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Everything posted by seikun

  1. I want them to dress up the way they used to 10 years ago.
  2. seikun

    Not much happening with the band...?
  3. seikun

    Kirito is not used to singing melodically, but I hope this collaboration made an impact for his future musical works. Even though I love PIERROT, one of my two critics to him is the lack of melody in his singning. But it didn't sound that bad. Kirito's voice was kind of drowned out by the music and Kyo's voice...
  4. Wow, sounds interesting. I am very interested in Bara wa utsukushiku chiru. Although I wish Danchou had sung it along with Kamijo. I wonder if this type of releases are a method to make Visual Kei bands more visible to the audience they have been loosing through the years...
  5. seikun

    I hope his treaments work more than well. Thanks for the update^^
  6. seikun

    Technically speaking, most of today's bands sound better than old school Visual Kei bands. Kind of they play a bit better than some old bands. But on the other hand, most bands today make boring music to me. By boring I mean many bands make that weird electronic pop music (to call it something), the so-called Neo-Visual Kei. Other bands, the one that make aggressive dark music usually sound monotone. It is the same boring note throughout the whole song. I also love theater onstage but most bands don't do that today. I miss the insanity of old school Visual Kei music. But there are bands like GRIEVA who have revived that insanity. Unfortunately bands like GRIEVA are the least today.
  7. seikun

    I was searching for information on Kentz's condition and this news came along. I am kind of shocked. I love most of the bands he was part of. Seriously, these poeple are just too young to die of who knows what. I read that rumors say he might have suffered from cancer. Sad news I must say.
  8. seikun

    Any news on his condition?
  9. seikun

    Hmm, I think he must be in his late 20's. 26/7 perhaps.
  10. seikun

    Oh, so Happy Birthday to him! No the question, how old is he?
  11. seikun

    My japanese is more than poor, but read this on GIREVA's twitter account: なごやおつかれー。誕生日のきょーきさんとつーしょ。 緋雨 Is today or was Kyouki's birthday recently?
  12. seikun

    Because of the usage of "croix" in their band name I was expecting a darker sound.
  13. seikun

    Any news on the band? It's been a while since they started their career but not much has happened with them that we know of...
  14. It is not us who said they make old school Visual Kei music first. GRIEVA: "Successors of the good old times" 狂鬼: 古き良き時代の継承者。
  15. It doesn't look like a serious project, it looks like a surviving-in-the-music-world-before-losing-visibility move. Maybe if he had thought of a more serious project with all his talent, and experience put into it then he would be have a more promising career... I hope he comes up with a better project in the near future.
  16. At first I couldn't believe that was Tatsuya ex Syndrome. You wouldn't expect a musician who was in a great band like Syndrome and who has quite some experience in music to end up making music like this... I don't know how old he is, but he should have thought of a more sustainable look that can last long on a guy in his thirties... Is he in his 30's?
  17. The pop part is the wrong one, but the rest was good. Kirito, leave pop alone!
  18. Too many songs in just one year might not be a good idea... I liked Shuuen but just a few songs, more specifically, the last ones were kind of unnecessary. They shouldn't sacrifice their talent by composing too many songs at once. Composition needs time in order to refine what it is being created. I suppose... However the song still sounds old school. I didn't pay much attention to their looks. Kyouki reminded me of one of Kyo's old looks.
  19. What? Another release? I'm not so sure I liked the preview. It will take some time I guess. I think they should stick to no more than 12 songs a year. Too many might mean not that good music, even though good is relative here.
  20. seikun

    I was forgetting the Arlequin eye so distinctive of the band! It will be nice to see Kirito wear it again.
  21. seikun

    Wow, foundation works wonders.
  22. I will say that they sound monotone then.
  23. seikun

    That's right!
  24. They know how to play, but unfortunately and judging by the preview posted on Youtube, their music just doesn't appeal to me at all. I end up getting bore of that monotone music (nü-metal?) and that is one of the reasons why I don't listen to 99% of todays Visual Kei (label debatable sometimes) bands. Bring some of the old school insanity to your music, something more appealing, please!
  25. seikun

    So we could say that most likely it will not be a long term reunion, in case they reunite which is kind of obvious. Perhaps they will go on tour here and there because there was not a last live when they disbanded. It would be great to listen to Clear Sky live again^^
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