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Everything posted by Augie1995

  1. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Ffeature%3Dplayer_embedded%26v%3DaQAkfet4Eno&h=uAQFZxYLA Also, congrats to NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST for OMEGA reaching #1 in the Oricon indies charts
  2. Any Protest the Hero fans on MH? Reason I ask is because I'm looking for people to talk about their new album Volition with and all of my friends are musically impaired. Truly an exceptional album, 5 stars all around!!! Best metal album of the decade for me http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=ppwWGTgGMMQ
  3. Augie1995

    If we're not going for Prog specifically, can I direct you towards Protest The Hero...or everyone seeing this? They just released what is definitely the best metal album of 2013, getting amazing reviews all around by metal sites. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=ppwWGTgGMMQ
  4. There's always been a reason why I love Matenrou Opera ballads, Orb is the new reason. I kept thinking that song was too short too have an outro solo like that...then I waited until after the making and saw that the song continues hahaha
  5. Okay, can somebody tell me Mucho's plans? First, I heard he left the band, then I find out he's still credited in their new music releases and now he's also in their lives? Is he officially out of the band or was he just taking some small break?
  6. Augie1995

    I gotta say, this album is slightly growing a bit more in a strange way. The songs that I already liked are getting better, but the songs that I don't like just keep getting worse. Kind of like the songs are polarizing. Naturally, I keep bringing myself to comparing it to DIM. DIM was such a GazettE album, a beautiful album, that it has become the standard for which to rate The GazettE's albums after that. I apologize if you don't know these bands, but it's essentially the Colors album to Between The Buried and Me or Fortress album to Protest The Hero (Except Protest the Hero just beat out that standard with Volition which is to date the best metal album of 2013 IMO). It is an album so good that everything that follows will be compared to it and nothing will come close. With that being said, Beautiful Deformity is both getting closer to DIM than TOXIC and DIVISION were but it's still not close to it
  7. Augie1995

    I'm pretty sure they went to Mexico and Chile though.
  8. I wish I could fluently speak japanese and all...but I dont know if I truly want to be Japanese. I'll settle for English or Scottish
  9. Augie1995

  10. Augie1995

    Yeah, I want to see what SuG is like now since I care more about their music than this
  11. Augie1995

    I kind of agree... I mean, wasn't it just like 9 shows? I feel like it's going to be 15 minutes of each country they visited, 1 minute of the venue performance and 14 minutes of the band members exploring
  12. Augie1995

    . . . I have the utmost respect for Hellion now
  13. Augie1995

    I honestly had a little Miyavi feel here, I'm liking this a bit more than I thought I would, but I don't like it. Edit: I was probably saying that above from massive exhaustion. Takeru sounds really weak, like if he whispered the whole entire song. The only good thing about this PV and song was the girl at 2:18, that's it!
  14. I feel Nocturnal Bloodlust is the new SIGNAL, you don't see their releases online for a good month after the date.

    1. sai


      Or maybe not everyone can afford fast shipping

    2. Jigsaw9


      I saw a few fans already got theirs, so I guess they just wanna encourage more ppl to buy NB stuff.

    3. Ailin


      I would love to like to listen to NB music. But I wonder how since I don't live in Japan.

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  15. Augie1995

    Quick question: Is your image composited of two images? It sort of looks like you did a really long exposure of the night sky, then an exposure sufficient enough to brighten the foreground enough and then put both images together. If not, I am really curious as to your technique of getting such a beautiful night sky with that foreground.
  16. Augie1995

    Just a couple of photos I've taken as the seasons pass (Oct. 2012- August 2013)
  17. Augie1995

    I read rig and immediately thought this was instruments and amps and stuff like that. I was about ready to share hahaha
  18. This is nothing compared to a woman in the US I believe how ripped her son's sack off, tearing it in the process, and then feeling sorry and trying to fix it with alcohol and superglue. It's one thing to die by suphocation, but it's also another thing to have your balls ripped off and glued back on by the demented mother who ripped them off in the first place. The kid was 8 years old
  19. Augie1995

    Garo? He didn't have the power for GALEYD so I hope he joins a band or makes a band more fitting to his vocals. I'm more concerned about Meku
  20. Augie1995

    ...Nope. hahaha
  21. Augie1995

    So I just barely found this thread for the very first time in over 3 years of being a member hahaha. Thought I'd introduce my face~ This is me with Jason Butler of Letlive.
  22. Augie1995

    OH MY GOD THEY'RE PLAYING AN AKFG song!!! ...Hang on.... A K-on song as well? Juri's going to sing a K-on song? Am I reading that right? Is that the anime of the 5 rocker girls or is there some real band I don't know about?
  23. I wish it was just Reno, Ryouga, and IV
  24. Augie1995

    Karnivool's new album was pretty good IMO
  25. Augie1995

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to do this but is anyone willing to do a trade with me? I want an Yveltal, any level (under 60 if you have it, if not, i'll settle)... All I have right now is a Lv. 70 Zygarde and a Lv. 70 Moltres Or a Rayquaza, any level
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