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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. Champ213

    Porvoo Cathedral Europe
  2. Champ213

    I sold all my old vk demo tapes years ago, lol.
  3. Champ213

    Aliene Ma'riage - Les Soiree Yoru no butoukai/Senrei no shou [seiten hen] You know the one that is packaged as a working clock with the CD as dial. I posted pics before but I'm too lazy too look them up again. Dunno. There are other things, but let's keep it short and to the point.
  4. Champ213

    The shoes are ugly, but.... ...people always look best in what they are confortable in. Fuck peer pressure. Fuck fashion nazis. Yay for having a mind of your own. More power to you, Chianti!
  5. Champ213

    My number of mis-bought CDs has decreased dramatically since the age of filesharing began, because I rarely buy CDs blindly anymore, unless it's kinda cheap. Even for favourite bands stuff usually spreads faster on the net than I can buy it, and I can rarely resist the urge to download then. So I usually know what I'm getting. But before I could download stuff... well, there were several purchases I regreted. Which was especially painful considering that at that time a CD would almost be a full month's allowances. =/ Clan of Xymox - Creatures I was in my late teens, half-assed goth, and I liked their song Louise which I heard on some sampler, so I bought this. I found it boring. Dunno. Maybe now, 10 years later, I should try it again? Suede - Head Music Absolutely nothing wrong with this album. But little did I know that only months after they would release it as a special edition with bonus CD including live videos - something hard to come by in pre-youtube-age. So... die-hard Suedehead that I was/am, I had to buy it again for the bonus CD. Now I have this album twice. I guess nice for a collector but for a teen with little money very, very painful.
  6. Great, the board ate a post again, we really need to get around fixing this. Good thing it's still visible in the topic review. I like Arkona and Helengard... and a couple of others.
  7. Champ213

    ^ That was probably Herpes too.
  8. For that matter, here's the playlist again I made with songs from the first incarnation of this thread: http://www.mixpod.com/playlist/45095507 It's still on the Tainted World mixpod, cause I'm too lazy to make a new one and re-up everything. If somebody is hellbent on getting any of these songs for their personal listeneing pleasure (?), I think i still have most of them. I approve of the fact that the playlist has 28 likes on FB, btw.
  9. Champ213

    Never had any bad concert experiences as such, but the Terremoto-Festival (formerly Bizzare Festival) of 2003 was kinda fucked up. Not enough camp space nearby, shuttle buses to the festival area barely existant, so we had to walk for an hour to get from our tent to the stages. I came there to see bands playing, not to go hiking! Bad organisation overall. We slept through half the saturday afternoon somewhere in the middle of festival compound, because returning to our tent would take too long, and left early on sunday before the Headliners played. At least it had some nice performances, like Suede, who also had a signing session. No wonder though it was the last time the festival took place.
  10. Champ213

    Well actually I only listened to their latest album "Origami" so far and comparing it to some of their other stuff on Youtube it's quite different from what they normally do. Usually they play metal, but Origami includes "semi-acoustic" versions of their older songs, so it's a lot softer, more like indie/folky/progressive rock. It's really quite a nice album though, I can definetely recommend it. ejirxTbEwSQ I still need to check out their metal stuff more closely to give any recommendations in that regard.
  11. Champ213

    1. ThanatoSchizO (33) 2. Age of Silence (10) 3. Vintersorg (9) 3. Watch My Dying (9) 3. Crimfall (9) 6. The Monolith Deathcult ( 6. Hexvessel ( 8. While Heaven Wept (6) 9. Amon Amarth (3) 10. Týr (2) I was in the mood for something new this week so I tried a couple of new bands. As matter if fact #1-8 were all new endeavours (with the exception of Vintersorg and Crimfall, who had recent albums I wanted to try). ThanatoSchizO proved to be quite a nice discovery.
  12. Champ213

    I never look down to see people's shoes anyway. Unless you are wearing huge fur boots like Mathias Nygard. Because that would be cool.
  13. Champ213

    I propose a Picture-of-yourself-with-noseband-contest for MH.
  14. Because they need more love. OHP ORBaYeLlRKs ti7AGjvGcn0 Just beautiful music! They are currently working on a new album, which was supposed to be reelased in summer 2010. In October 2010 they said on their website they need to make some "final touches" to it which could "take some time". But I hope it will be here this sumemr. So... any other fans?
  15. Isn't this them? http://www.myspace.com/ooooo5ooooo
  16. Champ213

    Yeah. It was my most-viewed video. R.I.P.
  17. Champ213

    Not to mention it's stupid. It's just a preview. Reuploading and speading it would be free promotion for them. Anyway, preview started kinda nice, but I don't care much for the vocalist and the chorus was so typically vk....
  18. Champ213

    I will make an actual poll about it in the next days. But I will also have to discuss it with the other admins reagrding prizes. Kai and manda have just moved so they are rather busy. In the next few weeks, when thing got settled a bit, we will get back to it.
  19. Champ213

    Yeah, The GEMA (kinda the german version of the RIAA) is being a bitch and wants more money from Youtube for each video played and Youtube says "Um, no" and it's being going on for several years, but it seems that the blocking of videos is actually getting worse each passing month. You can however use proxy sites like http://hidemyass.com , it works fairly well, though not for eveything. Or you can use the Stealthy addon for Firefox. Still, it's kinda annoying.
  20. Champ213

    ITWASAJOKEGODDAMNSTUPIDCAT Actually I also got that message a few days ago from Space Shower TV, They removed my Versailles Ascendead Master PV and some other stuff, including a really bad quality video of an ancient Phi video, that I ripped from some japanese site a while ago. And funnily they mispelled my name as Chsmp213 in the mail they sent me. I would have thought mails like that would be generated automatically. Oh well, I don't really care. Youtube has become pretty much useless to me anyway, partially because of some year-long fight between youtube and the German Record Association over payments, which results in pretty much everything on a major label being blocked in Germany. It's gotten so bad that I see a "This video is not availible in your country" message in 80% of all cases when I click some link somebody shared, even if it's an old or lesser known band. People should change to Dailymotion or whatever that isn't (yet?) as screwed up as Youtube.
  21. Okay, April Fools' is over. moving this to the Toasted Waffles forum, lol.
  22. The best April Fools' Joke is still this. OH WAIT. Anyway, in a couple of hours when April 1st is over in most parts of the world I will sift through the forum and move the various joke threads to the Toasted Waffles forum. So far I saw at least four.
  23. I thought they were Moldovian. That song was actually so cheesy I kinda liked it when it was a huge hype several years back. And it gave birth to the Numa Numa Cat so it's not all bad.
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