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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. Champ213

    Because he left the band early and they got a new vocalist. (And I'm not sure what video you are referring to, but the video linked at last.fm obviously isn't from the vk band... it's not even japanese, lol.) So yes, I believe that is Satoshi's ex-band, but after he already left them. Here's some references: Visunavi Vkdb Some remains of ther OHP
  2. Champ213

    I have a 4GB player, but I never really fill it cause I usually end up skipping half the songs anyway. I use it a lot though, because I can listen to it at work, and I listen to it when hiking or traveling by train. What's pretty much always on it is Vali's album (accoustic folk/neofolk), because there is no other album that is more perfect for hiking than this, especially for autumn and winter hikes and it's some of the most beautiful music ever written at that. It's also good for work when I need to concentrate on my translations or whatever, because it's vocalless.
  3. Champ213

    I liked Vertebrea, but from the 2004-2010 albums it was the one that impressed me the less. If I had to pick a fave (well, two, lol), RUUN and Ethica Odini are definetly the way to go. Either way, if you liked Vertebrae, there is really no reason why you should dislike the others.
  4. Champ213

    I love them. Obviously, since I'm totally untrve and ungrim, I don't care much for their really old stuff, but I love everything since Isa. I agree that Ethica Odini was one of the best metal albums os 2010, but personally I like RUUN just as much. You should give a try, if you haven't already.
  5. Champ213

    If it is availible overseas (in iTunes or whatever) I would be all for it, at least for a few weeks. Unless it has some really stupid payment options like credit card only there would be really no excuse not to pay those few bucks.
  6. Champ213

    Wasn't datadeliver the site where the recipient could delete the files from the server? Maybe some gaijin n00b pressed delete instead of download, so now they're gone, lol.
  7. Champ213

    Or Wesley Snipes.
  8. Champ213

    Uh... really, people. I'm going to be a party-pooper here and close this topic because a) If said person is a troll then we should follow the golden rule and not feed the troll. If said person is not a troll than this is just pathetic mass-bullying. Which is not cool. I don't know which is the case here but I really couldn't give a damn. Either way, I don't see anything good coming from this thread, so cut it out.
  9. Champ213

    When do people like this ever write their own stuff? What I find interesting though is that her mother paid the company to make the song and video. Over-ambitious parents?
  10. Champ213

    We had 2 karaoke contests in the past, however the 2nd contest already had a significantly reduced turn-out. But it's been a while since that, so... it really would depend on how many people would be willing to participate this time. We certainly wouldn't be opposed to it.
  11. Champ213

    This is what Rebecca Black does to my FB newsfeed... O__________________o
  12. Champ213

    ^ Don't we all?
  13. Champ213

    It's probably the sequel to Avatar.
  14. Champ213

    I think I have just understood the purpose of the universe.
  15. Champ213

    Sent you a new password via PM to your last.fm account
  16. Champ213

    Um yeah. We can just reset the password of your old account and send you a new one, if you prefer.
  17. Champ213

    Isn't it funny that "god" always just seems to "punish" those sinful people with disasters like this that just so happen to live in seismic active regions of the world? WHAT A COINCIDENCE. Must be part of his bigger plan to settle the ancestors of those people in those places so he could smite them a few million years later. Pfffr, religions. Thanks for reminding me why I can't stand them.
  18. Lol. Hope you can come back soon.
  19. Champ213

    Those nuclear officials remind me of Baghdad Bob.
  20. Champ213

    inb4 sexist comment on how nobody would rape those two anyway cause they're not "hot" enough. Because you know it's just waiting to happen. =/ Other than that: wtf!? XD
  21. Champ213

    A racial slur for Germans, because supposedly that's what we eat all the time. XD
  22. Champ213

    My favourite is the one that called the Japanese "Krauts". Getting your racial slurs right is difficult work, isn't it. Or maybe all non-americans just belong to some great, homogeneous uni-race.
  23. Eh, visual or not, this is still a european band, so I move it to the european section. At least I don't see any reason to put in the "Japanese Rock" section.
  24. Champ213

    Wasn't that post supposed to go here? Anyway, regarding the original video. I actually kinda like that song. I'm also pretty sure the singer is a guy. Just look at his adam's apple.
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