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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. Kamijo should bring back the noble brown hair.
  2. Looks like warner isn't giving him the short end of the stick budget wise this time good to know. Also it's sounding fantastic so far.
  3. <---- at the beginning or the synth here. and maybe metamorphose by Lin as well would be a good example.
  4. lichtlune

    http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=The%20gazette%2C%20x%20japan%2C%20mejibray%2C%20Versailles%2C%20dir%20en%20grey&gprop=youtube&cmpt=q Here's something else. I put together some of the most known jrock/visual kei bands i know and even put Mejibray in there for measure. Edit: never mind i put in the information again and it gave me different results disregard this. (there needs to be a way to just delete a post)
  5. lichtlune

    So... http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=%22jrock%22 http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=visual%20kei Youtube statistics: visual kei http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=visual%20kei&gprop=youtube&cmpt=q Jrock: http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=jrock&gprop=youtube&cmpt=q Don't know if I'm doing this right but this suggests vk is dying in a way. Also i think music videos are still very useful. When someone searches a band they normally find music videos and things first and that's how they get into the music. And music videos if done well can be very enjoyable. I don't know about you guys but if the pv is good and in good quality i will watch it more than once.
  6. lichtlune

    There's got to be a reason though. Why aren't foreigner's interested in vk anymore? Is the music worse? is it youtube? I think the lack of interest is a combination of a few things. But I mean it makes sense that if the music industry in japan is tailor made and marketed exclusively to Japanese people essentially shutting off outsiders that there wouldn't be a foreign fan base. If there's no music to be discovered then there won't be a fan simple as that. I do think visual kei has lost its roots and soul but of course that's meant for another thread. and also i don't think people use last.fm as much anymore. That isn't just visual kei or is it? i don't know.
  7. lichtlune

    I think bands should have the full versions of music videos, live performances, comment videos, or what have you all on youtube for promotional purposes. Full albums shouldn't be posted on youtube but pv's and some singles every now and again can only help the bands and scene in general in my opinion. But seeing as how the content belongs to the labels too I'm assuming there are restrictions on the bands. They can't just upload their videos on their own official pages because that wouldn't slide with the labels they're signed to. well that's what i think anyway. The labels are only there to help create the content and milk it for all that it's worth. They could care less about the bands themselves. So what's even the point of having a record label anyway? can't bands just record and monetize their music on their own? I know there's some benefits to a label but it just seems that there are more drawbacks than gains at times.
  8. Not available in my country boo hoo keep it then japan.
  9. lichtlune

    I really hope that tour will be recorded in some way for us to listen really want to hear those old school tracks.
  10. lichtlune

    X JAPAN's important announcements just aren't important enough. I'll be waiting for the super duper ultra mega announcement instead. oh and yoshiki classical isn't an x japan announcement bleh.
  11. lichtlune

    So you're 16 or 21? also am i the only one that actually likes asagi's harsher vocals?
  12. lichtlune

    X Japan is removing the x and the Japan in their name and being known as simply " ".
  13. lichtlune

    X japan is removing the x in their name and being known as simply "Japan".
  14. lichtlune

    I've had friends online but as far as people you actually get out and do stuff with? it's been over 5 years probably. Are friends important to me? if i had them, true friends that is, i think they would be. Maybe they could help fill this void in my life who knows.
  15. lichtlune

    Yeah I'm not expecting any announcement about the album whatsoever, Just what we've come to expect.
  16. lichtlune

    Yeah me either! i got silver on most argumentative! that's good right? Hope to get voted on some of the others for next year
  17. lichtlune

    I love x japan and phantasmagoria Well good luck with your project i hope you find some people to help you out! ^^
  18. lichtlune

    Well as you've probably seen there's a thread similar to this and we have a project called "Licht:noir'e". We're influenced by old vk and things and listen to a few of those bands too. If you'd like to discuss this further message me some time and maybe we could exchange demo's and things. We're fully capable of getting an album together just the three of us but we could still use help. Especially in the bass area if that's your forte.
  19. lichtlune

    Hello m'ladies nice guy checking in. Just kidding but I'd like to think I'm "nice" but i don't do it because i want something out of it or whatever. Like i hold doors open for anyone behind me be it female or not it's just the right thing to do i think. Don't assume always if a guy is nice to you that he wants you or something either because that's definitely not the case. I think being in the "friend zone" is basically being that guy that a girl likes talking to and things but isn't into them in any other way beyond that. There's nothing wrong with that however i mean friends are meant to be friends. I don't see it as a negative thing really. I mean if you aren't that person's type there's nothing you can do to change that right? It does suck being that fallback guy though. Someone a girl only pays attention to after she's been out of a relationship for emotional support. Leading them on and things. And then getting back in a relationship with someone else and then they stop talking to this other person. That's a shitty thing to do. But if a genuine friendship then it's cool just be honest with your intentions and don't flirt and things just because you're bored.
  20. lichtlune

    While i agree with the majority said here i have one thing to say. "Get to know her before asking her out on a date" how do you suppose you get to know somebody? well... you go out on a date with them. Not every date even has to been seen as a "I'm looking to mingle" kind of date. Maybe it would be better to not call it a date and just ask to go out as friends somewhere and you would have had a better chance. But then again i honestly think she just wasn't interested. Edit: Opps i guess that's what tetora kind of said i was skimming through it.
  21. I don't understand the setup so it's 5 songs in total, 1 new song, and a re-recorded symphonic version of louis? Doesn't feel like an album to me but if the lack of quantity means better quality I'm all for it.
  22. Good news maybe It will have the other version then
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