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Status Updates posted by freesia

  1. How I wish PTP's K could've sung this song himself..... http://youtu.be/kHCTl5V-zV4

  2. Does anyone know the name of NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST's cover art artist?

  3. Looking at NB's Hiros old pics, it's hard for me not to think he has had plastic surgery before he went visual...! a_a"

    1. Visutox


      Maybe, we never know. But hey, don't forget that makeup does magic.

    2. doombox


      Losing weight can also change a lot. But I would not be surprised since there seem to be a few other vk men who went under the knife.

  4. Wow, I can't believe this electro Taiwanese band has no listeners on last.fm at all. They sound awesome and like a poppish Crossfaith! http://youtu.be/VwGf73CHQj0

    1. nekkichi


      they sound cool! ty ~~ (similar/accessible SEA bands?)

    2. Tetora


      Nice song, will check out more of them.

  5. I want long black hair Hiro back D: Hope that was only a red hair wig...

    1. yakihiko


      It's a wig, near his ears you can still see the black hair.

      That wig is so funny xD

    2. freesia
  6. the GazettE creates such elitist phenomenon among their fanbase. And it's all based on how much money the fan is willing to pay for such status.

    1. Tetora


      Only true fans bought the deluxe HD boxset that came with a pick Uruha once played a chord with. Only ¥19900, had it shipped with my Gackt toilet seat cover.

    2. PsychoΔelica
  7. Warm advice: Don't read your smartphone while walking on the stairs or you might get an egg-sized strain on the ankle like I did!

    1. doombox


      Oh no. I hope it's better soon. :(

    2. IGM_Oficial


      This is a bit obvious, huh

  8. I don't know how he learnt this but my rabbit, Momoda, loves sneaking behind me and poke my butt with his nose. o.o

    1. paradoxal


      When our doge was a puppy, I was playing with him in our living room while my bf was right next to us kneeling on the ground while working on some stuff. I started pointing at his butt crack while whispering to my puppy like "look at that, what's that", and I successfully got my puppy to lick my bf's butt crack XD my bf squealed like a little girl because apparently suddenly having something warm and wet touch your butt crack is quite surprising

    2. freesia


      Oh all the fun pets can bring! XD

  9. Holy shit, just went to Radwimp's concert and it was the most comfortable rock show I've been to! No squishing or mosh pit. It's good in a way, right?

    1. 蝉時雨色 -semishigureiro-

      蝉時雨色 -semishigureiro-

      It is! Through my health I anyway can't move around that much so I highly welcome lives like that. :D

    2. jaymee


      Non-VK lives have a totally different atmosphere, yeah?

  10. wtf, coldrain's new album leaked on some Russian site. O.o

    1. suji


      vk.com? Yeah, just about everything leaks there lmao

    2. freesia


      oh, i don't use vk.com. a friend sent me the link.

  11. Just a few days till ONE OK ROCK's new album! x3 So excited!

    1. allisapp


      dspojkjdksmds, soon! *excited too*

  12. ??ルカトミユキ rocks! <3

    1. DeithX252


      yeah they are great

  13. It's been a long while since Girugamesh had any new news. I hope they're still gonna be around. :/

    1. nick


      lmao. yeah, they don't seem to be so active for months. probably, they might come up with a new studio album instantly, who knows?

  14. can i get notifications for comments posted on status updates??

    1. The Bread Wolf

      The Bread Wolf

      Yeah. Go to your profile Settings -> Notification Options -> Status Updates and chose the method to get notifications of them. :3

      Hope that helped.

  15. nice electronica compilation: http://kusanone-label.net/

    1. sai


      And it's free too! Great, grabbing this!

  16. Today is a good day. New releases I like uploaded and to be released.

    1. nick


      And also Ryo kissing. lmao! x)

  17. All I want is to go to Japan for a few days. But why is it so hard for me?

  18. Apparently, KAT-TUN's Koki Tanaka went to form a band which is a ONE OK ROCK copy cat!

    1. Tetora


      Okay yeah it is real similar, even the vocalist's look and bofy language.

  19. Crossfaith's new album is up for download on getmetal!

    1. doombox


      I'm curious if it's youtube rips...

  20. Sometimes I don't know if it's me who changed or VK has gotten worse than it was before.

    1. YuyoDrift


      What's with you and Bio?

      Like I told him, it sounds like you've found that zone where only the best to you will make an impression. You can associate that with age.

      As long as you felt something for KEEL, then we're cool too haha.

  21. I wish I can be good at Japanese without having to study. xDD

  22. It's amusing how Bonjour Suzuki can pronounce French better than English. xDD

    1. Amoz


      Well she did study abroad in a catholic university at south France, so she should be better in French.

  23. Merry Christmas everyone!! May everyone get every J-rock stuffs they want!!

    1. nick


      Merry Xmas! ヾ(≧∪≦*)ノ〃

  24. Ordered Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas' upcoming DVD. Can't wait to watch it~

  25. I don't know why but I got detached from most recent VK bands unlike before 2010. It's just these new VK bands don't appeal to me as much as those old ones.

    1. YuyoDrift


      Go comment on my thread again and vent off your frustrations.

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