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  1. 悲しい
    cvltic got a reaction from Komorebi in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    unfortunately i don't have the free time i did when i started this thread, but here's a summary of the new tweets since the restoration until now:
    -Employees from child welfare and city officials have visited her
    -Her child is mentally unstable
    -Received some amount of settlement money but is considering a lawsuit as she takes some kind of issue with the amount. She wants him to sign some documents (including a restraining order that will forbid him from approaching the child and a written acknowledgement of a telephone call where he said he wouldn't make any claims damage or sue for defamation), but...
    -Kisaki changed his number and is refusing contact, she implores him to respond
    -Her ex husband was upset about the fact that Kisaki and the woman were briefly in an adulterous relationship and allegedly wants to sue. (He only wants to sue Kisaki over this.) She amends this to point out he's also mad about what's happened with the child later.
    -She was requested to withdraw her criminal complaint to police as part of the settlement money negotiations.
  2. Like
    cvltic reacted to EzraEroguro in The Bad Boys of Visual Kei   
    Really, you're better off.
  3. Like
    cvltic reacted to Ro plz in The Bad Boys of Visual Kei   
    Whoever voted for AK, reveal yourselves and turn on your location. I just wanna talk please. 
    And wow, I actually didn't peep that Wataru apologized for that incident and the bands style change was a result of that incident. That's actually pretty respectable....
  4. LOVE!
    cvltic got a reaction from melmo382 in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    @platy I thought I explicitly acknowledged this when I brought it up. Let me reiterate that I understand that, and that my point is not that you have to believe in all rumors or believe in no rumors. My point is if you're going to smugtweet about how correct and smart Dir en grey is to have ditched Kisaki you should at least demonstrate a semblance of awareness that the Dir house isn't exactly clean when it comes to allegations even if you don't weigh them the same. (This should probably extend to trying to hold up "vk celeb you like" as moral over "vk celeb you don't like that has been implicated" in general because you don't fucking know them or what they've done anyway.)
  5. Like
    cvltic got a reaction from Komorebi in Tanuki thread: “About the era in which visual-kei was like a gang of jocks”   
    @nekkichi is correct, and it is also important to consider the culture of the boards as well. Even in the English-speaking world, a report of rape or murder or suicide will be presented in a much different way on Twitter or Tumblr than on say, 4chan or Encyclopedia Dramatica. Tanuki/2ch are extremely blase and candid about sordid topics and sounding "self-pitying" (for lack of better words) would be extremely frowned upon given the board's culture. It is not a nice place. People mock suicide victims and eagerly discuss their desire to commit child abuse. While I understand the reports are just as unverifiable as anything else on Tanuki, it seems irresponsible to make judgments on what a woman's report on this type of thing "should sound like", especially for those who are not familiar with the posting culture & for those who haven't experienced or witnessed the societal and scene-specific issues mentioned in the post above.
  6. Like
    cvltic got a reaction from Silverhawk33 in Tanuki thread: “About the era in which visual-kei was like a gang of jocks”   
    I think it's supposed to be ハード (Hard, like hardcore?) + コンパ (Konpa = mixer), similar to ヤリコン (fuck+mixer, basically a party for hookups). But no one seems to know the origin of the name for sure.
    I'm not really sure what to say about it. On one hand, it seems like the roadie system had its benefits and the relationship could be very important to both parties. I was watching the last lynch. blu-ray that came out with the commentary on, where the roadie system came up in conversation. They talked about Ai from DARRELL/DEATHGAZE's previous band, Otogi, and Hazuki mentioned that Otogi had literally a dozen roadies onstage at their disbandment live all crying hysterically because they genuinely cared about the band. Reo (who is older than the other members of lynch. and has a lot more connections in the '98-'04 era VK world) mentioned that he thought that the roadie system allowed for a lot of learning experiences, however it also made a lot of bitter memories when it was basically a glorified way of hazing and abusing people. He implied that he didn't want to cause any of his kouhai to have the bitter memories many people seemed to have from the roadie system. (I should relisten to the commentary later since this is just from memory.)

    I also think the near-elimination of the system means fewer talented people being railroaded or turned off of the genre just because a senpai doesn't like them, or because they can't "handle" being treated like a whipping boy, or because they may not otherwise fit in. These girls could be right that it means that even shittier people aren't being weeded out though, or that the barrier for entry is too low for bandmen with no ambitions aside from mitsu money and fuckbuddies... Especially if you do consider that there is more an emphasis on selling yourself as available directly to fans than there used to be. (Imagine any of the bands from this era doing "hug sessions".)

    I think the internet would have mostly killed the band vertical hierarchy anyway even if visual kei hadn't started adopting more and more "idol-ish" tactics (i.e. selling personal rapport or the illusion thereof to fans) -- it's happening everywhere now, people are able to just create and distribute music from their homes without much budget or equipment and enter a niche without outside help or an "in". It's still not totally gone though... just look at Tsuzuki/Genki and Koichi's blacklisting from venues.
  7. Like
    cvltic got a reaction from herpes in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    @platy I thought I explicitly acknowledged this when I brought it up. Let me reiterate that I understand that, and that my point is not that you have to believe in all rumors or believe in no rumors. My point is if you're going to smugtweet about how correct and smart Dir en grey is to have ditched Kisaki you should at least demonstrate a semblance of awareness that the Dir house isn't exactly clean when it comes to allegations even if you don't weigh them the same. (This should probably extend to trying to hold up "vk celeb you like" as moral over "vk celeb you don't like that has been implicated" in general because you don't fucking know them or what they've done anyway.)
  8. Thanks
    cvltic got a reaction from keilu in [Fullfilled] Shellmy ファッションマイスリー Fashion Misery translation   
    the title isn't fashion misery but fashion maisurii (myslee, a brand name for ambien in japan)

    Fashion Ambien - Shellmy
    at four in the morning, you're over-medicated
    and bawling in your delusions:
    "no one but me"
    "no one but me"
    "no one but me"
    so much that it's annoying
    can't find it, asking the meaning of life
    even if you turn on a light it's not there
    logic oozed, reason ignored
    silent with a troubled face
    "you won't love me"
    "i'm unloved"
    tell it like it's a pet saying
    you tell me you've had enough of your repetitive routine
    without any intention to change it
    call yourself mentally ill, with a habit of faking illness
    begging for attention with psychotropics, hilarious!
    pretending to put yourself down by saying we're just pretending to be friends
    cringe! cringe! cringe! cringe!
    call yourself manic, able to handle gore
    you follow the handbook perfectly, hilarious!
    "looking at blood calms me down"
    cringe! cringe! cringe! cringe!
    dressed up in sick girl make up
    day in and day out you refuse to cooperate
    wishing you were alone
    stories about your family
    stories about being bullied
    human relations
    who gives a fuck
    you love sweets, you love handsome boys
    you love money, but you're mentally ill
    you give up on everything the moment it's not going well
    less intellect than a two year old
    "i have no friends"
    "no one believes me"
    tell it like it's a pet saying
    society loves cheerful, beautiful people
    eyes surrounded by dark circles aren't worth a thing
    call yourself mentally ill, with a habit of faking illness
    a night owl whore, hilarious!
    "my ideal type of man is an anime character"
    cringe! cringe! cringe! cringe!
    you get what you deserve, you're the scum of the earth
    you only wear the latest fads, hilarious!
    persuading them by saying you're just lonely
    and sleeping with men you don't know
    you're fashionably mentally ill, you want people to worry about you
    you're so lonely, how sad!
    you're alone again today, praying for tomorrow
    relying on Ambien
    hope hope hope
    laughing at your over-effective medication
    consoling your cringeworthy self
    getting off with toys is so hollow
    cringe! cringe! cringe! cringe!
    you're lonely today too
    it's almost time
  9. Like
    cvltic reacted to YukiUta in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    As a single mother (divorced), I can understand what it was like for this woman.  I've made questionable decisions because of loneliness and such, but if any guy had ever even looked at my child the wrong way, they'd never find his body...   Looking at those photos was heartbreaking.  In every single photo that poor girl looks terrified.    There are always alot of rumors in VK, with the majority being made up by jealous bangya,  but this woman seems to have alot of proof.  Enough to go to the police, at least.  
    My ex was a minor bandman in Osaka and he never really liked me going to Undercode events (I tried not to, but there was one band I liked).  On the rare occasion he played an Undercode event, he did his set, then hid in the band van until it was time to go home!   But this news is a million times worse than anything I've heard about before.  I hope he burns.
  10. Like
    cvltic got a reaction from Aoi_Michaelis in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    All the photos prove (granted by my own interpretation) is 1. the woman definitely knew and had some sort of relationship with Kisaki thatw ent wrong, 2. that the woman was definitely injured, 3. that Kisaki at the very least doesn't know how to handle a child/respect a child's physical boundaries, 4. that Riku doesn't trust Kisaki, and 5. that Kisaki ran some kind of Y!JA price-boosting scam. Many of these reflect really poorly on him anyway: 4 and 5 completely match his known behaviors, and the 3rd one is a big ass red flag that would seriously worry me even if the other allegations were somehow proven 100% false tomorrow. But there is still room for being critical of the claims as they've been presented without assuming that anyone doing so is caping for Kisaki/bandmen everywhere so try to keep your heads screwed on when it comes to throwing around words like 'innocence'.

    I know there's a difference in the quality and detail of evidence provided. I also know that Kisaki is a proven dickhead with a literal rap sheet and that people will understandably weigh that into their judgments. But there are translated assault/rape allegations ostensibly from multiple people against Kyo & Daisuke in this same subforum that have been treated with kid gloves comparatively. I have my own assumptions about Kisaki's guilt like anyone else but it's been annoying me to see not strictly MH members, but off-site people who have jumped on this story as undeniable fact but also decrying tanuki/anonymous sources when it comes to bandmen they actually like because ???.

    Unless this manifests as an arrest or court case, I'm leaning towards thinking the woman deleted the account because of tanuki scrutiny or regret for posting the pictures of the child. A lot of the posts I read were quite harsh on the mother for taking pictures of her kid looking distressed, and for posting them on social media. I'd also seen some throwaway accounts reply to to her last tweet about deleting the pictures of the kid and criticizing her for originally only deleting a portion.

    ^^ @Chi I was just searching and a user posted a DM convo they had with the account OP who said that multiple people supposedly helped report him and also said she believes it will lead to an arrest. I hope she's right and that it does go to a court...
  11. Like
    cvltic reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Homage-系 - The Art of Being Someone Else   
    The visual-kei scene is full of its own quirks and oddities that make it stand out from any other subculture in the music world; these hallmarks also appear to resonate at a national level, in spite of the culture stemming from several metropolitan hubs, each with their own small variants. One of these traits, for better or for worse, is how willing the scene is to reference itself. Since 2013, “willing” has become the incorrect word. “Obsessed,” “addicted,” “driven,” “obligated”; these words seem to fit the bill closer. References to older material is not uncommon in any medium of art, but visual-kei takes it four steps further to emulation. Today is the day we talk about homage-系 (Kei), kids.

    “Homage-kei” is a made up word. It isn’t a real category to anyone else other than people who use this board, to be honest, but it is an apt descriptor for this phenomenon. This is when a band reuses melodies, thematic, aesthetics, and even titles from an older, typically more successful, band or bands. However: their music also contains many original elements, which sets them apart from being a literal cover band. It also needs to be more than a single occurrence as well: Dir en grey “””borrowing””” the main riff of Luna Sea’s “G” is not enough, but borrowing the front-man of 黒夢 (Kuroyume)’s aesthetic for several music videos is.

    There are several bands that would fall under this umbrella from the late 2000’s. Two I want to touch on are Ru:Natic and the infamous Vajra. The first was one of the earliest examples I can think of that tried to revive the aggressive and bloody punk-meets-goth-meets-pop style popularized in the mid-90’s. They wore black clothes, had neon hair, and sang about being a crazy person invited to dinner parties that they had no business attending. While they weren’t the only group doing this (re: Sadie’s Mary and Sadie’sla), they were the first to start reusing melodies from older bands, namely La:Sadie’s, Madeth Gray’ll, and Aliene Ma’riage. There was even a hard-to-come-by single that was a reinterpretation of Baiser’s “undersea” and they had a demo tape that contained covers from some of the bands previously mentioned. They even lost a bunch of members, changed record labels, and released a lot of rare material: all cornerstones of “what an old school band does.” In my memory of the scene, this was the first time we got a real taste of bands reinventing the 90s sound that many people liked, but had fallen out of favor.

    Vajra was fun for the wrong reasons. Their costumes were kind of similar to UnsraW and thematically they were a bit too close to Dir en grey for the fan base at the time’s comfort. One of their singles was apparently a near 1:1 facsimile of another Dir en grey track and that caused a shitstorm on last.fm . For days people were arguing back and forth about whether it was a copy or not. Our own dear @Zeus requested someone overlay it with the original so we could see how similar it was. I personally did not have a horse in that race, but for hours or entertainment seeing the bickering between the hordes of people in outrage vs that one person who apparently went to their shows regularly and gave sympathetic updates about how this was affecting the band personally. Take his with a grain of salt, as it is only a Western interpretation of what happened and I cannot speak to how it was received by fans who could actually go see them in person. Regardless of where you stood in this fight, history’s take is that it did not end well for Vajra; they broke up shortly after only to be remembered as “that band that tried to be Diru.”
    Both examples were, in retrospect, unsuccessful. Ru:Natic, in their heyday, missed the boat on people eating up old-school revival acts by about 3 years, then only played again in one-off events. Vajra, on the other hand, failed for a couple of reasons. The first is that the fan base wasn’t ready for their style of tribute-meets-original-works. Secondly, there wasn’t enough time passed between what they performed and when their source material was released. Based on later act’s success, time helps prevent “a homage” from being seen as “a rip-off.”

    Earlier I had mentioned 2013 being the starting point for “homage-kei,” in a more official (but still unofficial) sense. That’s because グリヴァー (GRIEVA) happened and caused a shift in the scene. For those unfamiliar, Grieva’s whole schtick was that they dressed like a modern version of 1998 Dir en grey and made music that sounded like it could have came from from the same time frame. However, after people got a hold of their first album, it became alarming clear that it was one big tribute to “Gauze” (Dir en grey’s first album). A lot of songs “borrowed” the melodies of Gauze-era songs, their music videos were kind of like high school kids reenacting their idol’s work for a class project, and you were even able to draw parallels to the lyrical content. Grieva handled this clearly stating their theme is to bring back the feeling of the old days, and even fabricated a whole interview about how they went on a quest for band members that held the same ideals. Unlike Vajra, when people confronted them by saying “You’re just stealing,” them saying “Yeah, but that’s like the point???” it worked. Granted, there were plenty of people who weren’t buying this act and loathed the whole idea, but there was more than enough support for it to keep them at the forefront of the scene up until 2015. In fact, it worked so well that their label made it happen AGAIN, but this time with a band that pretended to be The GazettE and another that mixed all different concepts from the eroguro scene and western nü-metal together. This was the first time in visual-kei where blatantly copying on purpose wasn’t met with more backlash than praise.

    Several other acts spawned at the same time, due to a strong desire for “bands that sound like old school groups.” This was in part due to Cell, an offshoot of La’Mule that made somewhat similar music, Lin, a Kisaki band that came after he swore he was retired, and a general sense of boredom from the run-of-the-mill bands that dressed like host boys. Other groups that come to mind include Gauzes (a La’Mule homage-kei group), DEZERT (their first singles were nü-metal interpretations of groups like D’espairsRay and Nega), and AvelCain (who took more influence from groups like Lamiel than their fan base wanted to admit). Suddenly, it was cool to be like someone else.

    Eventually, the hype waned a bit. Grieva started writing their own music and then eventually split after being worked to death by their label. It was mostly the same case for AvelCain, Cell went on break because frontman Kon can’t keep focused on one thing, DEZERT found (and then killed) their own style, and most of the other old school sounding bands weren’t big enough to really make a lasting impact. This was the death of homage-kei.

    Or was it???

    Interestingly enough, in recent years, this scene metamorphosed along with the scene at large. We started seeing groups now begin to “take influence from” more recent acts (which I guess are still old if you’re younger than 20??). We had メディーナ (Mediena), who took a lot from Phantasmagoria, ガンミ (Ganmi), which sounded like an early 2000s band without a real influence to pin point, and Mamireta, who tried to restart the subculture in high gear with their refreshing takes on 蜉蝣 (Kagerou)’s music. There are even big acts forming side projects that “sound like a 90’s band!!”, like Diaura(who are not guilt-free themselves, when it comes to Pierrot worship) and ぞんび (Zonbi). Even Gossip-ゴシップ- went from copying The GazettE to emulating their label owner’s old band (albeit at gunpoint (allegedly!)). It is worth noting that another significant change: aside from a few examples, the current trend has become "I want to sound like ___," rather than "guess which ___ songs I combined!!!" Arguably, the style should have started with this mentality, but controversy creates buzz.

    Unoriginality in the visual kei scene is nothing new. We even have an entire thread dedicated to specific instances where someone took a riff or theme and matches it to the exact source material it came from. But homage-kei really takes it to the next level. Bands want you to know who they’re sounding like. Could it be for nostalgia sales? Or because recreating a well liked motif makes it easier for someone to like a new creation (they’re already emotionally invested)? Or is it just a lazy cash grab, which requires 40% less effort to produce material? Maybe it is fulfilling a fantasy to reenact what you love about your idols? In spite of how much I adore everything mentioned throughout this article, I would be lying to you if I didn’t say that it is probably a mix of all four.
    cvltic got a reaction from psychonnect_rozen in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    (Thank you to @ricchubunny for posting about this in a status, which led to @Chi linking it to me!)
    An account on Twitter, @KISAKI54175241, has begun to make some fairly serious claims against Kisaki, so here we are in the rumors section yet again. At the time of this posting the account has 66 tweets and multiple images. I saved an archive of the page at it is at this moment in case anything happens to it, so please let me know and I will post that somewhere.

    Disclaimer: What follows is a translation of allegations made by twitter user KISAKI54175241. I neither endorse nor deny any of the claims made below, and I made a conscious effort to avoid sensationalizing anything in my translations... If you have any questions or feedback in that regard please let me know.

    More importantly some of the content below is disturbing. There are mentions of domestic violence and child sexual abuse. Please read at your own discretion or skip to the summary below if you would like to know what happened without getting into explicit detail.

    KISAKI54175241's posts (oldest to newest, although sometimes self-retweets that reordered her twitter timeline will cause discrepancies)
    The translation as the account stands at 2:28 PM -6:00 GMT is complete.

    This picture provided by @colorfuljinsei (originally from Kisaki's official twitter?) can serve as a tattoo placement/design reference if you would like to do any comparisons.

    In summary, Kisaki has been accused of:
    -Inappropriate sexual contact with a young child
    -Domestic violence
    -Being a habitual benzo seeker/user
    -Being suicidal and using this as a manipulation tactic
    -Astroturfing tanuki, working to have critical articles and twitters suspended
    Allegedly, these matters have been brought to police.
  13. Yikes
    cvltic reacted to Tokage in The Bad Boys of Visual Kei   
    this post has aged extremely well
  14. Like
    cvltic got a reaction from lichtlune in Tanuki thread: “About the era in which visual-kei was like a gang of jocks”   
    I think it's supposed to be ハード (Hard, like hardcore?) + コンパ (Konpa = mixer), similar to ヤリコン (fuck+mixer, basically a party for hookups). But no one seems to know the origin of the name for sure.
    I'm not really sure what to say about it. On one hand, it seems like the roadie system had its benefits and the relationship could be very important to both parties. I was watching the last lynch. blu-ray that came out with the commentary on, where the roadie system came up in conversation. They talked about Ai from DARRELL/DEATHGAZE's previous band, Otogi, and Hazuki mentioned that Otogi had literally a dozen roadies onstage at their disbandment live all crying hysterically because they genuinely cared about the band. Reo (who is older than the other members of lynch. and has a lot more connections in the '98-'04 era VK world) mentioned that he thought that the roadie system allowed for a lot of learning experiences, however it also made a lot of bitter memories when it was basically a glorified way of hazing and abusing people. He implied that he didn't want to cause any of his kouhai to have the bitter memories many people seemed to have from the roadie system. (I should relisten to the commentary later since this is just from memory.)

    I also think the near-elimination of the system means fewer talented people being railroaded or turned off of the genre just because a senpai doesn't like them, or because they can't "handle" being treated like a whipping boy, or because they may not otherwise fit in. These girls could be right that it means that even shittier people aren't being weeded out though, or that the barrier for entry is too low for bandmen with no ambitions aside from mitsu money and fuckbuddies... Especially if you do consider that there is more an emphasis on selling yourself as available directly to fans than there used to be. (Imagine any of the bands from this era doing "hug sessions".)

    I think the internet would have mostly killed the band vertical hierarchy anyway even if visual kei hadn't started adopting more and more "idol-ish" tactics (i.e. selling personal rapport or the illusion thereof to fans) -- it's happening everywhere now, people are able to just create and distribute music from their homes without much budget or equipment and enter a niche without outside help or an "in". It's still not totally gone though... just look at Tsuzuki/Genki and Koichi's blacklisting from venues.
  15. Bitch, excuse me?!
    cvltic reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in The Bad Boys of Visual Kei   
    I voted for Akinori. Weed really messes up a perosn and leads them to do worse drugs like nikwil and caffine 
  16. Like
    cvltic got a reaction from Reiko in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    You can check the details of & discuss the Kyo (Dir)/Daisuke (Kagerou) & co. incident in this thread:

    The title isn't as straightforward as this one so I understand why it got less traction despite being about bigger names, and that people may have missed it. But it covers some fairly famous stories from the anonymous rumor landscape of the scene so if you're interested in these things you should check it out... preferably while remembering to think critically about everything you read in the Rumors subforum and your reaction to what you've read...

    edit: Forgot to mention that Kisaki dropped out of an event. It's unclear at the moment if it's because of the impact of these accusations or some other circumstance.
  17. Like
    cvltic got a reaction from Silverhawk33 in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    @platy I thought I explicitly acknowledged this when I brought it up. Let me reiterate that I understand that, and that my point is not that you have to believe in all rumors or believe in no rumors. My point is if you're going to smugtweet about how correct and smart Dir en grey is to have ditched Kisaki you should at least demonstrate a semblance of awareness that the Dir house isn't exactly clean when it comes to allegations even if you don't weigh them the same. (This should probably extend to trying to hold up "vk celeb you like" as moral over "vk celeb you don't like that has been implicated" in general because you don't fucking know them or what they've done anyway.)
  18. Like
    cvltic got a reaction from The Moon in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    @platy I thought I explicitly acknowledged this when I brought it up. Let me reiterate that I understand that, and that my point is not that you have to believe in all rumors or believe in no rumors. My point is if you're going to smugtweet about how correct and smart Dir en grey is to have ditched Kisaki you should at least demonstrate a semblance of awareness that the Dir house isn't exactly clean when it comes to allegations even if you don't weigh them the same. (This should probably extend to trying to hold up "vk celeb you like" as moral over "vk celeb you don't like that has been implicated" in general because you don't fucking know them or what they've done anyway.)
  19. Like
    cvltic got a reaction from emmny in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    All the photos prove (granted by my own interpretation) is 1. the woman definitely knew and had some sort of relationship with Kisaki thatw ent wrong, 2. that the woman was definitely injured, 3. that Kisaki at the very least doesn't know how to handle a child/respect a child's physical boundaries, 4. that Riku doesn't trust Kisaki, and 5. that Kisaki ran some kind of Y!JA price-boosting scam. Many of these reflect really poorly on him anyway: 4 and 5 completely match his known behaviors, and the 3rd one is a big ass red flag that would seriously worry me even if the other allegations were somehow proven 100% false tomorrow. But there is still room for being critical of the claims as they've been presented without assuming that anyone doing so is caping for Kisaki/bandmen everywhere so try to keep your heads screwed on when it comes to throwing around words like 'innocence'.

    I know there's a difference in the quality and detail of evidence provided. I also know that Kisaki is a proven dickhead with a literal rap sheet and that people will understandably weigh that into their judgments. But there are translated assault/rape allegations ostensibly from multiple people against Kyo & Daisuke in this same subforum that have been treated with kid gloves comparatively. I have my own assumptions about Kisaki's guilt like anyone else but it's been annoying me to see not strictly MH members, but off-site people who have jumped on this story as undeniable fact but also decrying tanuki/anonymous sources when it comes to bandmen they actually like because ???.

    Unless this manifests as an arrest or court case, I'm leaning towards thinking the woman deleted the account because of tanuki scrutiny or regret for posting the pictures of the child. A lot of the posts I read were quite harsh on the mother for taking pictures of her kid looking distressed, and for posting them on social media. I'd also seen some throwaway accounts reply to to her last tweet about deleting the pictures of the kid and criticizing her for originally only deleting a portion.

    ^^ @Chi I was just searching and a user posted a DM convo they had with the account OP who said that multiple people supposedly helped report him and also said she believes it will lead to an arrest. I hope she's right and that it does go to a court...
  20. Like
    cvltic got a reaction from Chikage in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    @platy I thought I explicitly acknowledged this when I brought it up. Let me reiterate that I understand that, and that my point is not that you have to believe in all rumors or believe in no rumors. My point is if you're going to smugtweet about how correct and smart Dir en grey is to have ditched Kisaki you should at least demonstrate a semblance of awareness that the Dir house isn't exactly clean when it comes to allegations even if you don't weigh them the same. (This should probably extend to trying to hold up "vk celeb you like" as moral over "vk celeb you don't like that has been implicated" in general because you don't fucking know them or what they've done anyway.)
  21. Like
    cvltic got a reaction from Chikage in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    Timing is everything... Thank you for sharing the link.

    Images #2 and #4 contain new information/tweets that were deleted at the time of the original translation.

    Image #2 new info:
    KISAKI暴露‏ @KISAKI54175241
    He'd throw the child under elementary school age on the bed and she got a blue bruise on her face.
    [Cut off picture of what appears to be a circle highlighting an area of the child's skin.]

    Image #4 new info:
    KISAKI暴露‏ @KISAKI54175241
    He would try to forcibly kiss the sleeping child and persisted even when she'd scream and cry.
    [Four pictures of Kisaki and a seemingly upset child -- some of which can be seen in the imgur link from the above post: https://imgur.com/a/Xroy0eN ]

    +The picture & tweet about the child in the costume bin as mentioned above.
  22. Like
    cvltic got a reaction from Chikage in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    Here's an album with some pictures that were deleted before I ever saw the account but collected from tanuki.
    One of them is a capture of a quote tweet where the 🐔🐔鶏肉てゃん🐔🐔‏ @_Lv114514_ 20h asks "Isn't she laughing?" in response to a pic of the child inside of a large storage container. The KISAKI暴露‏ @KISAKI54175241 tweet quoted says "The crying child was also forcibly trapped in his costume case". I also included screencaps from the original twitter feed as it was when I did the original translation, minus a few of the beginning tweets because I fucked up my screencaps (oops).
  23. Like
    cvltic got a reaction from Chikage in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    Development: The account was deleted. Not really surprising considering the seriousness of the allegations, the amount of tanuki attention it attracted and the fact that the police are reportedly involved. I might screencap the archive I saved of the account for posterity?
  24. Bitch, excuse me?!
    cvltic got a reaction from Aoi_Michaelis in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    (Thank you to @ricchubunny for posting about this in a status, which led to @Chi linking it to me!)
    An account on Twitter, @KISAKI54175241, has begun to make some fairly serious claims against Kisaki, so here we are in the rumors section yet again. At the time of this posting the account has 66 tweets and multiple images. I saved an archive of the page at it is at this moment in case anything happens to it, so please let me know and I will post that somewhere.

    Disclaimer: What follows is a translation of allegations made by twitter user KISAKI54175241. I neither endorse nor deny any of the claims made below, and I made a conscious effort to avoid sensationalizing anything in my translations... If you have any questions or feedback in that regard please let me know.

    More importantly some of the content below is disturbing. There are mentions of domestic violence and child sexual abuse. Please read at your own discretion or skip to the summary below if you would like to know what happened without getting into explicit detail.

    KISAKI54175241's posts (oldest to newest, although sometimes self-retweets that reordered her twitter timeline will cause discrepancies)
    The translation as the account stands at 2:28 PM -6:00 GMT is complete.

    This picture provided by @colorfuljinsei (originally from Kisaki's official twitter?) can serve as a tattoo placement/design reference if you would like to do any comparisons.

    In summary, Kisaki has been accused of:
    -Inappropriate sexual contact with a young child
    -Domestic violence
    -Being a habitual benzo seeker/user
    -Being suicidal and using this as a manipulation tactic
    -Astroturfing tanuki, working to have critical articles and twitters suspended
    Allegedly, these matters have been brought to police.
  25. Like
    cvltic got a reaction from lichtlune in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    @platy I thought I explicitly acknowledged this when I brought it up. Let me reiterate that I understand that, and that my point is not that you have to believe in all rumors or believe in no rumors. My point is if you're going to smugtweet about how correct and smart Dir en grey is to have ditched Kisaki you should at least demonstrate a semblance of awareness that the Dir house isn't exactly clean when it comes to allegations even if you don't weigh them the same. (This should probably extend to trying to hold up "vk celeb you like" as moral over "vk celeb you don't like that has been implicated" in general because you don't fucking know them or what they've done anyway.)
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