I know for certain these few specific people are definitely faking it. They only mildly attempt to identify as male towards their friends, while they're completely just girls when you talk to them one-on-one and aren't even trying to pretend to be transgender, they're just not and it simply seems more like a dress-up party with an edge. I also know of one girl I met online who ended up living with a trans-man who was willing to get her through the hormone process, but she suddenly backed out before all the appointments because she admittedly wasn't transgender but just liked dressing up as a tomboy and wanted to see how far she could take it.
I know being obsessed with a certain visual image can perhaps influence thoughts these people think are cool, but to lie to other people while you're just a normal cisgendered woman (in this case) personally? It makes no sense to me, isn't it insulting or at least upsetting the community when people fake transgenderism?