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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. They told me it would be available on itunes so I'm hoping I will be able to use up my Itunes gift cards on it.
  2. lichtlune

    Yoshiki is too busy being a D-list celebrity and going to super bowl parties with shaquille o'neal. I don't see this album happening even next year.
  3. The beginning of Megaromania's "phantom to the past" sounds sneakily similar to "??夜曲~悲愴~" by Raphael

  4. Could do for more screams but very solid. Very excited for the full release.
  5. Their new look is so fucking good.
  6. The ones that make a lot of money. But in all seriousness. Musicians (obviously) fashion designers, or just artistic professions in general.
  7. Why hasn't anyone reviewed dadaroma's album yet? I want to know how you guys feel about it.

    1. blackdoll
    2. CAT5


      Elazmus is on it!

    3. togz


      I just realized I haven't even listened to it yet. TIME TO DO THAT NOW

  8. lichtlune

    Dadaroma's "ハイアンドロー" has one at around the 1 minute mark.
  9. This DEZERT album is actually sounding pretty good so far. o.o

  10. Cute band lets hear some music.
  11. Yeah this is pretty good. Someone should try to pick this up.
  12. That cover looks like a 90s vkei cover or something.
  13. lichtlune

    Why he never joined another band? I haven't heard anything from him in years. I don't even know if any of his newer stuff is any good? ehh
  14. You're not going to let us hear?
  15. lichtlune

    They actually look pretty cool
  16. Lol at people bringing up "victim blaming" yeah right. No one is asking "what was she wearing?" or saying she deserved to be raped or something. Just questioning if she lied about her age or not because that happens all the time. Statutory rape is not always some violent act and she probably wasn't forced against her will. If the age of consent is 18 in japan and this girl said she was 18 or older then you can't really fault the guy. Maybe she didn't look that young. I've seen 14 year olds who look 18-20 and vice versa. There are men who take every step imaginable to make sure the girls are of age and still get thrown in jail because of fake ID's. So really unless we get the full story I find it difficult to blame anyone.
  17. lichtlune

    I guess we won't hear any previews or get more news for half the year? :/
  18. But the band never has a chance to evolve because they disband too soon. ^^
  19. I want money for plastic surgery :c I need to start working as soon as possible!

  20. lichtlune

    Kind of stuck on Final Fantasy X but I've been playing that. Fallout 4, Ever17 (visual novel), Witcher 3, etc.
  21. How the hell do you do spoiler tags? I've never been able to do it. Someone teach me.

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