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Status Updates posted by seikun

  1. I don't listen to KPOP and don't like Kdramas, but Wow! That korean guy, Kim Jong Kook is really hot.  8)

    1. nekkichi


      mte, sis!!



  2. I have a racy question 😋 How do you say "horny" in Japanese? As in 'Japanese bodybuilders are always horny".

    1. Himeaimichu


      Just do what most stinky bandmen do and text a dick pic with the phrase "Chinchin Binbin"

    2. seikun


      I thought エロ meant erotic.


    3. BrenGun


      エロ  the plain meaning is erotic, but it also matters in how you use it tho.


      I guess you could translate it somehow like this. 


      Japanese bodybuilders are always so erotic💗.

      Japanese bodybuilders gives me always a dokidoki. (dokidoki=heartbeat)

      Japanese bodybuilders give me always  a wakuwaku feeling. (wakuwaku = horny)  

      Japanese bodybuilders are always so hot   (Hot as heath hot, so 熱い)

      Japanese bodybuilders make me always feel muramura  (muramura  = horny


      Then people understand that a Japanese bodybuilders turns you on 😘


      But my male friends... they use often "sexy"  or "yaritai"  if they feel horny. 


      here some more stuff around the topic of sex. 







      But it really matters how you use it.


      same for

      Yaritai -  I wanna do it  /  I wanna have sex / I wanna have sex with you

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  3. I have always thought that Maddona's overall look in Jump was inspired by Jui's (Vidoll) look in Ningyo PV.

  4. I have been wondering about the old school Visual Kei band, Lamiel. I wonder if their band name comes either from some angel of biblical mythology or if perhaps comes from Spanish "la miel (the honey).

    1. Jigsaw9


      Knowing VK bands, it's probably the former cuz it's so 'mystical', lol. But I wouldn't be surprised if they just cracked open a Spanish dictionary at random. :D 

    2. Himeaimichu


      It's also the name of some French film from the 60's based off of an unfinished book of the same title.

  5. I hope there is more from MIRAGE to come.

  6. I jjst realised there's no download section anymore. Just read the thread baout too. Not everybody has the money and means to buy stuff. It was illegal downloading that gave VK bands to world tours and find their music bought by people around the world. Illegal downloading doesn't necessarily harms bands.

    1. -NOVA-


      I would also have to disagree with you, I buy a lot of cds and I do understand some people do not have the $ and thats okay but when you use that as an excuse to justify only downloading thats not okay. I use to avidly share on here but when i see posts like this i feel used because people only care about the downloads. Bands work hard for their music. They want to do what they do for a living and if everyone downloads most likely we can expect a disband. Especially vk... vk doesnt have a big audience(compared to other styles) so these bands need all the help they can get. My stance on this is... do what you can for the band, ull b surprised to know that colecting cds is pretty fun. More sales = more promotion = more tours = world tours. You think gazette got a world tour because everyone illegally downloaded? Bands need sales otherwise theres no funds to support any kind of tour or even feed themselves.

    2. seikun


      Availability of Japanese music on the net is what gave VK bands the possibility to expand the horizons of their music in the world. Not everybody has the money to buy  music from Japan or the means to do it but illegal downloading never stopped people from buying original stuff once they had the money as it is the aspiration of most people once they get a job that allows them to do so.

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  7. I just want someone to share Daraku, first demo by Baiser. Am I going to leave this Earth without ever listening to it at least once?

  8. I liked the other design better.  ó.ò

  9. I love Noir fleurir but I admit a lot of their songs sound like they were just learning the concept of music; they sounded inexperienced in how to compose music I would say. Omocha no MIISHA stands out because it really was a well conceived song musically. I wonder what the impact of the song was in the Visual Kei scence was back then. Their music matured clearly in their last releases before disbandment although it lost the Visual Kei style.

  10. I need a Mist of Rouge revival

  11. I need to insist on "please, someone share Daraku by Baiser".

  12. I think I know why I used to like NoGoD but then lost interest in the band. I think it's because the band's music had mono no aware. When they became major that mono no aware factor was lost to a consistent extent.

  13. I thought I was the only one seeing Kisaki in the background.

    1. nekkichi


      wym @ kisaki in the background

  14. I wish someone would upload Due le quartz's PVs in the best quality possible. My videos no longer work because I got them centuries ago.

  15. I wish there were a live video of Nightmare by The Candy Spooky Theater somehwere on the net to download and watch.

  16. I wish there were high quality PVs from Baiser on Youtube to recommend them for reaction videos.

  17. I wonder if anybody has ever watched the full PV for Seishun Roll Over by DOREMIdan...

  18. I wonder if fans will succeed in proposing Akatsuki no Ito by Wagakki Band as the hymn for the Olympic Games 2020...

  19. I wonder if Kisaki has money to re-open Under-Code... Of course, in case he wanted to.

    1. seikun


      I had no idea about some things you mentioned. But just letting imagination fly a little bit I would like an Under-Code these days. Especially one bringing bands in the line of Phantasmagoria or early Vidoll...

    2. Himeaimichu


      I don't personally think he'll do it. I think he'll try to open a new label with a new band. Kisaki has a.. less than savoury past, we all know that, but I don't think that really ever would stop him. I mean, he was arrested of all things and yet still came back.

      The only problem is, all the former undercode bands have moved on. Vidoll became Gotcharocka, Riku has his solo project, etc. And personally, I don't think the fanbase would be open to Kisaki opening a new label, and open to a bunch of new bands. 

      The Vkei scene has changed a ton since 2011. Some for the better, some for the worse. The way it's changed wouldn't allow Kisaki to open a new label. VisualKei is in it's lower years, and has been stagnant. We haven't had a Vkei boom like the one in 1986-1993, or the 1996-2003, there isn't as much hype for new bands,  and the whole scene has moved on from the "big exciting indie super-label". There was that kind of hype for Rockstar Records, but we all know how that turned out... I personally do think a modern equivalent to Undercode or something would really benefit the scene, but it doesn't feel like it's going to happen. 

      Basically, the odds are stacked against there being another Extasy, Free Will, Soleil, Matina, or Undercode. They just don't really make them like they used to..

    3. Peace Heavy mk II
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  20. I wonder if one can request anime OSTs here... I really want to listen to some Dragon Ball OST but they aren't sites to download.

    1. seikun



      If you could share OST from Pokemon's first season that would be awesome.

    2. Nagisa


      Sorry I don't think there are OSTs for the TV shows, only singles with the opening and ending themes. I do have OSTs for most of the movies, though, although not the first one.

    3. seikun


      Oh, I see. Well, thanks anyway.

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  21. I wonder what ex members of Eldorado are doing today...

    1. Himeaimichu


      For all the members to be that skilled and yet never see the same success they had again is just sad. 

  22. I wonder what ex-members of Poitrine are doing today.

    1. Duwang


      Sacci (Sayo) was in Souiumono and has a new thing called kaiga no kotowari https://www.kaigano-kotowari.com/blog
      Nuppe (Denu) was also in Souiumono and now does sessions every once in a while? He hasn't updated his Twitter in two months so maybe he's slowly disappearing.
      Urala is a band called Charles https://charles3mul.wixsite.com/official/profile
      Ginga and Yusuke are long gone.

    2. seikun


      So detailed.


  23. I wonder what members of Aile are doing today... I found Aile's vocal's ameblo line in 2102 but then lost the link.

    1. nekkichi


      smoking weed & eating puss I guess?????

  24. I wonder, if Charlotte's vocal, Kazuno, were alive would Charlotte have continued making music for much longer or would the current state of Visual Kei be not receptive of their Oshare-ish style...?

  25. I would love to know what members of Eliphas Levi are doing today. If someone knows I'd appreciate if they could tell me.



      https://twitter.com/kjigowatt9 look how cute Kei is :> he's now in 黒鏡の教会 with guys from mercuro

    2. seikun


      Wow, thank you.

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