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  1. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Pretsy in Dir en grey   
    "Tone deaf" or not (debatable whether @Xetem meant the certain form of amusia or another lazy criticist cliche), what Kyo has lacked for these years is the amount of stamina needed for these studio efforts which otherwise required many tries to get desired results right. However, as we know (possibly), Kyo's position can be defended as follows:
    1) Kyo doesn't do "midriff/diaphragm growls" only - he is still incorporating "incorrect, damaging" grunting he has been doing on MOAB in his latest cookie monster moments. Name at least a couple of artists (no, not retarded picks akin to Dani Filth or Mike Patton with similar issues) who managed to save at least 50 % of their stamina for somewhat okay high-key singing (how I'd describe Kyo during specific parts) while meddling with these damaging grunts etc.
    2) Kyo's trademark squeals (once again, the "damaging" mix of vibrato'd whistle register, deranged screaming and shouting) require precice focusing and "allocation" of your stamina unlike traditional screams (if you do them "correctly")...and do you expect him to be always aware of when to focus on getting his fry screaming or tenor belting right?
    3) If you ever noticed from Dir's usual setlists, he gets no proper, long "breathing pauses" for his next set of deranged growling/screaming - singing ballads are merely brief and still require a lot of straining from Kyo's vocalcraft (even the simplest effort arrangement-wise "Un Deux" is not that easy to emulate), and for the most part they are beefed inbetween crazy studio-focused numbers. Can you really blame him or the band in overall for such choice then?
    So all in all, I am not sure what Xetem is trying to get at with cliched manifest a la "Kyo sucks, he is the weakest link" we have been hearing for a decade or perhaps even more if we consider long-time weebs like myself *clears throat*. Yes, he might be doing his techniques "incorrectly" in a variety of ways, technically speaking. However, would "musically correct approach" improve or actually damage Dir's art and practice of "gender-bending, varied vocal magic" as it has been known among various, open-minded music journo circles? Blaming Kyo for not being able to adapt "99%" (as WB said) to the BAND choices of multi-tracking, dubbing and "one chance, one take"-efforts (e.g. Kyo's freakout during Red Soil etc.) makes any astute, but still respecting listener question your otherwise very conflicting role here.
    I am not trying to raise my "BTFO" card here but I wonder - what are you getting at exactly? Do you acknowledge the fact that most of your proofs are merely preaching to the choir? Do you know that we have learned not to mind these minor mistakes in his atypical vocal palette? Are you legitimately trying to adopt classical/conservatory-tier music principles on assessing the ALTERNATIVE/EXPERIMENTAL BAND (which was supposed to be  a standard vk fare at first)?
    Would really love to derail this discussion and go for "where they'd go next"-kind of topic for the nth time, but as always - last.fm snobism is always present here...
  2. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Saishu in Dir en grey   
    I like that the person who, without anything even resembling a coherent analysis, arrived at the exact statement of Kyo being unable to hit notes "99%" of the time, is using "proof" as their main source of argument.
    Tip for next time, try to not use ridiculous exaggerations yourself if you want people to take your complaints seriously, especially if you want to back them up by facts at a later point. It just makes the original point you're trying to make distasteful even to people who might've been inclined to agree with you to a certain extent.
    I have some more shocking revelations to deliver to you in case you want to dig some more dirt about the band: Sometimes Kyo uses overdubbed vocals (up to four tracks at once in some parts), sometimes they have more than two guitar parts playing at once in studio tracks which might result in some stuff sounding "trimmed" in a live setting or missing certain things (just in case you want to tell us that Kaoru and Die can't play their parts properly either at a later point, I mean, a real musician would obviously play two guitars at once.). Even more shockingly, sometimes they do things in several takes in a studio (contrary to  "popular belief" it's not done in one take!) so due to human nature a note or two might actually be off sometimes during live performances. This is not exclusive to Dir en grey though, in fact it's common practice in almost every single band, and from this we should arrive at the conclusion that "99%" of the time most musicians can't perform their instruments and should probably just stay in the studio and not perform concerts.
    Or we just stop making stupid sensationalist posts intended to rile up fights and try to discuss things without hyperboles instead. But for some reason Dir en grey always seems to attract people who enjoy that kind of things.
  3. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from bellzinia in Worst to First: MUCC Albums   
    Aishuu wasn't re-recorded though just remastered for the collection with antique...
    Anyway, interesting to read someone with a completely opposite take on the band, in my opinion they started out strongest even though their kept the spirit alive for almost seven years afterwards.
    Also, on topic:
    1. Aishuu
    2. Antique
    3. Homura Uta
    4. Kuchiki no Tou
    5. Zekuu
    6. Tsuuzetsu
    The rest.
  4. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to HotaruFilth in KEEL new EP "Ugly duckling" release   
    Yay~ See you tomorrow <3
  5. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from HotaruFilth in KEEL new EP "Ugly duckling" release   
    Will also buy the new CD at the live tomorrow. Always nice to see Hotaru too at these events, it's becoming a bit of a yearly tradition by now.
  6. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    fuck you @Carmelzors, I just gone done writing this big-ass post to see you've already posted.  Imma post it anyways, and then read what you've got to say afterwards, so know this post was written without having read yours first!
    Ya know, It's funny because I think that @Pho, @WhirlingBlack, and @hiroki 's points about outside opinions have been proven - not directly through their arguments, but by simple virtue of them openly engaging in this conversation. Even if I don't agree with their outlooks, by sharing our separate arguments - I think this discourse has allowed all parties to become more aware of our different points of contention, and opened our perspectives a bit. I think this is part of what they were getting at all along, and as evidenced by emmny's post (which ppl from all sides of the debate have liked), there has been some extent of mutual understanding reached. So while I still stand by my words and feel like the opinions of outsiders should not eclipse the opinions of the oppressed in question, I can certainly appreciate the prospective value of those outside opinions. 
    This is a LOADED topic, and one that can get emotional and touchy quick. My posts have definitely been fraught with anger and frustration, but I'm glad that we could hold such a heated discussion without getting too catty about it. It's been unexpectedly cathartic for me, and there is a certain beauty to being able to discuss these things with people from literally all over the planet, all with different backgrounds and ideologies. So I apologize if I made anyone feel as if their opinion is unwanted, but in less angry terms than I stated earlier, I do think that when engaging with a topic this dense, we all have to humble ourselves to each other and respect the different perspectives at play - difficult as it can be. So with that in mind, rest assured that I've no hard feelings towards @Carmelzors, @WhirlingBlack, @Pho, or @hiroki. If anything, it's a good thing you guys are taking part in this conversation, because there are many who are too scared to, can't be bothered to, or simply refuse take part in it, and many others who don't even recognize it as an actual discussion.
    Also, bless @emmnyfor his post. I think he succinctly communicated what I had trouble trying to articulate in the last few posts. If I were to try and sum up what it feels like to be black in America, I'd describe it as follows. It's like a catch22 of sorts.  I wasn't born into world thinking "i am black, this is my identity. this is who i am". I still don't think that either. I'm just a human being with thoughts, hopes, dreams, fears..with an identity, same as anyone else. But unfortunately, we've been thrust into this silly racial game. Nobody asked to play this game. Black people didn't wake up one day say "you know what? let's create some racial tension for shits and giggles!"

    I like how @Pho described race as an "arbitrary identity factor" - and it is. Race is literally a man-made concept. So all of this racial strife...this "game" is complete and utter, divisive bullshit. But the problem is that for black Americans, this game is unavoidable. Imagine being trapped inside of a video game, but knowing that a world exists outside of that video game, and that you're not the one controlling the game. Even if you try to ignore the fact that you're in the game and go about living your life, you're still in the game at the end of the day. So what do you do? When you try to speak out to the controllers of the game - when you point out all of the racism and injustice - it only serves to antagonize and further perpetuate the game.  

    This is basically what being black in America feels like. Forced to play a game you don't want to. Even if you try to ignore it, the system still sees you as "black". I don't like calling myself black. I don't get off from doing that. It does literally nothing for me. I just want to be a normal human being like everybody else. "white privilege" comes into play when you realize that for the most part, white people can enter and exit this metaphorical game at will. The system recognizes them as individuals. Me on the other hand, no matter what I do and no matter who I choose to be, I'm still appended to this bullshit idea of "black". And if you want to make matters even worse, there are many black AND white in people in America who don't even realize they're in this crappy, antagonistic racial game. They're perfectly content being soulless sprites, living as they're programmed to. But that's a whole 'nother can of worms...

    I'm rambling at this point, but I do enjoy discussing this. Maybe we should just make a seperate thread? aha.
  7. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to enyx in random thoughts thread   
    Would rep @hiroki's post 100 times over, if I could. I find it utterly bizarre how most modern mainstream 'equality' movements seem intent on reinforcing the perceived divisions in whichever demographic dimension they're concerned with rather than deconstructing them through heterogeneous deliberative discussion and co-operation. It's as though there's a widespread fundamental misunderstanding of the concept of equality; where people somehow perceive increased separation between peoples based on arbitrary identity factors to be preferable to the elimination of those factors from social consciousness. What makes it worse is its self-reinforcing tendencies, wherein which individuals from 'outside' of the debate are marginalized or excluded on the logic that the argument "doesn't affect them", and thus the 'debate' ends up taking place in a homogeneous echo chamber of sorts. I'm seeing this trend in a lot of other aspects of society too, and I have to admit it leaves me feeling very concerned.
    Which would be completely fine, if your opinion was logically well-founded and well-supported. Refer to Hiroki's post above.
  8. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to CELESTIAL CIEL in Show Yourself (again)   
    kill me

  9. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Biopanda in random thoughts thread   
    I really think I don't need to add anything more on most of this because hiroki explained the whole situation perfectly. 
    About the intent of my comment on choice of words though, I have this to say:
    If you were to believe that the white policeman regardless of action taken by the other man was intent on shooting him to death before stepping up to him, then yes, murder would be accurate. If his purpose going up to him was to kill him then yes, that is murder. I don't like the idea of people facilitating such thoughts though because it might lead to more revenge murders of policemen (yes when you plan out and shoot people to death with full intent in advance, it's murder) and cause the situation to spiral. It's a tragedy yes and I don't doubt for a second that it's symptomatic for your country, but we are all responsible to not use words that can rile up more racial hate in a situation like this. I realise that is difficult for people affected though, and that's why third parties should be allowed input (if we even entertain the strange idea that only people directly affected by things are allowed to comment on them).
    That was the reason behind my comment about word choice. 
  10. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to hiroki in random thoughts thread   
    I don't want to wade too deep into this exchange for many reasons so I'll keep this as short as possible.
    First, to "defend" WhirlingBlack's statement even though I hardly know him at all: every word has a unique political and ethical valence so it's important for us to be always sensitive to how we use words. I don't think he intended to downplay in any way the severity of the situation by suggesting that the word 'murder' is inappropriate for this context. It's precisely because there already is a great deal at stake, that we can do without further amplifying tensions through the careless use of laden words. Describing the situation in precise terms does not mean to trivialize the anxieties that black people in America experience, nor does it mean to nullify the tragic reality of recent events--if anything it enables us to see the injustice for what it is and equip us to better address it. Using words like 'murder' risks reducing the issue to one of individual hatred/racism (it's not at all uncommon to hear people make startling claims like "all we need to do is to go out there and get rid of all black-haters"), while failing to address the much more entrenched and challenging problem of institutionalized racism of which these events are merely symptomatic.
    I don't question in the slightest how much this matters to someone like @CAT5 for whom racism is a daily struggle. It wouldn't make sense for any of us to try and pretend to grasp what living through all of that feels like. Yet, the capacity of the marginalized to articulate a legitimate and authentic account of their experience is often not ipso facto sufficient to precipitate fruitful transformative action, especially in a country like the US that is historically burdened by centuries worth of social structures in place to systematically work against certain groups of people. This is why I think it's crucial to not foreclose dialogue between the marginalized and people outside of that community simply because they cannot share the specificity of a minority's experience. To believe that these people have nothing to contribute to the existing discourse inhibits any potential coalition-building that can change things for the better. Likewise to claim that there's nothing of value that can be learned from someone living in a different place (or, for that matter, a different historical period) is a little too presumptuous.
    In my view: the perennial problem with organized movements in the service of virtually any form of identity politics (and not just race) is that the situation quickly devolves into a case of where you stand being all that matters, instead of the actual merits of what you think and say in support of your position. I think this is troubling. Not surprisingly this only became worse with the all the pseudo-journalism creeping into the Internet and in some ways we're already paying the price for it.  We don't even have to look very far beyond contemporary US politics to find the opportunist par excellence of this flavor. Many condemn Trump's rhetoric as divisive, but they fail to see that he is doing nothing more than leveraging on the polarizing potential that has always been latent in discourse on identity politics, as well as the general inability of the public to appreciate the actual depth and complexity of human affairs beyond the 'us vs them' dichotomy, as if things are as simple as separating two immiscible liquids by letting the denser one sink to the bottom before draining it off.
    In sum: it is in our interest to engage every point of view on the table with a provisional openness, while always remaining vigilant to pernicious perspectives regardless of which side of the barricade they happen to fall on. Both sides deserve and demand equal measures of rational scrutiny. This is the only way to foster any kind of fruitful political dialogue that will, with a lot of effort and a bit of luck, translate into the beginnings of systematic change.
    (Yes I might be typing all of these as someone who's 'living halfway across the planet,' but I'm far from being 'unconcerned.')
  11. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Zeus in Worst to First: MUCC Albums   
    Aishuu wasn't re-recorded though just remastered for the collection with antique...
    Anyway, interesting to read someone with a completely opposite take on the band, in my opinion they started out strongest even though their kept the spirit alive for almost seven years afterwards.
    Also, on topic:
    1. Aishuu
    2. Antique
    3. Homura Uta
    4. Kuchiki no Tou
    5. Zekuu
    6. Tsuuzetsu
    The rest.
  12. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from doombox in Worst to First: MUCC Albums   
    Aishuu wasn't re-recorded though just remastered for the collection with antique...
    Anyway, interesting to read someone with a completely opposite take on the band, in my opinion they started out strongest even though their kept the spirit alive for almost seven years afterwards.
    Also, on topic:
    1. Aishuu
    2. Antique
    3. Homura Uta
    4. Kuchiki no Tou
    5. Zekuu
    6. Tsuuzetsu
    The rest.
  13. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Koike in Worst to First: MUCC Albums   
    Aishuu wasn't re-recorded though just remastered for the collection with antique...
    Anyway, interesting to read someone with a completely opposite take on the band, in my opinion they started out strongest even though their kept the spirit alive for almost seven years afterwards.
    Also, on topic:
    1. Aishuu
    2. Antique
    3. Homura Uta
    4. Kuchiki no Tou
    5. Zekuu
    6. Tsuuzetsu
    The rest.
  14. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from ghost in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    The last show of the tour was definitely the best, in my opinion.
    The band and especially Kyo was really fired up and even though this in general has been a more energetic and "positive" tour (in the sense of the band actually being happy to interact with the audience) this last show was really a stand out. I think out of the many performances of Rinkaku I've seen this was probably the best also. When the show ended and the lights came back on people just kept screaming for another encore until the venue staff started forcing us out. I also managed to catch Shinyas wristband after the concert, which was a first for me. Nice to have some real Dir artifacts to wear to future gigs.
    A funny anecdote from the second to last show though is that not only did Die manage to lodge a waterbottle in the ceiling of the live house when throwing stuff, he also managed to break his guitar during one of the songs and just ran around teasing the crowd instead of getting a backup and continuing playing. Similarly, Toshiya broke off a string from his bass during THE IIID EMPIRE on the last show and then proceeded to just pull the rest off as well.
    I want to add that this was probably the most visually interesting Dir en grey lives I've attended too, lots and lots of lightning and laser effects and clever use of video screens and light in combination. I'm hoping they will release at least some partial footage from this tour since they did film at least some footage at most of the dates, but you never know.
    Finally, some advice for people who want to attend lives in Japan, never stand next to Japanese guys during concerts if you want to have a good time. They generally just stand around or at most halfheartedly wave their arm a bit. I did that mistake during parts of the last show and I ended up having to move because they were so boring. The girls always go all in so just stick by them if you want to actually participate in the headbanging and stuff.
    This was it for this tour for me but if anyone has any questions about it I'll do my best to answer them. I won't be participating in DSS but I'll most likely end up at parts of the kisou tour at least so expect some kind of reports then.
  15. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Deathtopi4 in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    The last show of the tour was definitely the best, in my opinion.
    The band and especially Kyo was really fired up and even though this in general has been a more energetic and "positive" tour (in the sense of the band actually being happy to interact with the audience) this last show was really a stand out. I think out of the many performances of Rinkaku I've seen this was probably the best also. When the show ended and the lights came back on people just kept screaming for another encore until the venue staff started forcing us out. I also managed to catch Shinyas wristband after the concert, which was a first for me. Nice to have some real Dir artifacts to wear to future gigs.
    A funny anecdote from the second to last show though is that not only did Die manage to lodge a waterbottle in the ceiling of the live house when throwing stuff, he also managed to break his guitar during one of the songs and just ran around teasing the crowd instead of getting a backup and continuing playing. Similarly, Toshiya broke off a string from his bass during THE IIID EMPIRE on the last show and then proceeded to just pull the rest off as well.
    I want to add that this was probably the most visually interesting Dir en grey lives I've attended too, lots and lots of lightning and laser effects and clever use of video screens and light in combination. I'm hoping they will release at least some partial footage from this tour since they did film at least some footage at most of the dates, but you never know.
    Finally, some advice for people who want to attend lives in Japan, never stand next to Japanese guys during concerts if you want to have a good time. They generally just stand around or at most halfheartedly wave their arm a bit. I did that mistake during parts of the last show and I ended up having to move because they were so boring. The girls always go all in so just stick by them if you want to actually participate in the headbanging and stuff.
    This was it for this tour for me but if anyone has any questions about it I'll do my best to answer them. I won't be participating in DSS but I'll most likely end up at parts of the kisou tour at least so expect some kind of reports then.
  16. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from blacktooth in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    The last show of the tour was definitely the best, in my opinion.
    The band and especially Kyo was really fired up and even though this in general has been a more energetic and "positive" tour (in the sense of the band actually being happy to interact with the audience) this last show was really a stand out. I think out of the many performances of Rinkaku I've seen this was probably the best also. When the show ended and the lights came back on people just kept screaming for another encore until the venue staff started forcing us out. I also managed to catch Shinyas wristband after the concert, which was a first for me. Nice to have some real Dir artifacts to wear to future gigs.
    A funny anecdote from the second to last show though is that not only did Die manage to lodge a waterbottle in the ceiling of the live house when throwing stuff, he also managed to break his guitar during one of the songs and just ran around teasing the crowd instead of getting a backup and continuing playing. Similarly, Toshiya broke off a string from his bass during THE IIID EMPIRE on the last show and then proceeded to just pull the rest off as well.
    I want to add that this was probably the most visually interesting Dir en grey lives I've attended too, lots and lots of lightning and laser effects and clever use of video screens and light in combination. I'm hoping they will release at least some partial footage from this tour since they did film at least some footage at most of the dates, but you never know.
    Finally, some advice for people who want to attend lives in Japan, never stand next to Japanese guys during concerts if you want to have a good time. They generally just stand around or at most halfheartedly wave their arm a bit. I did that mistake during parts of the last show and I ended up having to move because they were so boring. The girls always go all in so just stick by them if you want to actually participate in the headbanging and stuff.
    This was it for this tour for me but if anyone has any questions about it I'll do my best to answer them. I won't be participating in DSS but I'll most likely end up at parts of the kisou tour at least so expect some kind of reports then.
  17. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    The last show of the tour was definitely the best, in my opinion.
    The band and especially Kyo was really fired up and even though this in general has been a more energetic and "positive" tour (in the sense of the band actually being happy to interact with the audience) this last show was really a stand out. I think out of the many performances of Rinkaku I've seen this was probably the best also. When the show ended and the lights came back on people just kept screaming for another encore until the venue staff started forcing us out. I also managed to catch Shinyas wristband after the concert, which was a first for me. Nice to have some real Dir artifacts to wear to future gigs.
    A funny anecdote from the second to last show though is that not only did Die manage to lodge a waterbottle in the ceiling of the live house when throwing stuff, he also managed to break his guitar during one of the songs and just ran around teasing the crowd instead of getting a backup and continuing playing. Similarly, Toshiya broke off a string from his bass during THE IIID EMPIRE on the last show and then proceeded to just pull the rest off as well.
    I want to add that this was probably the most visually interesting Dir en grey lives I've attended too, lots and lots of lightning and laser effects and clever use of video screens and light in combination. I'm hoping they will release at least some partial footage from this tour since they did film at least some footage at most of the dates, but you never know.
    Finally, some advice for people who want to attend lives in Japan, never stand next to Japanese guys during concerts if you want to have a good time. They generally just stand around or at most halfheartedly wave their arm a bit. I did that mistake during parts of the last show and I ended up having to move because they were so boring. The girls always go all in so just stick by them if you want to actually participate in the headbanging and stuff.
    This was it for this tour for me but if anyone has any questions about it I'll do my best to answer them. I won't be participating in DSS but I'll most likely end up at parts of the kisou tour at least so expect some kind of reports then.
  18. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from emmny in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    The last show of the tour was definitely the best, in my opinion.
    The band and especially Kyo was really fired up and even though this in general has been a more energetic and "positive" tour (in the sense of the band actually being happy to interact with the audience) this last show was really a stand out. I think out of the many performances of Rinkaku I've seen this was probably the best also. When the show ended and the lights came back on people just kept screaming for another encore until the venue staff started forcing us out. I also managed to catch Shinyas wristband after the concert, which was a first for me. Nice to have some real Dir artifacts to wear to future gigs.
    A funny anecdote from the second to last show though is that not only did Die manage to lodge a waterbottle in the ceiling of the live house when throwing stuff, he also managed to break his guitar during one of the songs and just ran around teasing the crowd instead of getting a backup and continuing playing. Similarly, Toshiya broke off a string from his bass during THE IIID EMPIRE on the last show and then proceeded to just pull the rest off as well.
    I want to add that this was probably the most visually interesting Dir en grey lives I've attended too, lots and lots of lightning and laser effects and clever use of video screens and light in combination. I'm hoping they will release at least some partial footage from this tour since they did film at least some footage at most of the dates, but you never know.
    Finally, some advice for people who want to attend lives in Japan, never stand next to Japanese guys during concerts if you want to have a good time. They generally just stand around or at most halfheartedly wave their arm a bit. I did that mistake during parts of the last show and I ended up having to move because they were so boring. The girls always go all in so just stick by them if you want to actually participate in the headbanging and stuff.
    This was it for this tour for me but if anyone has any questions about it I'll do my best to answer them. I won't be participating in DSS but I'll most likely end up at parts of the kisou tour at least so expect some kind of reports then.
  19. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from zombieparadise in DIR EN GREY new single, new live DVD/BD, new domestic tour   
    That was roughly my first impression too, and I am a huge fan so I think it's a general consensus at this point regardless of fandom level. It sounds like the studio version is more fleshed out though and the song grew on me a bit between the first and third time I saw it. I'll report if anything changes tonight.
  20. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Tokage in MUCC new maxi single "CLASSIC" release   
    I remember this one standing out a little at least compared to the rest of the pop rock onslaught during the concert. It features piano (the acoustic CLASSIC kind, you know? Could be title reference) kind of heavily, at least it did during the live, which helped set it apart. I doubt it will please us old school fans much but you new style mucc fans are probably going to love it.
  21. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from doombox in MUCC new maxi single "CLASSIC" release   
    I remember this one standing out a little at least compared to the rest of the pop rock onslaught during the concert. It features piano (the acoustic CLASSIC kind, you know? Could be title reference) kind of heavily, at least it did during the live, which helped set it apart. I doubt it will please us old school fans much but you new style mucc fans are probably going to love it.
  22. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Trombe in Metronome will resume activities   
  23. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in MUCC new maxi single "ハイデ(heide)" release   
    I've been going wrong with mucc for the last nine years or so. Based on that fact alone I'm surprised how much I enjoyed yesterdays live. They played some of their best songs like 大嫌い、我、在るべき場所、ママ and オルゴール. Which I've been wanting to see for the past ten years or so. 
    Sadly of course they were interlaced with upbeat pop rock which made them stand out a bit, but what can you do.
    Review of the show is that it was good enough to consider seeing them again, even though I probably won't go out of my way unless it's nostalgia tours. I noticed how excited the fans seemed for some of the new songs and it made me realise that as far as the band is concerned, they are not flopping, so I can see why they want to keep at the current direction and that's why one can't have much hope for a return of old mucc.
    Didn't feel like creating a live report thread so here it is. 
  24. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from ghost in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    Okay, some notes about the concert today:
    The songs are performed largely in their original versions except for OBSCURE, and they're done in the same tuning as on the album as far as I'm able to tell using six string guitars. 
    Best live tracks by far was audience KILLER LOOP, MARMALADE CHAINSAW, CHILD PREY (the Japanese audience really made this song to be honest) and Shokubeni. I weren't able to get into NEW AGE CULTURE or R TO THE CORE yet due to their awkward/difficult audience participation but the songs themselves were awesome.
    Sadly no AMBER or Fukai yet but that's coming tomorrow.
    One of the strongest impressions I got from the show was how much better Uroko has become live, Kyo really hit all the right notes and the Japanese audience really knows how to improve the mood compared to Europe. 
    During Phenomenon Kyo was doing strange dances and drooling all over his hand which he then proceeded to rub all over his body. I'm pretty sure the fangirls were pleased. He also looked leaner more akin to his Vulgarism body than how he's been looking lately.
    After Phenomenon was also the only inward scream of the show, for those who are about such things.
    The whole band seemed really into it, smiling, posing and running around trying to rouse the audience... very much felt like a throwback to the more casual experience of old.
    Utafumi is almost exactly 3 minutes long, and I can't really grasp it. My first impression is: Extremely messy. Lots of clean singing and some passages with quick indecipherable screaming.  I was not able to get into it, but then again this was my spontaneous reaction when I saw the live premiere of Chain Repulsion too, which is now a favorite, so I'm going to give it a few more shows before I properly review it.
    Worst part of the show was playing The Inferno. Like really, you have a 19 song setlist and you decide to throw one of the worst tracks of ARCHE on there? How about doing another VULGAR track or just...really any other song?

    But I digress, an amazing experience.
    Stay tuned, I'll try to bring some notes tomorrow as well.
  25. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from rekzer in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    Having seen both versions of Fukai live in person now I can honestly say I don't really feel the Vulgarism version in comparison to the original. It's definitely weaker even though they are of course both great tracks.
    Also, nope, no G.D.S on this tour, sadly. 
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