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Everything posted by Augie1995

  1. Augie1995

    OH COME ON!! I thought for once Ryouga was normal and then you had to bring that picture into the mix. Anyone else see Byou instead of Ryouga in that first look?
  2. Intervals for sure made album #1 of 2014 for me already. We're 1/4 of the way in, it's not too soon. It all depends on Periphery's album in the summer and Animals As Leaders album in a few weeks

    1. acbpn


      so what do you think if AAL add a vocalist?

  3. Intervals, The Kindred, Architects, and Tell Me A Fairytale already made my Top 10 of 2014 and I don't see them getting off it.

    1. acbpn


      Architects and TMAF are the same for me, 2014 top 10 for sure. but I'm not getting into Intervals... actually don't like things too progressive...

      what I love the most is like, Breakdown of Sanity's Perceptions or Miss May I's debut "Apologies Are For The Weak".

      so, any recommendation, friend? ^v^

    2. acbpn


      yeah, metalcore or deathcore songs with strong and many breakdowns. I don't mind the melodic elements then.

      and my recommendation is this→ http://manipulatoroh.bandcamp.com/

  4. Intervals!! Oh, what a perfect album. No low point. First The Kindred releases the most unique metal album i've ever heard and then ARCHITECTS gets all intense with me and now this.

  5. Augie1995

    Why are their best looks always for their lives?
  6. Augie1995

    Yeah, I'm trying to get Latios and Latias as well. We're literally talking about the only 3 legendaries I care for
  7. Augie1995

    Isn't surprising, I expected either this or a hiatus. I haven't heard much from them lately and I know they haven't been gaining much popularity
  8. Augie1995

    Yeah, I don't know how you're going to breed a legendary but if she has a second Rayquaza she's willing to spare or you're able to clone that Rayquaza, I'll gladly take it.
  9. Augie1995

    That never stopped Kaggra True, true. On my side of things, the last thing of theirs that I liked was BLASTED ANIMALS...just the title track though haha
  10. Augie1995

    I don't think lyrics are all that important...and they are. I have mixed feelings about it. Whether it's involving japanese music or music with English lyrics, it's still equally important as it is unimportant. There are some songs that I connect with that the lyrics just make me get all gooey inside or hit me hard that I in turn have to hit a wall to feel manly again, but then there are other that do that without the lyrics. I remember back when I listened to The GazettE's VOICELESS FEAR. I hardly understood the lyrics back then since my understanding of the Japanese language was miniscule. Still that was enough to not make me feel interested. I also listen to a lot of metal, heavy metal, prog, all that. When there are growls, it's tough to understand what is being said but some songs can still influence me in a really good way. Here's a band who's vocalist is hard to understand (Even though he doesn't scream or growl) and yet the song still makes me go nuts and it makes me appreciate the song about the same as if I knew what he was singing. http://youtu.be/8vM4AE9SdrM
  11. Augie1995

    ^ Really? ViViD was in the gutters but even they were better than BORN.
  12. Augie1995

    Good, I'm glad he finds a better band for his potential
  13. I invite you all to listen to ViViD's new album. Haven't heard anything this good since Yume. The only letdown on this album was Hikari and that dubstep interlude. This album was their heaviest since their indies and I love it.

    1. ricchubunny


      same here! i used to love them until FAKE but i really enjoyed this album.

    2. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      i'd do both of their guitarists. well, seeya.

    3. Spectralion


      Yes. This album is quite satisfying... I enjoy HIKARI after fey listen, but it shouldn't place as track 2 I think...

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  14. Augie1995

    Words can't describe how good "from KURAYAMi" is. Their best B-side since Pre-VANDALIZE days. And that's even with the rocking Le Grand Bleu and beautiful Namida no Aru Basho.
  15. Augie1995

    I'll take it, the covers look cool and Alice Nine is still going great. The b-side track is beautiful and SHINING is growing on me strongly
  16. They're too good so I don't mind these speedy releases so long as the content quality remains steady or increases
  17. Augie1995

    ^ I'm in agreeance with the doge here. Except that final growl didn't really bother me, I don't expect everyone to be able to tastefully belt out a growl
  18. Augie1995

    ^What would be the point? D.I.D is doing better IMO, the new guitarist is damn amazing and stands out to me more than the previous one that left prior to Para:noir's disbandment. Only thing I hope that happens is that the guitarist who just left solves the troubles he's having and is able and willing to return to the band like you mentioned
  19. Augie1995

    The vocals "sound" heavy but the instrumentation is literally the most boring I've yet to hear BORN be at.
  20. Augie1995

    I love how the timer in red in the back was a countdown to the end of the song. I can't believe someone called this song basic. The music video is pretty superb and the song is awesome!! The chorus is pretty strong, yet mellow. The instrumentation is pretty awesome and melodic, I love the transition from the riff after the first chorus to 2:13 where the song reverts to the intro melody which was pretty nicely done.
  21. Augie1995

    ^ It kind of sounds like you think they meant they made this album to get the audience rallied up and all. IMO, when they say it gets brought to life live, it's more of the album is good on record but once you take the songs live, they become bigger and stronger because of the energy behing them from the fans and members. It's not about "live friendly features" and such, just about how the audience and the band members mix together with the songs and create and atmosphere that makes these songs more powerful than on CD.
  22. I'm into Heaven Shall Burn and Humanity's Last Breath.
  23. Arif speaks words of wisdom about themselves and how other bands act on stage, most bands do follow what Arif says http://youtu.be/EGYQkhFKXZo?t=12m45s

  24. Augie1995

    3 questions: 1) Does Mejibray ever plan on dropping the insane amount of video filters on their PVs? 2) Can MiA create a guitar solo that's less shred and more emotion? (that's not to say shred solos can't be emotional) 3) Does anyone else have a strong love/hate relationship with the vocals in the verses that aren't the chorus? Anyways, the song is pretty good. The vocals for the verses between the chorus are really weird (when they come back on, it makes me feel like "oh god, they're back") but the instruments save this song like no other
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