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  1. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from emmny in 黒百合と影(kuroyuri to kage) Gt.こよみ-koyomi- & Dr.夢月-mutsuki- will depart & retire   
    This abrupt message really makes me think if Yukika had something to do with Koyomi and Mutsuki leaving? Maybe there's been drama behind the scenes that we can't see? 
  2. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from CCXXVIII in [SOLVED] Where to buy Visual Kei magazines in Tokyo?   
    CD shops and regular bookstores.
    For old ones, check book off. They have A LOT and they're usually very very cheap. 100-300 yen each. I really recommend book off in Shibuya. It's close to scramble crossing.
  3. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Saishu in Dir en grey   
    Does Dir en grey know they're participating in the new X Japan album?
  4. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Euthanasia in [Swedish] Allmänt snack   
    Kanske missuppfattar dig nu p.g.a. sjukt tidigt på morgonen men vadå, menar du att man inte är ~kvalificierad~ nog om man inte gillar äldre visual kei också?
    Alla börjar någonstans, och majoriteten av dom som börjar lyssna på visual kei hittar nyare band. Samt alla bryr sig inte ens om äldre band.
    Personligen är Grieva ett av mina favoritband (mestadels p.g.a. att dom försöker återuppliva det gamla 90-tals/tidiga 2000-tals soundet, tillsammans med resten av banden på deras skivbolag), men samtidigt älskar jag luna sea, deshabillz, banden på matina/key party, tidiga dir en grey osv. Men ser inte riktigt hur det är relevant egentligen. För mig personligen så blir jag glad så länge Svenskar intresserar sig mer i visual kei (och då menar jag inte Yohio&co), för det gör oss till ett land som potentiellt skulle kunna ta emot japanska band för spelningar här igen. Att skrämma iväg folk med elitism är inte rätt väg att gå.
    Föresten, på tal om spelningar i Sverige. Tycker inte ni det är konstigt att typ sjukt små band tar sig hit? Via företaget som tar hit HITT osv? Nyanko Scandal Factory heter dom tror jag. Är det ett bolag som typ känner banden som spelar här eller något? Aldrig fattat grejen. Måste vara mer lönsamt att faktiskt punga ut liiite mer pengar men få hit ett band som även skulle locka internationella gäster (Mejibray te.x.) och generera pengar till företaget.
    EDIT: Men kul att fler Svenskar hittat hit! Vet inte om ni varit medlem här längre än mig, men om inte: välkomna! :>
  5. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to WhirlingBlack in [Swedish] Allmänt snack   
    Ska svara mer utförligt sen men ville poängtera för att undvika missförstånd (som redan uppstått) att det var på en personlig nivå, alltså en sorg över att inte kunna relatera till människorna även om vi gillar samma genre i grunden. Såklart får de lyssna på vilka band de vill.
  6. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Zeus in 関西悪血(KANSAI ∀NTI FEMINISM) new album "悪血魂(∀NTI DAMASHII)" release   
    If you're going to re-re-re-release old songs at least record them over this time.
  7. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to WhirlingBlack in Keios Entertainment will hold its first KEIOS FESTIVAL '16 on June 18   
    Missed opportunity to invite some Japanese band along. If they are trying to profile themselves towards fans of Japanese music it would've been a great chance to draw people with the jap band and hope that people would stick around to see theirs too. Now its just going to be another event for Yohios 12 year old fangirls (which I'm sure he doesn't mind)
  8. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Serox in 黒百合と影(kuroyuri to kage) Gt.こよみ-koyomi- & Dr.夢月-mutsuki- will depart & retire   
    Inb4 rui from grieva joins kuroyuritokage
  9. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Serox in ASAGI(D) solo new major maxi single "Seventh Sense / 屍の王者 / アンプサイ" release   
    Nah, AREA is a common venue in Shinjuku where a lot of bands perform. It's just that I thought ASAGI had more fans than area's capacity.
  10. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Serox in ASAGI(D) solo new major maxi single "Seventh Sense / 屍の王者 / アンプサイ" release   
    that live picture is a mess tbh. also sad to see all these well known musicians in the scene play in area lol. its almost as sad as kisakis downfall after phantasmagoria
  11. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Pretsy in BatAAr new single and arrival of new Vo.ENDIGO(ex-Overworld)   
    Patrik is saying one thing and doing the exact opposite later (i.e. denouncing "pesky neo-vk ideals" and basically adopting them full-on years after) - why am I not surprised atm?
    edit: just show up already, Patrik.
  12. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Karma’s Hat in BatAAr new single and arrival of new Vo.ENDIGO(ex-Overworld)   
    sup yohio nice post count
  13. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to herpes in BatAAr new single and arrival of new Vo.ENDIGO(ex-Overworld)   
    lmao still trying huh
  14. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Naaaaani in Keios Entertainment will hold its first KEIOS FESTIVAL '16 on June 18   
    Yohio just registered as "xxx" and still trying to promote his weaboocore? What a tryhard.
  15. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Trombe in THE EGOIST new maxi single "RED ACHE" release   
    it is announced at THE EGOIST 2-part one-man live "Illuminati" at Shinjuku RUIDO K4 at 2016/03/26 that their new maxi single "RED ACHE" will be released at 2016/06/15 (2 TYPE)
    TYPE A (2,160yen) will include CD+DVD (including "RED ACHE" PV), and TYPE B (1,260yen) will include CD only

  16. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from CELESTIAL CIEL in Show Yourself (again)   
    I got septum pierced recently, and here's a picture of me with my mom's dog (who kinda didn't want to be in the picture :x ) 
  17. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Silverhawk33 in Show Yourself (again)   
    I got septum pierced recently, and here's a picture of me with my mom's dog (who kinda didn't want to be in the picture :x ) 
  18. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Silverhawk33 in Show Yourself (again)   
    ^ omy jelly. been wanting to visit the us for quite some time.

    I want to buy new glasses ;-; I want to pierce septum piercing as well. Do you think it would fit me?
  19. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from inartistic in X JAPAN will temporarily pause activities   
    Shocking reveal:
    The song YOSHIKI can die for is Kurenai (English version) re-recording.
  20. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from alehandroll in Devil Kitty 万歳お洒落系 (Banzai oshare kei) (Lyrics & translation)   
    I know this was translated by someone long ago, but I can't find that anymore so I gave it a shot and did it myself. If anyone has any corrections/improvements just leave a reply^^ 
    今日はあの子と原宿デート♪ お洒落な服着て何処いこうかvv 
    右を見ても左を見ても 僕らが一番お洒落系さっvv 
    何処へ行っても拍手喝采 雑誌のスナップ載っちゃってvv 
    ほらほらあそこにコテコテ発見 ださい服着てグラサンかけて 
    今時あんなの流行りませんよ? 早く僕らと一緒にお洒落vv 
    ださくてださくて見れたもんじゃない! 早く僕らと一緒にお洒落vv 
    そんな服着てよく歩けますね? 早く僕らと一緒にお洒落vv 

    < Representative of Oshare kei >
    Today I have a date with that girl, let’s go somewhere and be oshare
    Looking to my left and right, we are the most oshare kei around here
    Where ever we go, people are clapping and cheering at us, and taking pictures of us for magazines.
    Oshare is the best after all, isn’t it?
    Hey, there’s a kotekote guy. Wearing lame clothes and sunglasses.
    That’s not very popular at the moment? Hurry up and become Oshare like us.
    It looks lame! Hurry up and become oshare with us.
    You can walk easily in those clothes right? Hurry up and become oshare with us

    Ahhh. oshare kei is the best (repeated 8 times)

    < Representative of Kotekote kei > 
    Oshare kei? Are you fucking with me?
    What’s wrong with Kotekote?
    Just try and tell me! Ahhhhhhhhhh?!??
    What’s so oshare about you!!! We are the most oshare!!!
    Who decided what’s oshare?!! AHHHHHH!

    またまたあそこにコテコテ発見 ワイパン履いてアツゾコ履いて 
    今時あんなの流行りませんよ? そろそろ気付けコテコテ野郎! 
    ださくてださくて見れたもんじゃない! そろそろ気付けコテコテ小僧! 
    そんな服着てよく歩けますね? そろそろ気付けよコテコテ小僧! 
    < Representative of Oshare kei > 
    Isn’t kotekote pretty lame?
    There’s another kotekote guy, wearing wide pants and creepers. 
    It’s not very popular right now, you know. It’s about time you realise that, kotekote bastard.
    It looks lame! 
    Can you walk around easily in those clothes? 
    It’s about time you realise, brat. 

    Ahhh. oshare kei is the best (repeated 8 times) 

    < Representative of Kotekote kei > 
    Let’s get this over with. Should I make you unable to speak?!?!?
    “Lame”? Are you talking about me??? I’m going to beat the shit out of your band!!!
    Try and say it one more time in front of me??? What’s lame?????
    Don’t you hear what i’m saying???? AHHH?
    Get over here!!!
    Who did you call lame??? ME? ME? ME!???!??!?!
    ANSWER ME!!! Can’t you hear me?? If you can’t hear me I’ll cut of your ears!
    I said to much, I’m sorry
    By the way, I am…. Os*are. Yup.
  21. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from beni in Show Yourself (again)   
    I got septum pierced recently, and here's a picture of me with my mom's dog (who kinda didn't want to be in the picture :x ) 
  22. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Shir0 in Show Yourself (again)   
    I got septum pierced recently, and here's a picture of me with my mom's dog (who kinda didn't want to be in the picture :x ) 
  23. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Undead burger in Show Yourself (again)   
    I look like a lady. But don't ever throw me in a moshpit cuz once in there i'm not a distinguish princess anymore.
  24. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from desparejo86 in X JAPAN will temporarily pause activities   
    Yeah, X JAPAN/Yoshiki topics here are always good fun for everyone.
    Actually I think Yoshiki ruining our banter by actually releasing the album would not be worth it. 
  25. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from doombox in Show Yourself (again)   
    I got septum pierced recently, and here's a picture of me with my mom's dog (who kinda didn't want to be in the picture :x ) 
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