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WhirlingBlack last won the day on September 29 2019

WhirlingBlack had the most liked content!

About WhirlingBlack

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  • Birthday 03/30/1991

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  1. Would be nice to see a policy update on the forum with regards to what kind of commercial ventures are allowed to be linked and not, so to be clear on that recent events aren't arbitrary and motivated by personal vendettas. information provided so far has been insufficient.

    1. togz
    2. Ito


      Monochrome Heaven does not have a policy on commercial ventures. We have written no policy nor do we have any plans to at the moment. Thus, if you aren't volating any other rules and you aren't spamming, it is perfectly fine.

      I understand that this status is asking for more information on the RarezHut situation, but the staff collectivly made a desision to only post the certain ammount of information in announcement for a reason. If you wish to believe that those reason ar...

    3. Ito


      ...are "arbitrary and motivated by personal vendetta," you are free to do so. Thinking it won't make it true, however."

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