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Posts posted by Lestat

  1. Series;

    Hellsing Ultimate

    Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu


    Wolf’s Rain

    Casshern Sins



    Vampire Hunter D (2000)


    Juubee Ninpuuchou


    Tibet Inu Monogatari


    Might have started watching around 2010, with the exception of children’s shows and whatever was dubbed on television here. 

  2. 20 minutes ago, Zeus said:

    It really sucks to spend time putting together a mix for a trade-off and then not getting a review. If it were once in a blue moon I'd let it slide, but this is the seventh time I've participated and haven't gotten a review back and it's starting to piss me off.

    I don’t join if I don’t feel dedicated to the theme. I suppose a lot of people do...


    There’s not really a way to implement some harsher rules, is there? At least I don’t see it making sense on a free forum like this. 

  3. Marvel hasn't done a good movie since X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) apart from the X-Men installment itself and Wolverine. The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe is pandering so heavily towards the millenial meme-generation with its constant usage of comic relief, 4th wall breaking and lightheartedness, and has little respect for the original comics. I'll take DC over Marvel any day. 

  4. 1 hour ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    I think it’s when artists become too right leaning is where I’m like “Really?”. Im fine with artists being moderate or centrist or whatever, but I still would feel guilty for supporting people with such behaviour.


    Like people love H.P Lovecraft even though that guy is racist.

    Depends on your political interests. I'm very right leaning and I personally cannot stand the average social justice warrior writer or actor for their individual spoutings of nonsense on Twitter. There's some I adore for the books they write or the roles they play, but if I'm seeing J.K. Rowling's incessant pressure of 'wE nEeDz InTeRrAcIaL mArRiAgEs FoR EvErYoNe' and 'HeRmIoNe ShOuLd Be A bLaCk MuSlIm LeSbIaN' she can go sod right off.  


    Lovecraft is a different story. The guy was born in an entirely separate time from ours and you cannot compare the late 19th century / early 20th century to ours whatsoever. And for his writings; it's fiction. Get over it if Cthulhu has a distaste for the Chinese or whatever the fuck you can uncover from his warped words. The majority of people during those times were racists.


    For another thing, Antifa are actively looking to stir up drama where there isn't. If I remember correctly there have been at least five black metal bands in the past few months who haven't been able to finish their tours or been refused playtime during festivals and the like because these liberals think it's either necessary to threaten the venue or bands personally and thus gigs have been cancelled out of safety, or they've gotten the venues and / or municipalities to believe the bands have racist / national-socialist intentions whereas most black metal bands don't give a damn about political leanings and want to be left alone on the subject. It's just disgusting. 

  5. Cute at most. The video is fun to watch and reminds me of the clips modern Glam metal bands do (I guess CHARGEEEEEE had a say in that, mostly). But yeah, the video is all they've got going for them which is unfortunate because this is such a strong lineup. Theme is too sugary for 'punk' and especially Rena's facemask look doesn't go well with the music. 

  6. Resurrecting this thread after some notes in random thoughts. 



    I’ve always leaned so much towards sUBHUMAN rACE and in all honesty I think it might be my primary Skid Row album. Listening to this for the first time was an introductory experience with grittier music. ‘Into Another’, ‘Eileen’, ‘Breakin’ Down’ and the face smashing ‘Beat Yourself Blind’ are among favourites — the tone they set with this was just dark and heavy and I loved it. 

  7. 1 hour ago, violetchain said:

    I've crossed Michael Monroe and L.A. Guns with Phil and Tracii off my list. Still vaguely hoping for Skid Row with Sebastian and the original Lynch Mob before they all get 

    Jealous as hell here, Michael always skips the Netherlands. I did have the opportunity to see L.A. Guns with Phil and Tracii last year though! 


    Still waiting for Sebastian to come back here too. He’s played close to me a few times but without me realising while my room used to basically bathe in Baz, obviously. I had the biggest crush on him. Skid Row... I don’t see it happening (Rachel please). 


    Tom Keifer C̶i̶n̶d̶e̶r̶e̶l̶l̶a̶ is still on my wishlist, but a girl can dream. Would also love to see some bands like Poison or Ratt, but I doubt they’ll ever tour Europe. 

  8. 26 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    1. Is the behavior displayed in these photos, mainly of the band, justified in anyway? 

    2. Should bands be more appreciative to fans that payed to see them?

    3. Should artists be forced to be part of fan events against their will? 

    4. Have you met a band in person in a situation like this? if so, was it awkward or was the band chill?

    5. Were there any cringey fans at your show


    01. Not really. If you dread meeting your fans, then don’t. Don’t offer meet and greet packages or at least offer them specifically with the members who are interested so people still have the choice to greet a part of the group. 


    02. They shouldn’t have to specifically thank their individual fans, usually their behaviour tells you how grateful they are. 


    03. Definitely not. Music is first and foremost for yourself and any fans are a gift, I would say. 


    04. List of Japanese artists I’ve met: Kamijo, Kaya, Yoshiki, Satsuki + support band, Megaromania, NEGA, D, Black Line, BLOOD, Jupiter. All these artists were very generous towards their fans (perhaps with the exception of Kiwamu). Some may perceive these interactions as ‘awkward’ because of a language barrier (this I had especially with D, the first Japanese artists I’ve met, and I mumbled some unintelligible what-I-thought-was-Japanese to them, which was received with confused looks), another thing can be that the musicians stay in their role and for instance don’t talk or seem distant – I haven’t experienced this a lot except for with Kamijo, who is just... himself. I think Yoshiki was the most grateful and open toward meeting people; he even shushed security when they wanted to remove him from the fans because he wanted to make sure everyone had the opportunity to at least shake his hand. 


    05. There are always horrible people at lives. I’ve experienced hair pulling, scratching, kicking, etc. There are always the terrible squirmish girls around who act as if they are seeing literal gods, girls who completely break down or girls who are simply so fervent in their fanatic ways that they get aggressive with the artists (here in the Netherlands, Hizaki’s dress was ripped for example. I’ve heard about Mana’s clothes being torn too.)

  9. 11 minutes ago, nekkichi said:

    your dr is lazy and weird, I'm not even sure you even noticed any improvement from w/e you're taking, ADs do indeed have real lasting negative side-effects, and you're telling someone to learn to cope with negativity outweighting the benefit for..... what?

    Quite certain that you do not know my doctor as we're from entirely different continents. Quite certain you do not know me as anything else but whatever your assertation of me is and therefore cannot ascertain anything about my lasting mental improvements while taking Prozac. Quite certain that two to three weeks of feeling miserable from sudden and invasive drug-intake and your body being bombarded by chemicals does not equal to 'lasting negative side effects'. You read what you wish to read. 

  10. 21 hours ago, Zeus said:

    celexa 10mg. i'm supposed to ride it out for 2 weeks but i'm not sure if the side effects are going to go away like ~they said they would~

    The side effects are entirely normal. Anti-depressants are essentially harddrugs and are an invasive subject to your body and your body will fight them at first, you'll have to get used to them. When I first started Prozac I suffered from terrible migraines which I normally never had, fever-like convulsions, sweating excessively and generally feeling physically dreadful for three weeks or so. I don't generally understand the States' idea of prescription medicine since it seems like just about everyone can get them feeling the slighest cough coming up, but here anti-depressants are only prescribed by certified psychiatrists who know what they're talking about, and know the consequences of first time usage. If your doctor prepared you properly for what it's going to take to ride it out you should go with the process. It's not pretty at first but you should start feeling results after about two months or so. 

  11. 1 hour ago, chipathy said:

    12012's self titled LMAO 

    My favourite of theirs! 


    I don't know if it's hated per se, but D's VAMPIRE SAGA is criminally underrated. I get most people prefer their older work, but this is the album that got me into the band and it's still my favourite.

  12. I personally can’t say much for Toshiya; I have no clue what he has written for Dir en grey musically, but he is ultimately the better choice for the band. I can’t see them switching positions, say Toshiya in Phantasmagoria and Kisaki in Dir en grey for instance. Perhaps for the first two albums of the latter, but the more industrial and nu-metal styles Dir en grey later adopted aren’t for Kisaki. 


    I have to agree on Kisaki, not merely out of bias but for his unmistakeable style of playing and composing. He has written an absolute bulk load of memorable music by himself – both for his own bands as well as others. Purely listening to it with a musical ear I would choose him, he has produced both quantity and quality alike in numbers most artists can’t lay a hand on. Notoriety aside, he’s a fantastic addition to Japanese rock as a whole and helped shape modern Visual kei like no other. 

  13. a0985783644_16.jpg




    What the fuck. I'm only one track into this album and it's already blowing me away like nothing else. Super infectious speed / power metal with great shredding and original riffs. Vocals wallow between traditional cleans and classic death / thrash harsh timbres. I love how sometimes you just find one of those bands that are exactly what you've been searching for for ages. 


    What does this remind me of? Some coked-up mix between Iron Maiden, Destruction, Nitro, Loudness, Iced Earth, Wolf and Gamma Ray but 10× faster.

  14. On 5/18/2019 at 3:18 PM, psychonnect_rozen said:

    Here’s mine: I actually like Yoshiki


    Yes I know, his ego is huge, he puts off the new album a lot blah blah blah


    But you gotta commend the dude. Without him, X Japan would not have become the band it is now and VK would not have been as big.

    It sucks that people tend to forget that Yoshiki did a lot of charity work for many good causes such as the 2011 tsunami. If his ego is really big as people say he has, then he wouldn't do stuff like this. I think people just tend to forget that


    And here comes the anti-fans...

    I’ve loved Yoshiki since I was twelve years old and didn’t even know what Visual Kei was. So that’s almost fifteen years now. He was one of my first inspirations both musically as well as personally and he still is. I can’t think of him as anything other than an amazing human being who loves everything and everyone around him while enduring so much hardship. 


    I don’t get why so many people have such a big mouth about everything he does while they wouldn’t even think twice about listening to X or anything related. Why complain about an album that’s being postponed when all they’ll do is complain about how much like garbage it is eventually. 

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