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Status Updates posted by doombox

  1. I keep forgetting we have a non-japanese forum. I have some things I need to upload...

  2. This new trend of calling everything you don't like "garbage" lately needs to DIAF.

    1. Tetora


      "iF tHiS bAnD 1z GaRbAgE, tHeN Wo0d SoMeOnE pLeAs3 dIrEcT mE tO tHe LoCaL dUmP?"

    2. enyx


      This song is garbage:

    3. doombox


      LOL yes it is. XD

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  3. I have so many new releases to catch up on... but I also just started watching Nana and I'm afraid I'm hooked now. :|

    1. emmny


      nana is perfect and dont let anyone tell u otherwise. the original anime is everything

    2. plastic_rainbow


      I need to watch this too..

    3. doombox


      I'll have to check out the live action. So far I am really liking the anime series. I was already familiar with a lot of the music from it so that's also a plus. xD

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  4. I just started a personal twitter again after years. If you use it add me at @doombox_

    1. doombox


      Thanks! I've followed everyone back. :3

    2. paradoxal


      i followed you too! @amadoxal

    3. zombiesatemycereal


      I followed, @diminishcap

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  5. When Pitchfork tries to convince you people actually liked low bitrates. smh http://pitchfork.com/thepitch/902-learning-to-love-low-bit-rates/

    1. doombox


      LOL there was a lot of that, and mislabeled songs, and cut off songs... ah the good old days. XD

    2. yakihiko


      When I get flac rips, I convert to 320mp3, flac are very very heavy. My phone memory is 16gb.

    3. doombox


      I have a 64g card in my phone but it doesn't play anything outside of mp3/mp4 that I know of. So I've never even bothered with flac rips.

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  6. Time to crack my Japanese textbooks back open. I guess sundays may turn into study days now.

    1. Tetora


      CEO 10Kanji a day.

    2. plastic_rainbow


      Yess do it!! Still waiting for your Japanese blog, haha. ??ん??????????

    3. doombox


      @yakihiko I have physical books and digital ones. Japanese For Busy People and Genki books.

      @Uglymouth がんばります!ありがとうがざいます!( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧

      @seurong Exam time always sucks. Good luck!

      @Tetora Fffff Kanji drills. Thanks for reminding me...

      @plastic_rainbow Sorry for the delay. I will start it very soon. Probably this week! ありがとう~

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  7. So it's been about 5 years now I've been hanging out on this forum. Time has really passed quickly. *~*

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      don't even know when i joined, probably some 08-ish. uroboros was just out iirc. no idea how or why i got here (or tw for that matter) in the first place, guessing some dvdrip download...

    2. doombox


      Glad you've stuck around all thus time. Seems you and Saku joined pretty close together there.

    3. yakihiko


      I'm a reincarnated really hot baby

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  8. coldrain will be on Warped Tour this year. Hell yes.

    1. doombox


      Tetora: He's mixed race (mother is from America)

      Yakihiko: That is 100% accurate!!! XD

    2. Tetora


      Oh, I see.

    3. yakihiko
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  9. Every vk pv needs background dancers from now on. 

    1. inartistic


      Or this pile of barf


      (This status has got me thinking, what are some other vk PVs with background dancers???)

    2. doombox


      Recently Xaa Xaa and I though girugamesh had one too a while back. 


    3. doombox


      Lol yeah this hot mess


    4. Show next comments  3 more
  10. That Vena II dvd tho. Damn that was good.

    1. doombox


      Oh no! I hope they get it sent soon. Did you check your email? Cdjapan usually is good about emailing if something is holding up your order. I still need to get that SiM dvd and their last album too. Hopefully before the end of the year maybe.

    2. rekzer


      Yea just contacted me and said they were waiting to get more copies of the SiM dvd apparently. Should be shipped tomorrow :D I'll upload both for everyone once i get them

    3. doombox


      Yay!!! Glad to hear it!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  11. Spending the day trying to get my cd collection up on discogs but lol most of the artists don't even have pages. FML this is gonna be a while. 

    1. hiroki


      +1 for VK discogs lol

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      @ZeusActually working on this at the moment, but that was a secret :V

    3. doombox


      :o omg sign me up right now

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  12. Even though Emarosa fox matches the new shiney name color... probably gonna get a worth avatar for the occasion. *happy dance*

    1. CAT5


      Just in time for autumn!

    2. doombox


      Haha yes! Oh, this is gonna look awesome on Halloween. 8D

    3. PsychoΔelica


      I kinda meant the Firefox badge lol

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  13. LOL I make fun of everyone else changing avatars, now I can't even decide on my own. ///OTL I caught the avatar bug. ;;

    1. beni


      Haha, you've joined us in the dark side of avatar deciding. Yours is a work of art, wow.

    2. doombox


      LOL I did, it's so hard to find one that "fits". XD Aww, thanks. I always like your avatars too. Keen eyes.

    3. beni


      xD I totally feel your pain on that. The narrowing down of favourites is the hardest part urg, either way I revert back to a previous ava lol. Ahaha, now you're being too nice. x) Have been expecting WTF reactions with my current one; Hyde in drag hehe.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  14. tfw you post about albums on instagram and the band likes your post. ;; <3

  15. Called out of work sick today. First 2 day weekend for me in a whiiiile.

    1. doombox


      LOL Thanks. XD It's just evil cramps. I should be back to normal by tomorrow. I just didn't feel like going into work. xD

    2. CAT5


      Hope ya feel better, ender!

    3. doombox


      Thanks! (^_^)/

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  16. Xeno full album youtube upload:

    1. deathangel


      don't really hate or love it. Somewhat I am in the middle. Certainly better than their last release. will decide whether to get the CD or nor after a few listen.

    2. doombox


      At least people can make a well informed choice now that they can hear all the songs complete.

    3. doombox


      And they took it down. ;_;

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  17. Is it just me or is everyone having a revival live lately?

    1. doombox


      Holy crap, a Laputa revival would be pretty amazing. And D'espairsRay did have a revival live last year, yakihiko...

    2. yakihiko


      IKR xD but they could join the revival train one more time :)

    3. doombox


      Oh yes, please. In that case! Haha

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  18. I miss the weebening already.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      ugh why is it back to normal

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Now I'm just a ~regular~ weeb

    3. doombox


      Our super weeb powers have diminished, we must recharge... *falls into a pit of despair*

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  19. so SiM and HNIB have bandcamps now. Hallelujah!

    1. Chi



    2. DeithX252


      lol with that japanese price, I prefer buy the CD

    3. doombox


      Idk how exchange rates are for you, but it's still cheaper than the CD + shipping for me. So having that option is nice. Or the option to only buy the songs you like and not all.

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  20. I feel like my name looks so menacing in red. lol. 

    1. kyoisKILLINGME


      rip blue name... :c anyways do your best <33 




    2. doombox


      Blue was such a lovely color~ <3 Thanks bb. :love:

    3. Seimeisen



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  21. Anyone else here import records/LPs from Japan? Do you notice you  need more weight on or needle arm to get them to play without skipping? I don't see much online about this and it's driving me nuts. 

    1. nattliga_toner


      Are we talking contemporary releases or older stuff? apanese 70:s & 80:s stuff are usually fine (unless it's scratched or storage warped), but newer stuff may have problems if it's mastered the same as for a CD (for example: extreme pannings and too loud bass can cause skips). 


      But yeah, just fiddle around a bit with the tonearm weight and see if it gets better. I usually have mine set at +2.5 ~3g or thereabout. You'll notice it if you've set it too high if the sound starts gets distorted. Also, if you have the opportunity to adjust the height of your tonearm, you might want to look into that as well - thicker pressings (180g and above, ie. mostly 00:s and later releases) may require some adjustment.


    2. doombox


      Yeah, they're all newer releases.. and they are pop/dance and downtuned metal so lots of heavy bass for sure. I would have never thought about tonearm height being a factor. I'll see if my table has an adjustment for that, thank you. :) 

    3. nattliga_toner


      Haha, yeah, I was utterly frustrated with my current turntable when I got it at first ...everything skipped and just sounded dreadful until I realized that the height was set incorrectly. But yeah, definitely check the weight first if you haven't already. Hope it helps :)

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  22. And I catch a cold as soon as I make plans for this weekend. Yay! =__=

    1. beni


      Get better soon!!

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Have some lemon tea with honey, helps me :)

    3. doombox


      Thanks ladies and gents. I'm already feeling half-way better today. <3

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  23. My profile is perfect now. :3

    1. doombox


      Thanks. <3

    2. CAT5
    3. beni


      That's it. That's VK. [2] Best profile.

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