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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. Champ213

    Well, I believe it was alway Jake's plan to integrate the news section into a main page, which is now going to be Deadeyes-star. I'm sure Kai and Manda can come up with some sort of filtering system, if the news are tagged according to certain categories... but things are are always slow on TW, lol, and at the moment they're working on the artist database. Until then we can probably think about subforums, but I'll wait on more input by other users.
  2. Champ213

    Well, I'm usually hesistant to add large amount of subforums... seems like unnecessary clicking around if you want to stay informed about all topics. (Unless you never visit subforums anyway and just use the "View new posts" button like I do, but I know many people don't.) Also, a lot of news may include more than on topic (like, disband & Best-of release, Perfromance + new single release etc.) So... I dunno. It would really depend on what the majority prefers. Trombe might want to say a thing about this too since he posts most news. I might also add that the way news are presented might change over the next... months... or so, once the site gets finally fully integrated with Deadeyes-star. We could probably integrate some sort of tagging system to make is easier to filter news.
  3. Champ213

    I like the album 'Ot Serdtsa K Nebu' (От Сердца к Небу). But to be honest, I haven't tried their latest album 'Goi, Rode, goi' yet, so I can't comment on that. As for the older stuff... I remember listening to 'Lepta' loooong time ago, and I didn't really like it, but that doesn't mean much as my tastes were different back then and I really only skipped through it.
  4. Champ213

    Yeah, that's FAR too many subforums. We don't want this forum becoming more cluttered than it already is. And I really don't think there is enough interest for that anyway. I think most of the topics you mention would warrant one thread each, but not a whole subforum. Ie. a thread for lolita fashion, a thread for ganguro, a thread for asking for advice... etc. IF and only IF these topics generate a huge amount of interest, I'd be willing to entertain the possibility of ONE subforum specifically designed to collect all fashion-related topics. But only if there are enough topics of that sort to make it worthwhile. Until then... Since vk/lolita/ganguro/kogal are all japanese type of fashions, the "Japanese Stuff" subforum would be just the right place to discuss them, as a matter of fact we had several fashion-related topics there on the old TW.net. Same goes for people asking for fashion/hairstyle advice. Or, if it's not specifically pertaining to some japanese sort of fashion, the general forum will suffice. Designs can be posted in the Art Showcase, and if there really is a band that wants advice on their wardrobe they can use the Musicians Corner.
  5. Champ213

    Don't worry, I'm watching this thread. This might just give me the opportunity to ban some failtrolls I've been wanting to ban for quite some time. Consider yourself warned. And, @ precious kitty: get off your high horse. After the awful things you already said to other people in the past on previous incarnation of this forum, you should be glad we let you back in here at all, after, like your 3rd or 4rth ban. If anyone profits from our general Laissez-Faire-policy, it's you. Now, back on topic, or be deleted.
  6. Champ213

    I think 2 or 3 months ago I said that if they keep on releasing stuff at this rate, they'll burn out in a year. Seems it happened even faster. People should just stop expecting vk bands to shit out new singles every 2 months (no western rock band does that!), while at the same time having several lives a month, AND keep up a certain quality standard. Give them a break.
  7. Champ213

    LOL he mentioned all the sub genres of metal He didn't mention folk metal, which makes him immediate fail. That and... well, everything else he said. (But to be honest, I think it's a troll... then again you never know.)
  8. Champ213

    I don't think Romancia/Nene/preciouskitty likes me very much. I banned him too often for that.
  9. Champ213

    The previews were pretty underwhelming.... I'll wait for the whole thing.
  10. Well, I would say the need to "own" stuff (even if it's just mp3s) arises from the need of some sort of security, ie. knowing that the files are there, that you can access them now, tomorrow, next week... (or course there's always the possibility of HD failure, but you can protect yourself against that by making backups). If the music is stored on some server elsewhere, you never know for sure.... what if the internet connections fails? What if the service closed down next month? These might be irrational fears, as a matter of fact the files might be even more secure, since they are more likely to be backed-up, but as you said, psychologically most people probably will prefer the files "near" to them, where they have control over them and some sort of security (or an illusion thereof).
  11. Well, as I mentioned...hypothetically, you'd be able to receive the streaming service from anywhere...even on mp3 players lol. xD Well, to be honest.... this is just a bit too hypothetical. I suppose if there really was an unlimited library of all music, that magically streams stuff over thin air to wherever you are, and is guaranteed to be there forever, then I guess I would stop saving mp3s on my computer, because obviously that method would be a lot more convienent. But that scenario has purposefully eliminated all possible disadvantages of streaming music which are a) lack of access when offline uncertainty of access (will it still be there next week?) c) limited content In this hypothetical scenario it isn't really "streaming music" anymore, but "all music of the world 100%ly guaranteed forever at your disposal wherever you are at the snap of a finger" - and yes, in that case I actually would stop storing mp3 on my computer. I wouldn't stop buying CDs, because that really is a different thing alltogether.
  12. As for buying: 90% of the music I buy is music I already downloaded before. So streaming availability doesn't really make a difference here. As for downloading: I probably would. Streaming is just too bothersome. What if your internet connection is not availible? What if you want to put stuff on your portable mp3 player? And yeah, I like to actually "have" stuff, even if it's just the data. For the same reason I also frown on the whole concept of "Cloud Computing" (ie. having a computer that is basically just a monitor, mouse, keyboard and modem, while all the data, programmes and even OS are stored and run on some server elsewhere) which is supposed to be the huge trend topic in the next decade or so. But it kinda doesn't feel right, lol.
  13. Champ213

    Proof or it didn't happen!
  14. Champ213

    ^ That's a really cool pic. As Bob Ross already knew: every tree needs a friend. This is mine: ^__________________________^ And yes, it's the same tree as in the picture I posted earlier in this thread, except that picture was last year, this was taken today.
  15. Champ213

    Yeah, I read the lyrics. But before I knew them I could hardly understand 2 words. The only reason I knew it had to be english was that I knew that it wasn't japanese. Because then I actually would have understood something.
  16. Champ213

    To be honest, this sounds rather vague. I really believe that if it was true, we would have known about it from other sources, other previous bandmates like Hizaki for example. As a sidenote, a comment on Hisui's vkdb page claims that he is a teacher on a private cram school in Nagoya now, lol. The comment was made last month, a few days after the blog entry. Of course that isn't really any evidence either, but given the lack of other evidence I would assume that the rumours of his death are greatly exaggaerated. At least that's what I hope.
  17. Champ213

    Kamijo is rather "ugh" too. htUKM1pltlg The songs is almost entirely in english and it's hard to make out even one sentence.
  18. Champ213

    I knew this answer would come the moment I read the OP, lol. You people are so damn predictable.
  19. Champ213

    Actually, we used to have a TW Radio before. But I'm not really sure if it was that widely used. I signed up a Mixpod account for TW quite a while ago though as replacement when the other service vanished.
  20. Champ213

    Your wish shall come true. This thread wasn't going anywhere anyway. =/ Long live idiot.
  21. OMGOMGOMG His talents are wasted by just writing blogs. NEW BAND NOW!
  22. Champ213

    Meh. Sounds pretty bland to me, but then again so was Nega except for 1 or 2 songs.
  23. Champ213

    There aren't really many bands with female vocalists I listen to (japanese or otherwise). And those I do it's usually not for specifically great vocalists. But I always thought that Hajime Chitose has a beautiful voice.
  24. Champ213

    And even the forest it was shot in was ugly. D:
  25. Champ213

    ^ The music isn't exactly amazing either D:
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