all weeaboos.  
    Thoughts from @Ito:

    Not only has aie somehow managed tostill be sticking around, he is almost seemingly trying to  single handedly save VK...and somehow suceeding?  It took nearly the full span of 10 years, but every one of my favorite VK bands from 2007 has disbanded I am not sure if VK has gotten worse or if I've just gotten older and grumpier Yoshiki has transitioned from a legend to a laughingstock in the community It surprises me when I meet someone IRL and they tell me they are a big VK fan...and then I find out they haven't heard of MH. Like where the hell else are you going? I wish I was more inclined to go back and check out older work. I know I have missed out on plenty of wonderful Jrock, but I am just so keen on keeping with what it current. I really need to fix that. Are we ever going to get any VK bands to come to the States again, outside of the biggest of names? While I listen to far less VK now than I used to (read that as my musical tastes have broadened), it still holds an incredibly special place in my heart.  
    Thoughts from @CAT5:

    International Visual Kei fans are some of the craziest, most irritating, and deranged people that I've come across. They're also some of the most passionate, interesting, fun-loving, and generous music fans that I've had the pleasure of knowing. There's always been a stigma surrounding the community, but in my experience, there's more good to be said than bad. Monochrome-Heaven is one of the most slept-on forums of all time. We've been around for a decade and the community is still thriving despite the fact that forums are continually slipping into obsolescence. The world of J-rock is vast and infinite, and there's always something new and different to try if you look for it or ask the right people. Trying to convince VK fans that music outside of VK is somehow "better" or more worthwhile is an exercise in futility. Condescending or scoffing at VK fans is also equally idiotic. I've done both. Don't do it. You'll just come off as an absolute dick who's insecure in his own tastes and interests. VK marketing ploys are still pretty fucking hilarious and ridiculous.  Speaking of which, most of us have, at one point, gone broke for Visual Kei and Japanese music in general. It's expensive and wallet-crippling, yet glorious all the same. I still can't wrap my head around cheki or conditional disbandments. DIR EN GREY have never NOT been relevant.  

    MH and VK fans at large love themselves a good drama/scandal. From what i've seen, it's usually best to just have a sense of humor about these things. J-rock changes over time. Your favorite era may have been five, ten, or even fifteen years ago. Hell, it might even be NOW. Whatever the case, accept that the musical landscape is constantly changing. I think it's more effective to cherish your favs. and continuously sing their praises than it is to bitch and moan about bygone styles and eras, and how all new music sucks. Sharing keeps the J-rock community alive. It's what's kept us going this long. And not just the sharing of the music itself, but the sharing of news, lyrics/translations, scans, review, live reports, images...even something as simple as sharing your own, unique thoughts about a band or a release. It all counts. Every little piece contributes to keeping the scene alive at large. MH has truly been blessed in this regard, as so many of our members have come here to share openly and freely all out of love for VK, J-rock, and Japanese music as a whole. It's a beautiful thing and I thank everyone for every penny spent, every CD ripped, every mb uploaded, every post typed, and every general ounce of energy poured into our common love for Japanese music.

    Thanks for reading!
  22. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Ito in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    Ten years ago today, Spike760 and myself decided that we wanted to start a Japanese Rock forum. After a while of debating, we eventually settled on Tainted World (after the D’espairsRay song of the same name). Frankly, neither one of expected it to last all that long; this would hardly be the first forum that we had run together that didn’t go anywhere. But what started as a fun little project somehow blossomed into an amazing community. The fact that this site still exists after all this time has little to say about Spike and my’s original plan and everything to say about the members here. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping build this site into what it is today.
    While I was one of the key founders of this site, Monochrome Heaven is so much bigger than just me. That became clear to me when we went under the transition from Tainted World to our current name back in 2011. While to really understand why this is so important requires more context, I don’t want to go into a full on history lesson. But since that point, so many members have stepped up and dedicated themselves to this site, putting in the time and effort (and money) into making Monochrome Heaven as great as it possibly can be.
    To every member that has joined and felt like they were apart of a community over this silly niche interest we all have, I raise a glass to you. You all are what have made this place special. And to every staff member, current and past, no words can express my thanks to you - you are people that I have come to admire and consider good friends.
    But this post isn’t about me, but about the Monochrome Heaven! I want to hear from all of you as to why this community is special, why you’ve becoming coming back for 10 months or 10 years. Or tell us one of your favorite moments from your time coming, whether that was a release you were looking for forever or a stupid meme that took over the forum.

    Here’s some from other users to get things started!:
    @Ada Suilen
  23. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in A "semi-goodbye"   
    Hon, everyone here goes through an awkward introductory phase. For a long time, I'm pretty sure @CAT5couldn't stand me. And for a while, I used to think @Zeus was an elitist jerk.
    Once you start knowing people a bit more, it will feel a lot less awkward. Now Cat tolerates me. I also don't think Zeus is an elitist anymore. After talking to him and eventually meeting him IRL, I know he's an elitist jerk.  
    You've honestly done nothing wrong and I don't think anyone was actually upset or physically affected by anything you've seen. We've seen a lot of weirdos here -- you're no where close to being on par with what is considered "bad" by MH standards.
    You haven't:
    -Hacked anyone's account
    -Stalked + harassed several users
    -Pissed off the mods on a daily basis
    -Threatened the security of the site
    -Created a hostile environment for others to contribute information to
    -Caused a shitstorm of drama and made a new account with a "new identity" (for the 8th time)
    It's still your choice whether you'd like to lurk or not, but there's nothing to beat yourself up over.
  24. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from TheZigzagoon in Anyone here like Miztavla?   
    Fuck yeah I do
  25. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from Ada Suilen in Anyone here like Miztavla?   
    Fuck yeah I do
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