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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. Champ213

    The corrections thing is really only useful for you if have Auto-correct enabled in your setting. (Which I don't, because I don't want other people dictate what tags I should be using.) So, if a lot of people say that Girugämesh should be tagged Girugamesh, then the system will set it as default, and redirect your scrobbles to that page, if you have Auto-correct enabled. But if you don't, your stuff will still scrobble as Girugämesh. I also doubt that different song spellings will be merged. People just get re-directed to the "right" tag. Which means, all the different spellings will still appear in the charts as well.
  2. Champ213

    Single is me. Most men just bore me to death. Sorry guys.
  3. Champ213

    I never watched any of the Harry Potter movies, nor read the novels, but I guess I wouldn't mind hanging around with Alan Rickman, on an astral plane or elsewhere, either.
  4. Champ213

    Just take a look around. Haven't you seen how much jrock fans in general hate on each other? If you like a band too much, you're a fangirl. If you use too many fragments of japanese, you're a weaboo. If you like to dress in a vk style and don't look as impeccably photoshopped as the band on their promo shots, you're a weirdo. If you listen to the wrong "sort" of jrock, you're a loser. For a relatively small fandom, there is surprisingly little solidarity in the jrock/vk fanbase.
  5. Champ213

    Me, probably. Anyway, it's all good, as long as people don't do this: gCsmJTiHlBw Or this (2:40 onwards): q0NXHwBgmlg
  6. Champ213

    I think this is a typo. Look at the bottom of the page, where the label number is. It says 2010/11/20. http://www.brand-x.jp/product/5386 I don't think anyone would announce the release of a single a year early. XD Anyway, they look old-school. Could be crap, but maybe nice crap.
  7. Champ213

    I approve of this.
  8. Champ213

    Yeah. Heaven forbid that people can grief the loss of a loved band without wishing the same happening to other bands. I mean, that would actually be mature, dignified behavior, and we can't let that happen, can we?
  9. Champ213

    I see this thread has finally descended from sadness over the disbandment of one band into mindless bashing of other bands and "hope xxx is next" blabbering. Good job!
  10. ^ I actually liked the cover of Rosier. And Rosier is my favourite jrock song ever. Anyway, this cover CD is a nice idea as such, although I have bad feelings about several couplings. The choice of covered bands/song is impeccable though.
  11. Champ213

    I think I got a notification once when I posted Versailles' Revenant Choir video years ago. I was the first to post it on YT, but of course there were dozens of others who copied it, and they are still there, lol. And when I posted Ascendead Master 2 years later (after they went major) nothing happened and the video is still around. I probably wouldn't care if my account got deleted though. I have 15 uploads, and the videos are all pretty much all over youtube by now. But it must suck if you use it that much.
  12. Champ213

    Well, I wonder why topics about current events can't be posted in the General Discussion area. But if it stimulates discussion if there is a special section for it, then let's do it. I'm indifferent on the Love & Relationships section. Probably because I wouldn't use it anyway, because I don't discuss my relationships on a public forum. XD You could make a poll on whether people would be interested in thosse forums. Moving the help forum, I don't mind.
  13. Champ213

    There's an old topic about this here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3256&p=57429&
  14. I think I just died a little inside.
  15. Champ213

    Doe! I'm shocked! *removes her from friend list on FB and last.fm*
  16. Champ213

    I suspect a mod deleted it because it was posted when the release in question hadn't been shared on the regular forum, and we kinda decided not to allow reviews of releases that weren't posted for everyone to avoid unnecessary dramas and bitchfights. But apparently a few posts were overlooked, so not the whole thread was deleted.
  17. Champ213

    Heljareyga's self-titled album. =)
  18. Champ213

    That would be him: http://www.youtube.com/user/angerY666 I don't know which of his videos in particular, and I won't subject myself to the agony of watching them all, lol. I guess you have to go and try some.
  19. Champ213

    As far as I remember the Japanese were quite eager and willing to help us with that. XD
  20. Champ213

    Japanese only, but without particular order, because I can't really decide: Present: Atsushi Sakurai (Buck-Tick) Kyoka (Aliene Ma'riage, Chaos System) Yukiya (Jils, Kain etc.) Sui (Metis Gretel, Megaromania) Yuuki/UK (ElDorado, Glamorous Honey) Hisui (Madeth Gray'll) Takuma (Babylon etc.) (I don't really know what he's doing now, though he doesn't seem to be in any band) Daisuke (NéiL) Hideki (Vasalla) Kanzaki/Kamiya (Marry+An+Blood) I'm probably forgetting something though.
  21. Champ213

    Where's the Muse thread, you ask? It's here: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=153 Closed.
  22. Champ213

    I liked the "making of" at the end. But what is that japanese obsession with metal buckets falling on people's head? I swear I have seen that a dozen times already on different occasions.
  23. Champ213

    I didn't click the 2nd link, because after reading the name of the link I knew I didn't want to. I also removed the link, because if it is what I assume it is, it's pretty pointless, not to mention tasteless, to post it here, even with the warning. Oh yeah and: Locked.
  24. Champ213

    I'm surprised yours isn't more organized Champ! I'm afraid I'm not a very organized person in general. I'm the kind of person that wishes there was an F3-function for real life. (The files on my computer are a lot more organized though, but only the music files)
  25. Champ213

    Okay... Warning to inartistic and other fastidious organizers: the following may cause serious damage to your mental health. I don't. It's usually not that unorganized though.... but I'm in the process of cleaning up my apartment and I put some stuff there that usually doesn't belong there. Also some CDs are missing cause I took them to the computer fo re-encoding. The CDs used to be sorted by popularity (ie. stuff I liked in more prominent places), but I haven't re-arranged them in quite ome time. For example, there's a huge stack of metal CDs from this year that haven't been sorted at all yet, next to the Aliene Ma'riage CD (the clock).
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