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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. Champ213

    Yeah, the truth is, I don't listen to whole albums a lot. When an album is new I give it a few spins, but then I'll sort out those songs I like and skip the rest. Occasionally I will re-visit rejected songs later, because it does happen that I suddenly start liking a song that I didn't care for the first few times I heard it. But I just was lacking the time to listen to much music in recent times. As a matter of fact, the only full japanese albums I listened to this year were Versailles, 9GBO, cali gari and Jully, and the Jully album was a Best of (and I head to go through my last.fm history to come up with all those 4 albums, lol). All those albums happened to be alright, but it's a rather meager basis to establish a "Top 2010 album" list. Plus, I'm still waiting for the upcoming BUCK-TICK album. I assume that this topic wasn't meant for japanese releases only but even then I'd raher wait til the end of the year to make my list.
  2. Champ213

    In terms of japanese music there was indeed very little noteworthy that I can remember. A few singles, a mini-album, but few full albums. So I'm inclined to agree with Neon. But then again I didn't listen to much japanese music the last few months. And since this was posted in the 'japanese rock' section I won't post the non-japanese albums here.
  3. Champ213

    I must admit, I never really listened to them actively. But I heard good things about the new album, so I might just as well start there.
  4. Champ213

  5. Champ213

    I'm kinda disappointed that it isn't called PELESTLOIKA....
  6. Champ213

    Well, does Ken Lloyd (Oblivion Dust, FAKE?) count? (Probably not, eh?) I always though that Yama-B's (Galneryus) english was tolerable.
  7. Champ213

    We know about that. As you can see, everybody (or almost everybody) who was on the old Zetaboards has that same join date. It happened when the accounts were transferred over to the new board, for some reason. I don't really thought it was much of a problem though, lol. It's probably not worth trying to fix for all 2000+ user accounts that were transferred, even if it was possible at all. So... just see it as a badge of honor. It means you're an oldfag now. XD
  8. I'd recommend Luna Sea, because I always recommend Luna Sea. But it really depends on the person and their taste. I would also recommend stuff I don't care for much myself (say, L'arc en ciel) if I think that this is something they might enjoy.
  9. Champ213

    Meaning... what exactly? Dir en grey are beyond reproach now to protect overly sensitive fans from becoming butthurt, while lesser known bands like this one are fair game?
  10. Champ213

    Lol, that was my first thought as well. Anyway, it seems there is no real basis for the original rumor, right? I think I'll close this for now.
  11. Champ213

    First of all: no. There would still be drama. Because some people think that other people aren't allowed to have opinions that don't agree with their own. There's even drama on review threads, and if it isn't obvious that reviews are always opinions, I don't know what is. Secondly, I think it's rather obvious anyway that everything somebody ever says aboute taste etc. is an opinion. What else would it be? Do we really have to spell it out each time? People just need to take a deep breath and stop turning butthurt or start foaming at the mouth because somebody insulted their favourite band. It's the internet.
  12. Champ213

    We had a winner, it's been over for several months now. Of course that was on the old TW.net, so the topic isn't around anymore. I don't know if there is enough interest in 3rd installment, participation for the 2nd contest was already lower than the first time.
  13. Champ213

    It wasn't me. I had it set to a nice orange-yellow.
  14. Champ213

    Yeah, Hide My Ass should do the trick. I use it to download from 4shared, which for some reason isn't accesible from my region anymore.
  15. Champ213

    Would have fitted on any random Versailles release. Versailles' "romantic" image is mostly generated by the clothing anyway. Take it away and you have a pretty decent, but common symphonic metal band. The only aspect in which they somehow differ are the vocals, because a lot of european symphonic metal bands have female vocals. But Kamijos vocals aren't mindblowing anyway, although he did improve quite a bit.
  16. Champ213

    Well, people can use this thread for futher discussions now: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2035 Closed.
  17. Champ213

    Kamijo looks like a pimp, lol. I kinda like Masashi in there. Conceptually, he seems to make a good dark prince/villain kind of type, which is pretty cool.
  18. Yeah, I believe you're thinking about this:
  19. Champ213

    I think the main thing about Versailles (who I like btw) is that they're nowhere near as special as some fans make them out to be. Sure, you don't find that many symphonic metal bands in vk, but you find lots of non-visual symphonic metal bands all around the world. But a lot of Versailles fans wouldn't touch these bands with a barge pole, yet they praise Versailles as if they re-invented music. Yes, they do good handiwork, but so do other bands of that genre.
  20. Champ213

    Did you uncheck the box "Disable BBCode" below the input field?
  21. My favourite german-language band are probably Die Ärzte. They are usually classified as punk or pop-punk, but they actually have quite a variety of styles. I'm usually hesistant to recommend them to non-speakers of german, because I think it's only half the fun if you can't understand the lyrics. Some of them are incredibly funny, while others are more serious. I find it hard to select any specific songs for them, because they released so much stuff over the last 20 years or so. Anyway, here are just some random examples: Wie es geht: 1/2 Lovesong: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKJGbmx4VvQ Deine Schuld:
  22. Champ213

    Layout and stuff will still change. And you know, you can get your old account back if you want. Have you read the information at the Zetaboards forum?
  23. Champ213

    Go to User Control Panel > Board preferences > Edit posting defaults and deselect "Notify me upon replies by default"
  24. Champ213

    As I said, we had this feature for a while, but had to take it down because it was puttting too much strain on the server. We will be putting back a Thanks-Mod. If we find a way to connect it to the Hidden-Mod without chrashing the site every few hours again, we'll add it again.
  25. Champ213

    I think we had discarded the "Comment-to-see-link"-policy very early in the history of TW. (We had a it once for a few days but changed it back). Why? It created unneccesary amounts of spam. And honestly.... who really reads 10 pages with nothing but lurkers saying "Thanks"? We later combined it with the Thanks-Feature, which was a lot more practical cause it created no spam, but had to remove that because it was putting too much strain on the server.
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