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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. ...about the weird banner we had up yesterday, that was a birthday present for our esteemed admin Ito. Courtesy of Faku. I reverted it back now, but here's the special banner again, so that epicness doesn't get lost alltogether.
  2. Champ213

    Sleeping Gods and Alu Misyrki are my favourites too. Especially the folky atmosphere of Sleeping Gods, how could I resist that.
  3. Champ213

    It's Rain by Luna Sea.
  4. Champ213

    Sorry, no looting this time. In October god will not only take away the faithful (which he somehow seemed to forgot to do on Saturday), but pull the plug on the entire universe. No Maserati for you. Unless there are some in hell. October 21st is a Friday btw. Maybe Rebecca Black got it right after all? We are all "gonna get down" on Friday.
  5. Champ213

    It's not unusual for vk bands to sell their own merchandise, at least for indies bands. What gives?
  6. Champ213

    Apparently the guy now revised his prediction to October 21st.
  7. I kinda forgot that they were active again, with their latest releases being rather difficult to acquire. Tomoro retiring sucks pretty much though. =/
  8. Champ213

    Read most of the replies so far. Now it's time for mine.
  9. Champ213

    Just look here And here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here. Aaaaand here. Anyway. The only earthquake I'm going to experience tomorrow will be the Amon Amarth live I'm attending.
  10. Champ213

    Naw, I removed it. It seems the maturity level of the forum isn't high enough to entrust people with this sort of power.
  11. Champ213

    Done. However, it would be better if you, well, refrained from trolling in the first place. Because if I see that this feature gets abused by people being asshats and then delete their posts once they caused a shitstorm to avoid punishment by mods, I'll remove it again.
  12. Champ213

    For those that haven't noticed, Enslaved has just released a new EP, which is free for download: http://preemtiv.com/emails/enslaved/ The title track "The Sleeping Gods" is damn cool too.
  13. Champ213

    I suppose once I find some time we can do that, supposing there are enough people willing to participate. (I guess a number around 10 would be nice.) Not sure if we'll offer a custom-colored name as price though. We already have several special colors, it would start to get confusing. Also, we are planning to have more contests and mini-contests in the future, so we can't give everybody their own color. The winner could however get a custom rank (the one that says Kiwamu's Bitch, Kyo's Matress, etc.) and costum rank icon (the one that are stars for regular users, and Pokemon for some of the staff members). I might even throw in some mini-price, like a month of last.fm subscription or something.
  14. Champ213

    I voted for the old guy at the beginning.
  15. Champ213

    I second Nakayami Rabi. Just my kind of stuff. Kgi2nvfQveY And also, The Checkers. sZJMMeUT6ps Though they aren't even that old (active between 1981 - 1992) I suppose I could also add Buck-Tick, Luna Sea, D'erlanger, Anthem who started in the 80s, but I guess they are thouroghly discussed in other topics.
  16. Champ213

    only actually funny threads get locked tho Chill Herpes. In the future we won't be locking threads anymore, we will simply delete the painfully unfunny troll posts made by the likes you. ^__________________________^ But as a reminder: this thread was originally split by me from another thread to gather all the Kiwamu-related trolling that infested all the actual news/artists topics that were somehow related to Kiwamu. In the light of this, I'm going to move this into the Toasted Waffles section, where it probably should have been from the beginning, as it was never intended for actual discussion, but more as a sort of lightning rod.
  17. Champ213

    You wanna know why this fandom is fucked? Read the last few posts above me. At least the Kawai-Neko-chan-brigade isn't being dicks because they think it makes them look cool. Locked. And you're all getting a warning as well.
  18. Champ213

    ^ I agree with this for the most part. Most of these weird folks are kids/adolescents. Let them be. And personally I do not understand the obsession with fandom. I mean, it's not like I have to associate with them. At worst I will meet them at concerts and even then I was always very well able to avoid the most obsessed crowds by just staying out of the first few rows. Oh yeah, and if you feel the need to hide you tastes in music because you fear your friends could think less of you, you probably need better friends.
  19. Champ213

    I know it has become something of a fad on here just to post some stupid gif that doesn't really tell you anything instead of actually taking the time and effort to write down your opinion, but is it really necessary to quotespam these pics ad infinitum? C'mon people, stop this intellectual lazyiness, only write something if you actually have something of value to say and don't post just to show the world that you know how to use the and
  20. Champ213

    紗羅の夊? Now THAT'S interesting.
  21. Champ213

    They really are obsessed with german, aren't they?
  22. Champ213

    Lol. It can mean both "colorless copy/print" or "colorless expression". Weird title...
  23. Champ213

    And being in the EU has nothing to do with it anyway. It's for members of the European Broadcasting Union, which is unrelated to the European Union.
  24. Champ213

    I don't think you can. It doesn't look like an online TV station, but it seems to be aired on Television Saitama, a regional, terrestrial TV station in the prefecture Saitama. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television_Saitama I doubt it's possible to receive it anywhere else, so in order to record it, you'd have to find somebody living in Saitama.
  25. Champ213

    Okay, that does it. Since people apparently can't be bothered to stick to the topic but have to derail this thread even after a mod has already interfered, I'm going to lock this. It seems there is nothing more to say about the actual album anyway.
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