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Ro plz

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Ro plz last won the day on April 7 2021

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About Ro plz

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  • Birthday 06/25/1991

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  1. https://soundcloud.com/hellion01/melting-final-demo I think GazettE fans and J-rock fans alike will enjoy this original (demo) track I made. Lemme know what you think, peeps.
    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Nice riffage going on here. The transitions between sections are a little jarring (for example: around 1:29~1:35), but as this is a demo I'm sure you can smooth those out. This happens again around 2:13 (do you switch to 7/8 time here?). However, the phrasing out of this section is great. All you need now are some edgy broken-English lyrics to go on top. "I AM MELTING FOR MYSELF"

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      I'll take your advice into play when/if I decide to polish it up! Thank you!!!

    3. Jigsaw9
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