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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. I'm not good with genres. At all. But I'll give it a try. So here are some of my highly subjective choices: Band: Amon Amarth Album: With Oden On Our Side Genre: Viking Metal? If you count that as a genre (the band themselves don't like that label). But it works as well for Melodic Death Metal. Why: Because there isn't one weak song on this album. And it's not easy to make heavy songs that are also "catchy", and these songs all are ridicilously catchy. Band: Suede Album: Dog Man Star Genre: Britpop Why: Because they're more diverse than Oasis. Dark yet catchy, romantic, a bit angsty and very brilliant. Band: Tenhi Album: Maaät Genre: Neofolk Why: Because they sound like the embodiment of a dark, dark, dark, dark winter, more than any grim frostbitten black metulz band ever could.
  2. Alright then. This is a good plan too: VK17r6hN96k
  3. Atsushi looks like a major pimp on that photo. XD Anyway, this is some good news.
  4. Champ213

    Ito, there are no girls on the internet. And I think among the ative MH users you can find more homosexual males than straight females. XD
  5. If you can't beat them - join them! Hand me over your brains.
  6. Champ213

    Eh, given those choices, I guess I'll go with abs. Arms are nice too. I'm not much of an ass-person I guess. (I can't believe I just said that.)
  7. Champ213

    Depends on their arrangements I guess. I worked (very shortly) for a german tour promoter, and their deal was to pay for all expenses, including flight for the bands, and in turn the band basically played for free, though they could make some money from selling their merch after the shows. So it was pretty riskless for the band. And I heard it's not such an uncommen arrangement.
  8. Champ213

    After squinting my way around for the past 2-3 years I finally decided that I needed to get some glasses against my shortsightedness. Today I was finally able to collect it. I am now a sophisticated viking.
  9. I'm working in a company that specializes on media monitoring and analysis for big companies. 1/3 of the day I read newspapers (mostly pertaining to the financial sector and the consumer goods industry) or translate japanese ones (mostly pertaining to chemical and automobile industry), 2/3 of the day I watch TV (mostly news and magazines) and edit out clips that are relevant to our clients. I majored in Japanese, with English and Linguistics as minor.
  10. Champ213

    I tried some songs from their bandpage. They're not bad, very ensiferum-ish and the instruments are really good. I would probably like them a bit more if they used more folky and accoustic elements (like in 'Dawn', that was pretty neat), or utilized the occasional clear vocals to make the songs more memorable. Most songs sounded kinda same-ish. But still, very decent, that guitar and drum work is very cool.
  11. Champ213

    I got some messages by Space Shower TV. I think it wasn't really so much about the bands themselves, but the fact that the PVs were TV rips. Even a really old, crappy quality PV rip of the disbanded band Φ (Phi) was removed by them.
  12. Champ213

    My first exposure to computers were my uncle's Macs, but personally I always used Windows, currently Win7, which is pretty neat overall. I would be wary of switching to Macs because of compatability issues. I have to work a lot with japanese signs, and the compatability of the japanese encoding between Mac OS and WIndows is shaky at best. Plus, I don't really have a reason to change. Windows does all I need.
  13. Champ213

    Or look at last.fm directly: http://www.last.fm/forum/21713/_/1016353 It's not the first time this happened either. Just give it a few hours, it will be back.
  14. Champ213

    I killed them.
  15. Champ213

    Samples availible: http://www.amazon.com/Rengeteg/dp/B005V ... rackPlayer Not very descriptive with only 30 seconds each and reduced sound quality. Still sounds very good so far.
  16. Champ213

    Which is kinda funny, because most vk bandmen aren't even particulary good-looking. Not if you take away the away the make-up and photoshop. Most of them are just average-looking japanese guys that would go pretty unnoticed on the streets. That being said, there is nothing wrong with admiring beauty, as long as you don't judge everything by that standard. After all, most girls don't look like top models either. Anyway, personally I think a good sense of humor can make an average looking man very attractive. Take somebody like Simon Pegg for example, he looks rather nondescript, but I find him kinda sexy, just because he's so hilariously funny. That, common interests and being respectful is more important to me than good looks. In 20 years he'll probably look like a dried prune anyway, so better look for values that might last a bit longer.
  17. Champ213

    It's all explained here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=11689 So, you will be yellow sooner or later, but if you want to be yellow in search for files, you might be disappointed. Anyway, the requirements are pretty simple and straightforward, no killing and sexual favors necessary, so this should answer your question.
  18. Champ213

    That was about time! Very exited now. And the cover art is neat as well.
  19. Champ213

    Stop it. Back to topic now.
  20. Champ213

    I wrote an extensive guide how to get in from outside the US here. It will sometimes need several attempts though, so it requires a bit of patience.
  21. Champ213

    Maybe they hope to attract more visitors with the more descriptive room name? And, well, it's only Japanese, whereas the MH room also allows western stuff.
  22. Champ213

    I checked their OHP, looks like it's a renamed RUNA. Well, that's funny. Didn't know they were still around. They make some nice crappy old-school-ish stuff. sTbYIpAs3u0 But their "world tour" is really random.
  23. Champ213

    A cellist. This will be awesome.
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