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Ro plz

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Ro plz last won the day on April 7 2021

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About Ro plz

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  • Birthday 06/25/1991

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  1. I'm a bad person for not voting?

    1. YuyoDrift


      No, just a useless American for not exercising their right. Sorry I know that was rude, but it's kind of the truth.

    2. Tetora


      Depends how you want to see it. If there is a candidate that you believe in, then you are a bugger for not voting. But if there is nothing you believe in, after research, etc... Then you also represent the apathetic demographic that will be marketed to in the future. It is also a sign to parties. Democratic vote is down while Republican is up. So non-voters are a form of feedback. Just not nearly as important.

    3. YuyoDrift


      Using Tetora's analysis, you can ask yourself this: Which candidate is the lesser Evil?

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