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Everything posted by Augie1995

  1. ERRA and Protest The Hero have to be my top 2 discoveries of 2013. The amount of epicness in each and every song makes my ears have an orgasm non-stop

    1. Pandabear



  2. Augie1995

    Yeah, they've had electro-pop stuff before like on their "The 5" album but I was just worried that this would be like a full undertaking of electronic stuff rather than playfully using it. I still hadn't checked the single preview when I posted that
  3. Augie1995

    Well the digital singles were really nice. I got a bit of a proggy side from them in Exist. SHINING sounds like your typical Alice Nine single title (not like that means anything with them), I just don't know about their album name. Usually the title always has something to do with the concept (Except for 9 which was a form of not writing a self-titled name)
  4. Augie1995

    Whoa...Wait, I'm not liking those covers...I don't know why I'm feeling that they're about to go very electronic here and so far that hasn't gone well for most bands
  5. Augie1995

    ^ personally, his growls are kind of cool and they add some heaviness to their music that the instrumentations can't, but the growls in this song sound very hollow and echo-y and I don't like it. Sounds like those vocals were badly produced
  6. Augie1995

    I don't know, I don't give them too much expectations so that actualy sounded all right to me
  7. Augie1995

    ^Aren't they like in their 30s?
  8. Augie1995

    Was the "HIKARI" part necessary? It sounds like they're trying to make it English susceptible so this is once again going to sound mainstream/radio and have a whole lot of english lyrics in it
  9. Augie1995

    Ahh gotcha! Well, Aside from my Aggron, I wanted to make Sliggoo (or Goodra as it will be) into sort of a secondary tank for when there's an opponent to fast that I want to lay damage to. I battled someone with a Greninja with better moveset than mine and it almost took out my team, had I had another tank, I could've knocked it out. Okay, I'm understanding it more now. I know now how I should train my sliggoo. One friend of mine told me to just boost the stats that were already high rather than balance them out. Thanks Zess and Peace!!!
  10. Augie1995

    For now, I'll just make a list. Later, I'll edit with cover art and short review for the top ones I really liked the most, and take out the ones that were just good: Japanese: DIV- Zero One Girugamesh- MONSTER Coldrain- The Revelation Jupiter- CLASSICAL ELEMENT NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST- GRIMOIRE ONE OK ROCK- Jinsei Boku Rin Toshite Shigure- I'mperfect SiM- PANDORA MIYAVI- MIYAVI 9GOATS BLACK OUT- ARCHIVES Non-Japanese: TesseracT- Altered State Scale the Summit- Migration Sapphires- Carriers Protest The Hero- Volition Polyphia- Inspire Parkway Drive- Atlas Letlive.- THe Blackest Beautiful Leprous- Coal Humanity's Last Breath- Self-titled Heaven SHall Burn- Veto Hands Like Houses- Unimagine Erra- Augment David Maxim Micic- Bilo 3.0 Breakdown of Sanity- Perception Akeldama- Everything Beautiful
  11. Augie1995

    I don't know if it has been mentioned on here since I can't see the YouTube links anymore but what about the church used constantly? PV's it's been used in are as follows: BORN- ProudiA ZORO- Senkou Mejibray- Avalon
  12. Augie1995

    Can someone explain to me how to EV train a pokemon? I don't mean what do I do, I mean how. For example, I have a sliggoo with these current stats: HP: 137 Attack: 85 Defense: 70 Sp. Attack: 98 Sp. Def: 115 Speed: 56 Now, if I were to EV train this mother bear, what should I focus on to get the best out of it? It's speed is low, and the Specials are higher than the regular attack and defense
  13. Augie1995

    Hey Zess, I'll take two off your hands if you haven't committed the Great Vulpix Genocide yet. One with Drought at the very least if you still have it
  14. Why am I just finding out that Serj Tankian kept releasing music? This is absolutely beautiful

  15. Augie1995

    Come on, guys. You definitely don't need that autotune. His voice is one of the many things I love about this band and that autotune takes away from it
  16. Augie1995

    What's the GazettE got to do with any of this? Sounds like you're trying to pick an argument over nothing and create something that doesn't need to be done. Also, interesting word choice there: "I'm keen to assume you need to read his comment once again, [...]" So you're eager/enthusiastic to assume such things?
  17. No, AYABIE is done for now. Takehito is now the only original Ayabie member and I wonder how long that will last. What is the reason for departure? It could be to create a new band under a new name
  18. Augie1995

    I like the white cover, that's it. Still not going to put me off from the single though
  19. Augie1995

    Ahh you don't seem to understand this. While most vk bands were out there producing and writing the same song we've been hearing for the past +4 years, ACE was creating music that was fresh, amusing, different. The members can go and join different bands or create new ones separately, but they won't be ACE, and they won't create something as astounding as ELEMENTAL ALCHEMICA and such.
  20. Does anyone else thing that Matenrou Opera's Dracula sounds like Designer Baby v2? It's a pretty good song

  21. there aren't enough words to describe how much I love Hiro's clean vocals and how he sings the lyrics in the sense of tempo and variation.
  22. IS VII ARC supposed to be some horrible rip from VII-Sense's name?
  23. I feel Girugamesh has become a diluted, clean version of Crossfaith (not an insult)

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      They seem to be a better version of the current crossfaith...sad to say.

  24. Augie1995

    It may sound random but I actually bought these at the same time. [shirt] Protest The Hero- Volition [Phone] Samsung Galaxy s3 (Yes, I know the s4 is out)
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