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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. The first video still doesn't work for me, but some of the others. Yay! I like this. XD Here is mine: http://tubedubber.com/#ne423XWtjf4:6tVQ ... 0:0:0:true Ignoring the fact that the song doesn't have any guitars... it's actually scary how well PV and song fit dramaturgically. Especially how the guitar solo coincides with the bridge of the song and when it goes back into the refrain it really fits the PV. XD
  2. Champ213

    There actually was a topic about that already, but it was in the News section. I merged the topics and moved them here~
  3. Champ213

    I think what Black=Right is trying to say is that Chariots have a live on April 9th in Japan (Esaka Muse), so it's weird that Rin will have a live the next day already in Spain...
  4. This looks like fun... if it would work. =/ Video doesn't get past the "Loading" state for me.
  5. Champ213

    I have no pets, since I live in big city and I don't think that's a good place for cats or dogs. Plus, I live alone, so I would have to find somebody to take care of them each time I leave for a few days... My parents however have 2 dogs: Ayla and Filou In addition to that they also have 2 cats, 2 sheep and some chicken. XD
  6. Champ213

    So, I actually bought the Turisas album today. Had to walk an extra 20 minutes cause my usual shop didn't have the limited edition. The accoustic songs turned out to be a CD-extra video of a live accoustic session. I made an audio-rip of it, cause they are actually pretty nice. I didn't bother to look if they are already uploaded elsewhere, but if somebody is interested, they can drop me a PM. And if somebody actually wants the video itself, I could upload that as well.
  7. Champ213

    Yay! Packaging is not quite as impressive as the limited edition of The Varangian Way, but still very nice.
  8. Champ213

    Is this like... orchestral arrangements of the songs? Um, interesting... I guess.
  9. Champ213

    After a few more listens I think "End of an Empire" is my favourite too. At first I thought it was a bit over-the-top, but the choirs truly give me goosebumps. Just the line "Take a look at all these fish" makes me scratch my head. Wtf? I'll probably go and buy the album on monday. I hope they have the limited edition in store, I heard it has a few accoustic tracks as a bonus. That shall be interesting.
  10. Champ213

    I thought they have been long gone too. D: So the disbanded band releases something new while the same members perform as a session band? Then again both track 1&2 are old songs, maybe re-recorded, so...
  11. Champ213

    Uh, could you please stop it? All of you. Seriously, this is ridicolous. Take your fights to PM. Any further post about this will be deleted. And if necessary I will hand out warnings to people that continue it. Edit: and please stop pm'ing me/reporting this topic. I already intervened and said I would take further actions if this bullshit continues. Please leave it at that, thanks. If people want to voice their misgivings about certain locations they are free to do so, but don't turn this into a political discussion. Some people will appreciate their choice of locations while others don't. If you don't like the place where they are playing, don't go and get over it.
  12. Champ213

    Nygard said in an interview that the accordeon would push the music into a very "folky" corner and that they wanted to do something different this time, more film-score oriented, but that the accordeon would still be there during lives (though I'm not sure if he meant for old songs or whether the new songs actually have accordeon live - I'm guessign the first though). However a few days ago I also read on their facebook that Netta had to retire from their current US tour due to health reasons. If this has been something ongoing it might have been a reason too, I dunno.
  13. Champ213

    I liked the Moonsorrow album, though I still need to give it a few more listens. It's not an easy album, since it's basically just 4 very long songs. Huuto is amazing though, every minute of it. And I agree, SUAF is a lot of fun to listen to. At some parts it was maybe a bit too.. I dunno, musical-like to me. But even in cheesy moments like that I still found myself enjoying it a lot, lol. My early favourites so far are The Great Escape and March of the Varangian Guard. When I heard a few weeks before release that it would barely have any accordeon any more I was somewhat disappointed, but now it's funnily the one song that still has the accordeon (Hunting Pirates) I liked the least, cause it sounded kinda stereotypical. Still good though.
  14. Champ213

    So yeah, Turisas and Moonsorrow are out, anyone else listened to them already?
  15. Champ213

    Hah. Good one.
  16. Champ213

    THE CAT IS OUT OF THE SACK! Well, I've seen most of the pics before anyway, including the afro ones. XD
  17. Champ213

    High-pitched vocalists. Doesn't matter if it's a girl or a guy (though it's obviously relative for each gender), chances are that I won't like it. Especially if it's high-pitched and nasal. Bad growling/harsh vocals. Either you do it right, or you don't. Autotune Random rapping where it doesn't fit.
  18. I just realized that the title says Capucakes. What's a Capucake? I DON'T KNOW YOU!
  19. Champ213

    - (neo)folky stuff - Accordeons - other unusual instruments mixed in - weird languages - melancholic/dreamy/atmospheric stuff - heavy stuff that still retains a certain amount of melody - music that conveys some sort of dramatic atmosphere - music that mixes more than one typical "genre" and - cheesy lyrics (sometimes XD) And more, but that's all I can think of now.
  20. Champ213

    That's exactly what I told him in my first post. Anyway, I think this question has been answered sufficiently, and it's not really the right place to post. I'll close the thread and move it to the Help section.
  21. Champ213

    Hisui (Madeth gra'll) And whatever Takuma of Babylon is doing now (some session stuff, I believe?)... it's certainly not enough.
  22. Champ213

    Same here. All the shops are advertising this flower and chocolate stuff now, but I don't know a single person that actually celebrates it....
  23. Champ213

    filth_y does have a point though. If somebody hasn't even heard of a band, why would they even click on a news thread about them? This constant posting of "who?" and "And nothing of value was lost" on random band threads is getting old and boring. Seriously, if I were to drink a sip of booze everytime I see those phrases on a disband thread, I would be drunk within the hour.
  24. Lol, this is priceless. Especially the one that said "How can a band that I NEVER heard of win a grammy?"
  25. Champ213

    It wouldn't make much sense to record an album that you might not release at all? Then you already spent time and money on recording it and selling it to a small crowd would still bring more money than not selling it at all. I mean, what if they get 10,000 to sign up (which would already be much)... not selling an already existing album to them because 2000 are missing doesn't make sense to me. =/ Unless maybe it's recorded but not printed yet. But then they could just make it pre-order-only, ie. they roughly print according to the number of orders to make sure they don't end up sitting on a lot of unsold record.
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