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Everything posted by Augie1995

  1. Augie1995

    ^ gotta agree with you. I maybe gave the album a couple go's and then kept going back to ZION and their first full album. Scarlett, Counting Stars, and Death are the only things I keep replaying
  2. #NeverTrustNanners has officially become a real thing. It used to be a saying, now it's proven!

  3. Augie1995

    Isn't that the same place that SCREW filmed Biran's PV? This is pretty good, better than their recent stuff. The chorus could do with some more power but seeing as how the rest of the song is, it fits decently. I just wish it stood out more. The back vocals in the pre-chorus were pretty good (I'm writing this as I listen) That riff before the solo is pretty bitchin', and the solo is cool. Way to go ViViD. You guys lost me when you guys released Message, but consider me back on!
  4. So the previews for The Kindred came out and now I am orgasming uncontrollably because of it

    1. Augie1995


      Hahaha, i obviously meant it in the metaphorical way and not literally....but yeah

  5. Augie1995

    Excited for this release. Also, mad respect for paradoxal on those comments.
  6. Augie1995

    Thanks for this!
  7. Augie1995

    What was the name of that one Sincrea song? Garasu no namida?
  8. Augie1995

    I've kind of stopped following them since their previous guitarist left but I'll give this a go
  9. Augie1995

    Hang on, I stopped following Lin shortly after they released their album. Who left?
  10. Augie1995

    It has to be some special live event or some event for the album
  11. Ever since my first introduction by watching BLEACH, I got my mom to watch that as well. I got into HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR and UVERworld, and then my mom got into UVERworld. Now she's a fan of UVERworld, The GazettE, Alice Nine (and she has a schoolgirl crush on Tora), Versailles, and DELUHI ( i have no ideahow I got her into them) I also got my cousin into the music but I don't know if he is fully converted or if he can just bare through them because I have a huge influence in him as one of his more respectable older cousins
  12. Augie1995

    ^Same, and that was only their A-side that I liked
  13. That awkward moment when a really cute girl says she's your Valentine but she's in the UK and you're in the US...She's so nice too, I kind of want to visit

    1. Tetora


      Stay safe brah.

    2. Augie1995


      Of course, thanks brah

  14. Augie1995

    Fuck I'm really into this. Wanna hear the new song's preview~
  15. Augie1995

    I feel like the 1% that actually liked the B-sides of their debut single. Aria was my fav of the debut single
  16. Augie1995

    2 new albums in one year? Doubtful. Like hiroki said, it's most likely for their 10th anniversary tours and such
  17. Augie1995

    What's with these odd names?
  18. Augie1995

    I thought that title was Joke from Yusa on Twitter but apparently it's not
  19. Augie1995

    It's a really douchey move. It's a huge guilttrip on most fans that want to but can't go and will feel like it's their fault if the band disbands. I mean, if you have to "threaten" your fans in such a way, you're either failing as a band or you have no moral ground (either way, you should probably stop). Even if it's a money issue, you could always start a "kickstarter" group of sorts so that fans can donate money to contribute to their next release and such. There are other alternatives than telling your fans that if not enough of them come, it's over
  20. Architects!! You are giving me chills!!

  21. Periphery just played their first live in Japan (Tokyo I believe) and Vistlip's Yuh was there.

  22. Augie1995

    I want a Rayquaza so bad. It's the one Pokemon I would bring to life if I could hahaha.
  23. So new MUSE single in December and a new album in 2015 AND they're going back to their original sound with raw instrumentals.

    1. Augie1995


      I'M SO EXCITED!!

  24. Augie1995

    those covers are beyond superb. Love the first one shown
  25. Augie1995

    ^I don't know why I thought Rin Toshite Shigure with that intro The vocals are really good, they have some power behind them even though the chorus doesn't feel stronger with the vocals. The vocals remind me a bit of Kelun or Sambomaster, one of those two. I could definitely get into his voice though someone please help me so that the window can pop up on the forum? Someone teaches me and then the system changes and the method is different)
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