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Status Updates posted by leafwork

    1. CAT5


      Is it ok to ask question here too?

    2. leafwork
    3. leafwork


      I obviously can only speak for myself, but I'm pretty much always willing to answer questions.

  1. http://www.twitch.tv/leafwork Starting in a little under an hour!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elazmus


      *still making MiAface*

    3. yakihiko


      MiA looks really really drunk on it x'D

    4. emmny


      mia would fuck anything for ugly loubs and a marcelo burlon shirt


    1. platy


      hnnng never stop pls

  3. I buy too much crap
  4. boris gigantopost

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      thanks so much again for this, will happily fill out my disco now :)

  5.  lmao dada is drama-ing again


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. suji


      what country is he hating on now? xD

    3. leafwork


      he's just giving up everything forever

      for like the 25th time

    4. suji


      didn't he give up on velvet eden already? what else is there??? orz

  6. does anyone want me to make them a mixtape (with a theme that might fit stuff I'm into)


    japanese or otherwise

  7. is anyone interested in a copy of Nookicky - VV Cloudy Pop Book (vhs)

    I managed to end up with two copies

    1. -NOVA-


      post on the general free stuff thread im sure you will find someone :)

    2. leafwork


      I didn't mean free :P

    3. -NOVA-


      oh lol my mistake :)

  8. cat5 is dead, long live cat5

  9. come to the RarezHut auction stream in ~40 minutes! (4PM GMT) www.hitbox.tv/rarezhut

  10. does anyone have ベル(belle) - 歌謡サスペンス劇場(kayou suspense gekijou)

  11. Guniw Tools stream marathon tomorrow (5/16) starting at 10:00 CDT (15:00 UTC) at twitch.tv/leafwork ! I'll be streaming the entire Guniw Tools videography with added info! Come hang out!

    1. beni


      Defo coming to this!

  12. I am planning to do a livestream of my collection of Guniw Tools VHS tapes (a bit under 5 hours in total) Look for more info soon!

  13. need to finally actually organize my music collection and record what I own -_-

    1. Tetora


      Guniw Tools.

      There, done.

  14. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwgtpH7VEAA1XYl.jpg:large is this a new kamijo solo album or a versailles one ?_?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. leafwork


      yeah apparently it's the upcoming Versailles album

    3. Danao


      Well it's written in the tweet this pic was taken from, so yea, it's 100% sure a new Versailles album x)

    4. leafwork


      oh I hadn't actually translated it. nvm l0l

  15. GOATBED's new album FANDEATH is brilliant btw.

  16. has there been any update on why shia from chanty got his ass arrested

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