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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. Champ213

    Never cared much for Battlelore, but I'll surely give Falkenbach a listen.
  2. Champ213

    I split the... general Kiwamu talk from this topic and moved it to it's own topic here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=5720 Please use the new topic for all your Kiwamu needs, and use this topic just for discussion of the new project in particular. Thanks.
  3. Champ213

    Lol you know, since this doesn't really have anything to do with the original topic anymore, I'm going to split this thread and create a new, dedicated Kiwamu-topic for all your Kiwamu needs.
  4. I think this is even better than the Maxdash goodbye post. A huge step up in terms of butthurtedness.
  5. Champ213

    That solo project sounds interesting. Different, but interesting. I'll give it a try as well.
  6. Champ213

    Well, if you have a suggestions for a contest, we are all ears. (But don't say banner contest, because Ito will drop dead on the spot. Not that we listen to Ito. But still.)
  7. Champ213

    ^ He was the winner of the 2nd Karaoke contest and was allowed to choose a name color of his liking.
  8. Champ213

    I actually used to like Blood, I even have a bunch of CDs sitting on my cupboard, and while I do think he's pretty rude that's not really of much concern to me, but music-wise they went downhill from 2005 onwards until I stopped caring.
  9. Champ213

    I listened to Gire's self-titled album now, I liked it a lot. I do like Thy Catafalque a bit more, the atmosphere seems more... intense overall, but this was a nice addition, thanks!
  10. Champ213

    I'd like to claim so, but half the audience was waving around cams and taking pictures. But that was 2004 or so, and back then Blood's releases actually contained mostly new stuff and not 80% remixes and rerecordings. Or maybe he just realized that pics like that aren't exactly flattering: And I have a bunch of more pics like that...
  11. Champ213

    When did he pick up that "No photos" policy anyway? I saw Blood live ages ago and I took a bunch of pictures.
  12. Champ213

    Viking Fish is not an actual user but my test and utility account. I thought that was obvious enough, lol. I use it for example to post votes sent to me by PM for the jrock awards or to test out group permissions. And yeah, Ima is our former Mod. The low postcounts results from the fact that all posts from the old TW.net were lost.
  13. Champ213

    Nope. People would just pointlessly spam a few posts (like "lol" and "me too") to reach the target number and once they have go back to leeching again. If there is downloads, there is leeching. That will never change, and forcing people to participate is pointless. We can look into bringing back the "Press-Thanks-to-get-link" function because it does not create spam (prevents it actually) and isn't too convoluted. But if me make people run a marathon before they can get the downloads, they'll just go to the next blogspot anyway.
  14. Champ213

    ^ Wow. I think from now on, I will only browse TW in geocities-ized mode.
  15. Champ213

    We have a Thanks-button, but it's not working on the current default skin. Since this is supposed to be just a temporary skin I never bothered to add the thanks mod to it as well. And I think what she is proposing is the same we had already a while ago. A Hide-code in combination with a Thanks-button. People could put their DL links inside the hide code and it would only become visible if a user pressed the Thanks-button. However, it caused enormous load on the server and thus was removed. I would have to investigate if it's availible for the current board software, and if the server load issue was fixed.
  16. Champ213

    I thought this might be interesting for some: Google Analytics Stats for TW fpr the last 4 months: Top Sources* People arrive at TW via... 1. Google 2. Zetaboards TW 3. Facebook 4. Last.fm 5. Shoutmix (ie. various shoutboxes, including our own) (* not included are direct hits, ie. people that just click on their bookmarks or enter the URl manually) Most used google keywords that lead people to TW: 1. tainted world 2. taintedworld 3. tainted world forum 4. kyokutou girl friend - sex (live version) 5. http://www.taintedworld.deadeyes-star.com/ (Now if they already have the URL, why would they search for it in google?) What people do on TW: Most visited forums and sections: 1. Downloads (surprise, surprise) 2. Video Section 3. News 4. Requests 5. Japanese Rock Most viewed user profiles: 1. shuuji- 2. mizuki 3. Spike760 4. Champ213 5. CAT5 Top Topics: 1. Upcoming Release Date List 2. J-Rockers without Make-up Part III (The 3rd page of it, no less) 3. Deathgaze Bliss Out Download 4. Lycaon Eros PV Download 5. EXTRA-TERRITORIAL Live DVD Download Visitors Where our visitors come from: 1. USA 2. Germany 3. Brazil 4. Japan 5. Chile 119 countries alltogether! Fun fact: from the Top 10 countries, the Finns stay around the longest time on average and they als visit the most pages. Most used browsers: 1. Firefox 2. Chrome 3. Internet Explorer 4. Opera 5. Safari
  17. Champ213

    Funny thing is, if Nega just started their "new" sound under their usual name (not that it was THAT different to begin with) people would probably have bitched even more.
  18. Well.... you read my message on last.fm, so I don't really have much to add to that, except one thing: As far as I'm concerend, TW doesn't belong to you, nor Jake, or Ito or me or Kai and Manda or whatever. It belongs to our users, some of which have been with us for years, followed us through all problems, gave money when we needed it, found us again, sometimes after months, when we crashed. It doesn't matter who holds the domain or the name, Tainted World will always be where our users are. And whatever it says on the banner ontop, that is always where TaintedWorld will be. The users are the most important thing and the only reason I'm still doing this although I hardly even listen to jrock anymore and the whole thing sometimes annoys the hell out of me.
  19. Champ213

  20. Champ213

    Well, the clean vocals in metal often aren't even that "clean", they are just... clean-er and more melodic than the growls/harsh vocals. So I don't think it necessitates a non-smoker or whatever... Either way, I too think it's a common-enough term, and from the description of the OP it was clear enough what was meant.
  21. Champ213

    But we still love you, so it's all good.
  22. Champ213

    We were just greedy and wanted your files.
  23. Champ213

    I like the Tree. Trees can never go wrong with me.
  24. Champ213

    ^ That makes three, even if only a casual listener. XD (I wonder who's the forth?) And yeah, I've been meaning to check out the other projects, but I never got around to it. I like what heard from the Gire youtube vid, so I searched a bit and found a demo and their self-titled album, which should give me some stuff to check out. But if I ever need more I know who to bother for it.
  25. I used to have a huge Beatles phase when I was around 18/19, when I bought most of their post-Help! albums. Can't say I listen to them regularly anymore, but songs like "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" (my fave song!), "Sexy Sadie" and "Octopus's Garden" still make it onto my playlists once in a while.
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