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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. Champ213

    I spend as much money on music as I can afford. If there were no illegal downloads, I would still spend as much money on music as I could afford. Obviously I would have a lot less music, but no artist would have a cent more money, because I already spend as much as I can afford. The only difference is that I can make more informed decisions on what to spend my music budget on. During my teens, there were no illegal downloads. Don't ask me about the number of crappy and mediocre albums sitting in my CD shelf, because I more or less bought them blindly, or with only knowing one or two songs. This doesn't happen anymore, since I rarely buy an album that I haven't downloaded before. Granted, a decent streaming site might do the trick as well, but it's less convinient. Also, I adore digipacks, and you can't download them.
  2. I guess this would be better if the classical parts didn't sound so.... synthetic.
  3. They only released Tanatos last year. Do bands really have to shit out a new album each year? I think not. Anyway, I hope this will be good.
  4. According to Wikipedia, they are small, "easily dissolvable, half-transparent membranes made from starch". They are without taste and can be used as pads for sweets or wraps for medizine. Yes, it comes from dutch or german where "Oblate" means wafer, spefically the ones used in catholic ceremonies, but the japanese usage does not seem to be connected to that, except that they are small, flat and edible.
  5. Champ213

    You can't do much wrong with the 2011 album (unless you don't like really long songs), though I can't comment on the 2005-2008 albums, as I haven't tried them, so I can't compare them to Varjoina reallylongassfinnishname. But it's a good album on it's own right and I enjoyed it quite a lot.
  6. Champ213

    Yeah, we noticed that too. The problem is that most people don't bother to make a new thread when fulfilling a request, so there are also lyrics posted in the REQ section. Maybe we should just merge both section, and identify the content by a topic prefix, ie. someone makes a request for lyrics and labels it [REQ] and once somebody posted lyrics in the thread, the prefix should be changed to [Lyrics]. Not sure if this would be a better solution.
  7. Champ213

    Well, I am new here! ^^ My name is Kyo and I thank Jibby for giving me a journal! I am very happy! OMG OMG OMG [4]
  8. Champ213

    In addition that what Zess said: I noticed an overall deterioration of the thread over the last 2 pages. It has descended from what seemed to be a fairly decent discussion to the usual kindergarten level that most Dir en Grey threads usually turn into. I will refrain from handing out actual warnings to people - for now. But we are watching this thread. Also: sometimes it's not a bad idea to just shut up. Okay? Now, get back on track before we have to start to delete posts.
  9. Champ213

    So, umm, how about heading a mod's reprimand and stop the crap here? Do we really have to start to delete posts and warn people?
  10. Champ213

    Suede - Dog Man Star (the deluxe edition re-issue above, the one below is the original jewel case release) 3 more re-issues to go. Suede, you're taking me to the poorhouse.
  11. Champ213

    Lol, my parents swear more than I do. My father anyway. If he hits his head or something, hell brakes lose, something along the lines of "GOTTVERDAMMTE ELENDE SCHEISS MIST PISS KACKE!"
  12. Champ213

    I have the lyrics for the EGOIST single, but only in Kanji, if that helps you anything.
  13. Champ213

    Incidentally, I just rewatched the entire show over the last few weeks. Never gets old. There's too much good stuff to name them all, but I think my favourite sketch is the Argument Clinic. kQFKtI6gn9Y As a matter of fact, when reading certain threads on here, I often feel reminded of it. "I came here for a good argument." - "No you didn't; no, you came here for an argument."
  14. Champ213

    Could you people, all of you, please stop bitchfighting about this crap? Thanks. Any further off-topic posts will be deleted.
  15. Champ213

    The Onion is a parody news site. All of their articles are jokes.
  16. Champ213

    I would say the kind of popularity is different. I mean bands like Alice Nine, Sid, etc. do make it into top charts positions in Japan. I have yet to hear about a vk artist having a top ten single overseas. And the Gazette was able to fill the Tokyo Dome. That doesn't compare in any way to the venues of several hundres that jrock bands usually fill when touring overseas, and very often people come from all over the country and even other countrys. However, these are a very few bands, and some of them may not even be considered vk by the average Japanese. Then again, even very small indies vk bands seem to get overproportional attention overseas, probably even more than they do in Japan.
  17. Champ213

    Well. They love to go for some "shock value", so quite a few of their songs are about stuff like sexual perversions and obsessions, incest, cannibalism, etc. Not saying that their songs are never meaningful, but I think sometimes they are just trying too hard to be controversial. Actually I would say that a lot of their songs are meaningful, but sometimes they have a very silly way to go about it, it's hard to explain. XD Like, sometimes they have these weird lyrical constructions that apparently are only there to make it rhyme. The most famous example, which was a source of some sort of private meme between me and a friend of mine, is the song "Mutter" which has the lines: "In ihren Lungen wohnt ein Aal, auf meiner Stirn ein Muttermal" which literally translates to "In her lungs lives an eel, on my forehead there [is] a birth mark" - which doesn't make any sense at all, except that they apparently needed some word that rhymed with "Muttermal", and that worded ended up being "Aal" - eel.
  18. Champ213

    WHOAWHOAWHOA! I didn't know there was any other Kiuas fan except me on this board. If you weren't gay, I'd ask you to marry me. Anyway, here's mine: 1. Personal Theme song: 2. Happy song: Elvenking - The Winter Wake (Acoustic) 3. Love/Romance song: 4. Sad Song: 5. Angry/Frustrated/Fight song: Amon Amarth - Asator 6. Sulky/Alone song: Raphael - Lost Graduation 7. Things Going Wrong Song: Turisas - Stand up and Fight! 8. Hopeful song: Suede - Everything Will Flow 9. Death song: Týr - Ragnarok 10. Funeral song: Monty Pythons - Always Look on The Bright Side of Life
  19. Champ213

    I never was a huge fan, though I did like some songs.... too bad that most of their lyrics are so excruciatingly stupid. Though it can be quite entertaining sometimes. XD
  20. Champ213

    I didn't download the test files because personally I don't really care about bitrate. If I want music in it's original quality I buy a CD. Period. And then I listen to it on my stereo. For everything I listen to on my computer, anything starting from 128k is good enough. I couldn't tell the difference anyway. Plus, since I'm getting it for free I don't think I'm entitled to have it in original quality. I'm glad I have it at all.
  21. @ dannemannen Please take a bit of time to read up on "clinical depression". Thanks. Now, to save this thread from becoming a major shitfest: I don't think this is the right place to discuss whether somebody "approves" of suicide or not. If you must, make a new thread about it in the General Forum. Show some respect and keep this thread free of bitching and insults.
  22. Champ213

    Týr - The Lay of Thrym It's been the first time in a looong while that I actually bought a CD on release day, lol.
  23. Champ213

    He even has a Cat as avatar! It's a conspiracy! j/k Welcome to MH!
  24. Champ213

    The new Týr album is out today, I just bought my copy. (I also saw it on some places on the net, for those that just want to download it.). I'm loving it so far, more than the previous album (which wasn't really bad either, but except for some tracks I never got into it that much as their other albums). My favourite songs after three listens are 'Flames of The Free', 'Evening Star' and 'Fields of the Fallen'.
  25. Champ213

    I suppose you are looking for something like this. It doesn't seem to be a standard phpbb function, but will require us to install a special mod. I will check with the other admins and see if this mod is compatible to our forum version. It might be a few days until we find the time to test and install it, but I'll look into it.
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