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  1. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Komorebi in Youtubers React to Visual Kei   
    A lot of vk bands are on radio, problem is Japan has like two radio stations for every citizen so you're bound to never finding the right channel. 
    I'd say the problem is that the teenagers aren't socially awkward and angry anymore. Don't know what happened but the "I dress in black and hate the world, also im misunderstood and poetic"-kids, which formed the faceless masses of casual vk listeners, are all but gone. Only the hardcore are left and they always just formed a tiny piece of the fandom.
  2. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to nekkichi in Youtubers React to Visual Kei   
    fun HP trivia that JK Rowling never told her fans:

  3. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Karma’s Hat in Tropes in visual kei that you can't stand?   
    Two things
    Reality:  The upcoming Morrigan album is a good example. Any sort of romantic ideal you might have in your head about these guys just going out there to express themselves in sexy angry music and nais hairs and heavy makeup crumbles down when bands pull shit like this. Really releasing an album that's essentially a compilation shows a complete lack of vision, ambition and concern for their own image and legacy. The curtain has been pulled back and the money grubbing hackery is exposed in clear daylight. The profit margin unfortunately is part and parcel of visual kei, and it works to the scene's detriment. 
    The other thing is when these bands bust out the _traditional_ Japanese instruments to give a song some corny folk ornamentation. The worst recent offender I can think of was Avelcain. It wouldn't be as bad if the music actually treated the concept with some respect instead of hamming in a melody that sounds like it was composed for a TV advertisement about frozen chinese food. It's so fucking bad, like it's literally the same if a Finnish band played around with Kalevala image and dressed up in fucking furs and tar face paint, which is made all the more worse by the fact that there are bands that actually do that. For me personally the experience of seeing these bands is what a person from India ( pardon the generalisation, I know it's an infinitely diverse country ) would feel if he saw a band doing a concept album about the kamasutra while dressed up like Apu from the Simpsons. 
  4. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from r... in Youtubers React to Visual Kei   
    This might be a case of European vs. American perspective. I think VK was a much bigger "thing" here in Europe back in the day, possibly. I feel like the American scene has been pretty much static in comparison with decent numbers throughout but without any major spikes, but I might be wrong since I can only base that assessment on the online community. It might also help that metal and rock are pretty commonplace here in the Nordic countries as well so the threshold might've been lower to get into this kind of music.
    Second difference I suppose is how mainstream k-pop has become, we don't have K-pop on national television and most people here never made the connection between gangnam style and k-pop, it was just that one funny song from Korea, sort of like how Rammstein's popularity didn't cause a wave of german-language metal to become popular either. It's very much a subculture just like VK is/was and share a similar "obsessive" demographic and type of fans, since a lot of k-pop fans here are otaku who enjoy anime and things like that, people you'd think at first glace would be vk fans.
  5. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Takadanobabaalien in Youtubers React to Visual Kei   
    This might be a case of European vs. American perspective. I think VK was a much bigger "thing" here in Europe back in the day, possibly. I feel like the American scene has been pretty much static in comparison with decent numbers throughout but without any major spikes, but I might be wrong since I can only base that assessment on the online community. It might also help that metal and rock are pretty commonplace here in the Nordic countries as well so the threshold might've been lower to get into this kind of music.
    Second difference I suppose is how mainstream k-pop has become, we don't have K-pop on national television and most people here never made the connection between gangnam style and k-pop, it was just that one funny song from Korea, sort of like how Rammstein's popularity didn't cause a wave of german-language metal to become popular either. It's very much a subculture just like VK is/was and share a similar "obsessive" demographic and type of fans, since a lot of k-pop fans here are otaku who enjoy anime and things like that, people you'd think at first glace would be vk fans.
  6. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Tokage in MUCC new maxi single "CLASSIC" release   
    I remember this one standing out a little at least compared to the rest of the pop rock onslaught during the concert. It features piano (the acoustic CLASSIC kind, you know? Could be title reference) kind of heavily, at least it did during the live, which helped set it apart. I doubt it will please us old school fans much but you new style mucc fans are probably going to love it.
  7. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from blackdoll in [Band Battle] Since1889 vs. UnsraW   
    If this had been Core the Child vs. Since1889 it would've been a much more difficult fight. Also note that some of the tracks people consider UnsraW "classics" are just covers of Core the Child.
    I really enjoyed much UnsraW material pre-hiatus but they mostly put out garbage afterwards, and while it's true that Since1889 declined towards the end of their career too and had a much smaller discography, I feel like that they at their height (up to and including unfair single) had a better and tighter sound than UnsraW. It's sad that their location and lack of funds unabled them to record more material with that lineup. (they had a lot of unreleased songs during this period)
    So for partially unrealized potential, personal nostalgia and just the fact that they reached a higher level, even though it is with a vastly smaller discography, I have to go with Since1889. 
  8. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Zeus in #79: Dir en grey - 詩踏み   
    1. 詩踏み (utafumi)
    2. 空谷の跫音 (kuukoku no kyuuon) feat. SUGIZO
    3. Revelation of mankind [REMIX]
    | Just your standard Dir en grey single
    Dir en grey should think hard about not including B-sides with their next single. I haven't heard a convincing original B-side since "腐海 (Fukai)" and that was back in the VULGAR era. I don't want Dir en grey taking great tracks and hiding them in the dark corners of their discography, but I hate feeling like their additional offerings are never worth listening to. Once in a blue moon the band will surprise you with something decent - like the "undecided" remix - only to turn around and punch you in the gut with something like the unplugged version of "AGITATED SCREAMS OF MAGGOTS". A part of me wonders if they even put effort into the coupling tracks, knowing that only hardcore fans would even think of looking there. These complaints don't take away from "詩踏み" being a wonderful single track, but it's a fact that as far as Dir en grey singles are constructed, this is nothing revolutionary.
    Sounding like a less restrained SUSTAIN THE UNTRUTH, "詩踏み (utafumi)" drops the nuanced groove and focus on atmosphere for pure aggression and it's absolutely amazing. Distilling all the best parts of their last three albums into a three minute songs is a herculean task, but Dir en grey do it right. The loose structure takes a few listens to digest, yet it still manages to create an engaging experience that captures feelings of solitude and anger the band was aiming for. This I attribute to the production; the mix feels full and the bottom end feels heavy and tight as it should, but with a memorable chorus and Kyo's performance overall I get claustrophobic, religious vibes. One thing is for sure is from the distortion laced opening to the creepy interlude, "詩踏み" keeps my attention effortlessly the whole time. The completely mental music video and their accompanying look has quickly become my favorite one of year, perfectly capturing the aggression, energy, and confusion of the song. It is also a clear sign that they're over their rebellious phase as they've taken their visuals back to new and shocking heights. This is one hell of a return to a scene they said they were done with all those years ago! As we approach their 20th anniversary, "詩踏み" is a bold statement that Dir en grey isn't done impressing us yet.
    If only I had kind words for the rest of the single...
    I can feel my attention span rapidly depleting as the dull "空谷の跫音 (kuukoku no kyuuon)" makes a reappearance featuring SUGIZO of LUNA SEA fame fiddling on the violin for extra ambience. This is what happens when a good idea hits too late. It's an improvement over the original, but it also doesn't differ by much. Whenever I think of SUGIZO making a guest appearance on a track he usually elevates it to another level. Unfortunately SUGIZO doesn't leave too a large impact on this track. Iit goes in one ear and out the other in five minutes. I'm content to throw out the original album version and slide this in its place because SUGIZO makes it infinitely better, but I'm not going bananas over this.
    "Revelation of mankind [REMIX]" is very misleading and is the band's newest entry in "garbage remixes no one wanted or asked for". The original track was a passable second attempt at "流転の塔 (ruten no tou)". This sounds like nondescript trance step blasting from burnt out speakers in a seedy Manhattan club, and that's a sentence I never wanted to use to describe Dir en grey music. The upbeat tone, vocoder, and wubs stick out badly in sound and mood. It reminds me a lot of ゆらめき (yurameki) (S.N.Y. Remix) in the worst ways possible, especially in how little it resembles the original song save for some lyrics here and there. Even as the staunchest Dir en grey fan, I say you can do without this.
    Take the first track and split.
    cdjapan | itunes
  9. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Anne Claire in Show Yourself (again)   
    Face revealing timeeeeeee~~~ yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy~~~

  10. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to CELESTIAL CIEL in Show Yourself (again)   
    "Drunk selfies are the only ones that count!" Ⓒ @nattliga_toner

  11. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Karma’s Hat in random thoughts thread   
    Well there was that one guy from scandal heaven who said that he would leave after a certain date and as far as I know he hasn't he been back since. He doesn't count though, because he was only here for a month or two. He is best remembered from this legendary thread 
  12. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from platy in A question to everyone   
    To be honest and fair though, while I agree that Yohio is morally despicable in a lot of ways and the fact that I have personal relations with people affected by this (as do most in the fragment of what's left of a Swedish VK scene), I have to say that a major reason for the dislike is that western peoples shit generally get out a lot easier. There are plenty of Japanese bandmen who do equally awful things to fans and other women who happen to get in their way. We just don't really hear about it because we either chalk it up to Tanuki rumours or, most likely, no one cares to read up about it at all. Because looking up every entry level bandman who fucks up (without breaking any major laws) would just not be feasible.
    Ironically though, I think he's representing the current (unfortunate) trends in the Japanese scene pretty well, tapping into both the pop and the more heavy sides of "neo-vk" with his various projects. The problem is that it's highly unoriginal and sounds like derivatives of a bunch of popular bands tossed together in a blender based on what he was able to dig up on his latest youtube escapades, bands that themselves aren't very exciting to begin with (this is personal opinion though, of course). I also always found him and his group of friends to have pretty shallow knowledge of VK during encounters so the fact that he apparently knew several 90s bands back in the day sometime surprises me, because I've always felt during conversations like they're the kind of guys who think Dir en grey's OBSCURE PV is the most cool and obscure shit around. (remember when Yohio was watching it in that documentary from SVT? lol.) 
    So while I agree that there are plenty of good reasons to not like Yohio, my point is that if this was another good for nothing Japanese indie VK guy, chances are we wouldn't be interested, but precisely because he's a foreigner and we have access to a larger amount of information we are able to more easily pass judgement on his behaviour. And perhaps that's for the better, really.
  13. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from saltofstones in A question to everyone   
    To be honest and fair though, while I agree that Yohio is morally despicable in a lot of ways and the fact that I have personal relations with people affected by this (as do most in the fragment of what's left of a Swedish VK scene), I have to say that a major reason for the dislike is that western peoples shit generally get out a lot easier. There are plenty of Japanese bandmen who do equally awful things to fans and other women who happen to get in their way. We just don't really hear about it because we either chalk it up to Tanuki rumours or, most likely, no one cares to read up about it at all. Because looking up every entry level bandman who fucks up (without breaking any major laws) would just not be feasible.
    Ironically though, I think he's representing the current (unfortunate) trends in the Japanese scene pretty well, tapping into both the pop and the more heavy sides of "neo-vk" with his various projects. The problem is that it's highly unoriginal and sounds like derivatives of a bunch of popular bands tossed together in a blender based on what he was able to dig up on his latest youtube escapades, bands that themselves aren't very exciting to begin with (this is personal opinion though, of course). I also always found him and his group of friends to have pretty shallow knowledge of VK during encounters so the fact that he apparently knew several 90s bands back in the day sometime surprises me, because I've always felt during conversations like they're the kind of guys who think Dir en grey's OBSCURE PV is the most cool and obscure shit around. (remember when Yohio was watching it in that documentary from SVT? lol.) 
    So while I agree that there are plenty of good reasons to not like Yohio, my point is that if this was another good for nothing Japanese indie VK guy, chances are we wouldn't be interested, but precisely because he's a foreigner and we have access to a larger amount of information we are able to more easily pass judgement on his behaviour. And perhaps that's for the better, really.
  14. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Zeus in A question to everyone   
    To be honest and fair though, while I agree that Yohio is morally despicable in a lot of ways and the fact that I have personal relations with people affected by this (as do most in the fragment of what's left of a Swedish VK scene), I have to say that a major reason for the dislike is that western peoples shit generally get out a lot easier. There are plenty of Japanese bandmen who do equally awful things to fans and other women who happen to get in their way. We just don't really hear about it because we either chalk it up to Tanuki rumours or, most likely, no one cares to read up about it at all. Because looking up every entry level bandman who fucks up (without breaking any major laws) would just not be feasible.
    Ironically though, I think he's representing the current (unfortunate) trends in the Japanese scene pretty well, tapping into both the pop and the more heavy sides of "neo-vk" with his various projects. The problem is that it's highly unoriginal and sounds like derivatives of a bunch of popular bands tossed together in a blender based on what he was able to dig up on his latest youtube escapades, bands that themselves aren't very exciting to begin with (this is personal opinion though, of course). I also always found him and his group of friends to have pretty shallow knowledge of VK during encounters so the fact that he apparently knew several 90s bands back in the day sometime surprises me, because I've always felt during conversations like they're the kind of guys who think Dir en grey's OBSCURE PV is the most cool and obscure shit around. (remember when Yohio was watching it in that documentary from SVT? lol.) 
    So while I agree that there are plenty of good reasons to not like Yohio, my point is that if this was another good for nothing Japanese indie VK guy, chances are we wouldn't be interested, but precisely because he's a foreigner and we have access to a larger amount of information we are able to more easily pass judgement on his behaviour. And perhaps that's for the better, really.
  15. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Seimeisen in A question to everyone   
    To be honest and fair though, while I agree that Yohio is morally despicable in a lot of ways and the fact that I have personal relations with people affected by this (as do most in the fragment of what's left of a Swedish VK scene), I have to say that a major reason for the dislike is that western peoples shit generally get out a lot easier. There are plenty of Japanese bandmen who do equally awful things to fans and other women who happen to get in their way. We just don't really hear about it because we either chalk it up to Tanuki rumours or, most likely, no one cares to read up about it at all. Because looking up every entry level bandman who fucks up (without breaking any major laws) would just not be feasible.
    Ironically though, I think he's representing the current (unfortunate) trends in the Japanese scene pretty well, tapping into both the pop and the more heavy sides of "neo-vk" with his various projects. The problem is that it's highly unoriginal and sounds like derivatives of a bunch of popular bands tossed together in a blender based on what he was able to dig up on his latest youtube escapades, bands that themselves aren't very exciting to begin with (this is personal opinion though, of course). I also always found him and his group of friends to have pretty shallow knowledge of VK during encounters so the fact that he apparently knew several 90s bands back in the day sometime surprises me, because I've always felt during conversations like they're the kind of guys who think Dir en grey's OBSCURE PV is the most cool and obscure shit around. (remember when Yohio was watching it in that documentary from SVT? lol.) 
    So while I agree that there are plenty of good reasons to not like Yohio, my point is that if this was another good for nothing Japanese indie VK guy, chances are we wouldn't be interested, but precisely because he's a foreigner and we have access to a larger amount of information we are able to more easily pass judgement on his behaviour. And perhaps that's for the better, really.
  16. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Takadanobabaalien in 御神(mikami)(ex-ネイムレス(nameless)) new band "L'a;dir de rais" has formed   
    Pretty sure this must be a troll band, the title of their song is spoofing Kuroyume,  the name of the band looks like a mashup of La:Sadie's, Dir en grey and Gille de Rais, and then as above pointed out their vocalist named themselves Madeth. Plus that email address? lol.
    I like this though because the way its super overt and referenced makes me feel better about the upcoming copy-paste 90s vk than I do about bands who thrive on the fact that many Japanese fans don't know about older music and thus can't see through attempts at renaming old Dir en grey songs (and re-recording their PVs) and passing them off as your own. (although I'm guilty of thinking that's amusing as well and decently entertaining at lives but at least I feel bad about it.)
  17. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from vanivani in A question to everyone   
    To be honest and fair though, while I agree that Yohio is morally despicable in a lot of ways and the fact that I have personal relations with people affected by this (as do most in the fragment of what's left of a Swedish VK scene), I have to say that a major reason for the dislike is that western peoples shit generally get out a lot easier. There are plenty of Japanese bandmen who do equally awful things to fans and other women who happen to get in their way. We just don't really hear about it because we either chalk it up to Tanuki rumours or, most likely, no one cares to read up about it at all. Because looking up every entry level bandman who fucks up (without breaking any major laws) would just not be feasible.
    Ironically though, I think he's representing the current (unfortunate) trends in the Japanese scene pretty well, tapping into both the pop and the more heavy sides of "neo-vk" with his various projects. The problem is that it's highly unoriginal and sounds like derivatives of a bunch of popular bands tossed together in a blender based on what he was able to dig up on his latest youtube escapades, bands that themselves aren't very exciting to begin with (this is personal opinion though, of course). I also always found him and his group of friends to have pretty shallow knowledge of VK during encounters so the fact that he apparently knew several 90s bands back in the day sometime surprises me, because I've always felt during conversations like they're the kind of guys who think Dir en grey's OBSCURE PV is the most cool and obscure shit around. (remember when Yohio was watching it in that documentary from SVT? lol.) 
    So while I agree that there are plenty of good reasons to not like Yohio, my point is that if this was another good for nothing Japanese indie VK guy, chances are we wouldn't be interested, but precisely because he's a foreigner and we have access to a larger amount of information we are able to more easily pass judgement on his behaviour. And perhaps that's for the better, really.
  18. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Takadanobabaalien in A question to everyone   
    To be honest and fair though, while I agree that Yohio is morally despicable in a lot of ways and the fact that I have personal relations with people affected by this (as do most in the fragment of what's left of a Swedish VK scene), I have to say that a major reason for the dislike is that western peoples shit generally get out a lot easier. There are plenty of Japanese bandmen who do equally awful things to fans and other women who happen to get in their way. We just don't really hear about it because we either chalk it up to Tanuki rumours or, most likely, no one cares to read up about it at all. Because looking up every entry level bandman who fucks up (without breaking any major laws) would just not be feasible.
    Ironically though, I think he's representing the current (unfortunate) trends in the Japanese scene pretty well, tapping into both the pop and the more heavy sides of "neo-vk" with his various projects. The problem is that it's highly unoriginal and sounds like derivatives of a bunch of popular bands tossed together in a blender based on what he was able to dig up on his latest youtube escapades, bands that themselves aren't very exciting to begin with (this is personal opinion though, of course). I also always found him and his group of friends to have pretty shallow knowledge of VK during encounters so the fact that he apparently knew several 90s bands back in the day sometime surprises me, because I've always felt during conversations like they're the kind of guys who think Dir en grey's OBSCURE PV is the most cool and obscure shit around. (remember when Yohio was watching it in that documentary from SVT? lol.) 
    So while I agree that there are plenty of good reasons to not like Yohio, my point is that if this was another good for nothing Japanese indie VK guy, chances are we wouldn't be interested, but precisely because he's a foreigner and we have access to a larger amount of information we are able to more easily pass judgement on his behaviour. And perhaps that's for the better, really.
  19. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Zeus in Trombe has disbanded   
    I derived endless amusement from the banter in this topic. The mental calisthenics some of you are going through to paint the staff in a bad light with absolutely no evidence to back it up really gives me a chortle. I don't know if you get your rocks off always being contrarian or if you just don't like us - and I don't really care - but now it's turning into personal vendettas against members who have beef with one another and who are using his departure as a cover. So now this ends.
    @blackdoll, you in particular need to chill out. None of what you said has any basis in reality and @emmny is more on point than you are. Do not conflate the right to an opinion with being wrong. You shared your opinion and I am telling you that you are wrong. Enough already.
    Thank you to everyone else in this topic who didn't jump to conclusions and who understands that this is a delicate, complex situation with no right answers. Trombe has been a vital part of Monochrome Heaven for a very long time but even long-lasting relationships don't always work out. I've said it before and I'll say it again: this didn't work out because the staff and Trombe no longer see eye to eye on how news should be posted and how the section should be moderated. The ban is a separate issue entirely from what everyone else in this topic is going on about and I'm reserving Trombe's right to privacy so don't ask or offer conjectures. Trombe will continue to post news in the form that he sees best and if that entails returning to MH at some point than so be it. Monochrome Heaven will continue to have a news section and you are all welcome to fill the void and post news.
    In case you need me to make it extra clear for you: Trombe chose to leave Monochrome Heaven. He said so. We said so. If you don't believe either party, that's on you.
    This topic will now return to wishing Trombe a farewell. Anyone who uses this topic as a platform for airing their own drama will have their posts deleted and receive a nice warning notification to go with it.
  20. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to CAT5 in Trombe has disbanded   
    To just add to the points above - many of the people who have TRIED to contribute news have been constantly antagonized and oppressed by trombe's actions. @Traxanis NOT the only one to have experienced this. What most of you guys DON'T see are the endless complaints about trombe that the staff receives from other members about how their own contributions are being impeded upon. Other great contributors like YNS and numetal were mentioned - the difference is that they don't actively try to prevent other people from contributing as well. They do their part for the community and allow others to do the same. No one has EVER been against trombe posting news. Hell, he's free to post as much news as he wants as often as he wants, but there's no need to step on other people's toes.
    And to even assume that the staff did not value trombe's contributions is absurd. trombe has been problematic for years now and the staff have tried their hardest to work with, honor, and appease trombe because his contributions were so meaningful. But what do you do when you give someone a special rank, color, and their own special set of permissions - when you give them the power to contribute more efficiently and they just abuse that power? What do you do when you're a staff member trying to address a problem and your efforts to communicate and work out said problem are blatantly ignored? What do you do with a user who is constantly praised and literally the member with the most likes on the entire forum BY FAR, yet this member bitches and moans when a few threads (out of hundreds posted every week) don't get any replies (despite plenty of page views)?
    The staff have literally bent over backwards for trombe. If It was up to me, I would have perma-banned his ass ages ago - because I wouldn't want to keep dealing with his constant bullshit, his shitty attitude, and his inability to actually talk shit out and reason. Fuck that, he can kick rocks. Dude was fuckin' temp-banned for a week. A MOTHERFUCKING WEEK. Bruh...And yall think the mods don't value this guy? No one in their right minds would continue to put up with this nonsense if they didn't actually give a shit.
    I mean, I get it. I understand that emotions are high and people are upset about losing a contributor as outstanding as trombe, but at the end of the day, It should also be understood that trombe is leaving of his own accord - not because of the staff, or "trolls", or some ridiculous behind-the-scenes plot. So again, I say good. You should leave if you're not willing to cooperate and be a part of this community.
  21. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    Yoshiki's REAL important announcement: Yoshiki was Trombe all along and he's leaving MH because we keep roasting his chips brand
    also, do this

  22. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Saishu in Dir en grey   
    I like that the person who, without anything even resembling a coherent analysis, arrived at the exact statement of Kyo being unable to hit notes "99%" of the time, is using "proof" as their main source of argument.
    Tip for next time, try to not use ridiculous exaggerations yourself if you want people to take your complaints seriously, especially if you want to back them up by facts at a later point. It just makes the original point you're trying to make distasteful even to people who might've been inclined to agree with you to a certain extent.
    I have some more shocking revelations to deliver to you in case you want to dig some more dirt about the band: Sometimes Kyo uses overdubbed vocals (up to four tracks at once in some parts), sometimes they have more than two guitar parts playing at once in studio tracks which might result in some stuff sounding "trimmed" in a live setting or missing certain things (just in case you want to tell us that Kaoru and Die can't play their parts properly either at a later point, I mean, a real musician would obviously play two guitars at once.). Even more shockingly, sometimes they do things in several takes in a studio (contrary to  "popular belief" it's not done in one take!) so due to human nature a note or two might actually be off sometimes during live performances. This is not exclusive to Dir en grey though, in fact it's common practice in almost every single band, and from this we should arrive at the conclusion that "99%" of the time most musicians can't perform their instruments and should probably just stay in the studio and not perform concerts.
    Or we just stop making stupid sensationalist posts intended to rile up fights and try to discuss things without hyperboles instead. But for some reason Dir en grey always seems to attract people who enjoy that kind of things.
  23. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Ro plz in Dir en grey   
    I like that the person who, without anything even resembling a coherent analysis, arrived at the exact statement of Kyo being unable to hit notes "99%" of the time, is using "proof" as their main source of argument.
    Tip for next time, try to not use ridiculous exaggerations yourself if you want people to take your complaints seriously, especially if you want to back them up by facts at a later point. It just makes the original point you're trying to make distasteful even to people who might've been inclined to agree with you to a certain extent.
    I have some more shocking revelations to deliver to you in case you want to dig some more dirt about the band: Sometimes Kyo uses overdubbed vocals (up to four tracks at once in some parts), sometimes they have more than two guitar parts playing at once in studio tracks which might result in some stuff sounding "trimmed" in a live setting or missing certain things (just in case you want to tell us that Kaoru and Die can't play their parts properly either at a later point, I mean, a real musician would obviously play two guitars at once.). Even more shockingly, sometimes they do things in several takes in a studio (contrary to  "popular belief" it's not done in one take!) so due to human nature a note or two might actually be off sometimes during live performances. This is not exclusive to Dir en grey though, in fact it's common practice in almost every single band, and from this we should arrive at the conclusion that "99%" of the time most musicians can't perform their instruments and should probably just stay in the studio and not perform concerts.
    Or we just stop making stupid sensationalist posts intended to rile up fights and try to discuss things without hyperboles instead. But for some reason Dir en grey always seems to attract people who enjoy that kind of things.
  24. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from VESSMIER in Dir en grey   
    I like that the person who, without anything even resembling a coherent analysis, arrived at the exact statement of Kyo being unable to hit notes "99%" of the time, is using "proof" as their main source of argument.
    Tip for next time, try to not use ridiculous exaggerations yourself if you want people to take your complaints seriously, especially if you want to back them up by facts at a later point. It just makes the original point you're trying to make distasteful even to people who might've been inclined to agree with you to a certain extent.
    I have some more shocking revelations to deliver to you in case you want to dig some more dirt about the band: Sometimes Kyo uses overdubbed vocals (up to four tracks at once in some parts), sometimes they have more than two guitar parts playing at once in studio tracks which might result in some stuff sounding "trimmed" in a live setting or missing certain things (just in case you want to tell us that Kaoru and Die can't play their parts properly either at a later point, I mean, a real musician would obviously play two guitars at once.). Even more shockingly, sometimes they do things in several takes in a studio (contrary to  "popular belief" it's not done in one take!) so due to human nature a note or two might actually be off sometimes during live performances. This is not exclusive to Dir en grey though, in fact it's common practice in almost every single band, and from this we should arrive at the conclusion that "99%" of the time most musicians can't perform their instruments and should probably just stay in the studio and not perform concerts.
    Or we just stop making stupid sensationalist posts intended to rile up fights and try to discuss things without hyperboles instead. But for some reason Dir en grey always seems to attract people who enjoy that kind of things.
  25. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from filth_y in Dir en grey   
    I like that the person who, without anything even resembling a coherent analysis, arrived at the exact statement of Kyo being unable to hit notes "99%" of the time, is using "proof" as their main source of argument.
    Tip for next time, try to not use ridiculous exaggerations yourself if you want people to take your complaints seriously, especially if you want to back them up by facts at a later point. It just makes the original point you're trying to make distasteful even to people who might've been inclined to agree with you to a certain extent.
    I have some more shocking revelations to deliver to you in case you want to dig some more dirt about the band: Sometimes Kyo uses overdubbed vocals (up to four tracks at once in some parts), sometimes they have more than two guitar parts playing at once in studio tracks which might result in some stuff sounding "trimmed" in a live setting or missing certain things (just in case you want to tell us that Kaoru and Die can't play their parts properly either at a later point, I mean, a real musician would obviously play two guitars at once.). Even more shockingly, sometimes they do things in several takes in a studio (contrary to  "popular belief" it's not done in one take!) so due to human nature a note or two might actually be off sometimes during live performances. This is not exclusive to Dir en grey though, in fact it's common practice in almost every single band, and from this we should arrive at the conclusion that "99%" of the time most musicians can't perform their instruments and should probably just stay in the studio and not perform concerts.
    Or we just stop making stupid sensationalist posts intended to rile up fights and try to discuss things without hyperboles instead. But for some reason Dir en grey always seems to attract people who enjoy that kind of things.
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