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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. Champ213

    Hallo Katze5.
  2. Champ213

    Okay, let's do this. Time: Saturday, January 21nd, 9pm GMT (Use Time Zone Converter for your local time.) Theme: Free! Place: http://turntable.fm/mhturntable
  3. Champ213

    If the tracklist is any indication, it will probably include songs in gaulish as well: 01 – Prologue 02 – Helvetios 03 – Luxtos 04 – Home 05 – Santonian Shores 06 – Scorched Earth 07 – Meet The Enemy 08 – Neverland 09 – A Rose For Epona 10 – Havoc 11 – The Uprising 12 – Hope 13 – The Siege 14 – Alesia 15 – Tullianum 16 – Uxellodunon 17 – Epilogue
  4. Champ213

    Anyone interested in another night on Saturday? I still have all those songs I uploaded for the 2011-night that I didn't get to play, lol. It doesn't necessarily have to be a 2011-night again, I suppose I can just play them at an open-themed night as well.
  5. Champ213

    Speaking of which, the new Eluveitie album has already leaked, anyone tried it yet?
  6. Stupid name is stupid. But the samples on their Myspace aren't too bad, although a bit short to fully judge them.
  7. Champ213

    Kai and Manda already had a look at the custom skin, but they couldn't help either and it will probably be better to build a new one from scratch. Either way, the new skin is not a requierement for the mod. It's just the reason why I haven't implemented it on the current skin when we moved here, as I was expecting a change of skin at some point.
  8. Champ213

    We actually have a Thanks-System installed, it's just not implemented for the default skin. The current skin was supposed to be only temporary, as Ito was working on a custom skin for us, so I never went through the trouble of rewriting the code for this skin to make the mod work. However, the developement of the custom skin ran into problems and is kinda abandoned atm, so I doubt we will see it anytime soon, if ever. So yeah, if I find some time I might try to make the Thanksmod work with the default skin too. In the meantime, if you can't wait, you could change your board settings to use the subsilver2 skin, I guess.
  9. Champ213

    I believe that the vk fanbase is a lot better than its reputation. Poeple just tend to over-emphasize the bad examples. In personal contact at lives I never had any negative experiences with vk or jrock fans. As for online experiences as admin of this board, I couldn't really tie particular good behavior to fandoms of certain bands. Moreso with the bad behavior, but then again I guess that's because they stand out much more than the good examples. But generally I think the problem isn't loyal fans of certain bands, but those that just like any random band because they're vk. You know, those people that just seem to watch Visunavi every day, and once a new profile is added and the band looks cool enough, they create a LJ community for them, just because they want to be the first to have "known" them or whatever. This sort of "fake fandom" bothers me more than enthusiastic fans of their respective bands.
  10. Champ213

    I know this is the rumor section, but even rumors shouldn't be pulled totally out of nowhere. "Been floating around for a while" and "some member said something" is rather vague, and at the moment it doesn't seem like anyone can corroborate these statements, for example, which member said what and when, and what is the source for this. I will leave this thread open for another day or two, but if nothing else turns up until then, I will close it, as it probably would just turn into a "please disband"/"please don't disband" thread. People can always make a new thread, if they have something more viable regarding a possible disbandment. In the meantime, if you want to give your opinion on their latest album, go here. If you want to talk about the state of the Gazette in general, go here. Thank you.
  11. I kept my top list short (three favourites, to be precice). Partially because I don't want to be TL;DR and because I'm incredibly slow when it comes to listeneing to new releases. I'm always a year behind, so half of my favourite music this year was released in 2010 or earlier. However, here is an extended list of other albums I liked at the bottom. Anyway, here we go: Tenhi - Saivo Genre: Neofolk Sample song: Pojan Kiiski Tenhi are the perfect example why it pays off to wait for a new album instead of expecting a band to release something new every few months. Their first real studio album in five years, being delayed over one year, was worth every single day of waiting. Dark, intense and simply beautiful. 実験台モルモット - 箱庭の音樂会 Genre: Jazz/pop Sample Song: 半分個カーディオイド 実験台モルモット are certainly my favourite discovery of the year when it comes to japanese music. Carefree, happy and catchy music, yet sophisticated and never cheap. Really a great album for a band that seemed to have popped out of nowhere. Thy Catafalque - Rengeteg Genre: Avantgarde Metal Sample Song: Trilobita Admittedly, this album sounds a lot like its two predecessors. However since Thy Catafaque's style is somewhat unique on its own it doesn't really matter so much. The album itself also has a lot of variety, from slow ambient-ish electronic tracks to blast-beat layered metal tracks, and anything inbetween. Other stuff that was good: A - White Album Amber gris - Pomander Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising Anthem - Heraldic Device Corde Oblique - A Hail of Bitter Almonds Dark Suns - Orange Einherjer - Norron Emmy the Great - Virtue Kauan - Kuu... Laura Marling - A Creature I Don't Know ThanatoShizo - Origami Turisas - Stand Up And Fight Týr - The Lay of Thrym Yaneka - All in the Air 女王蜂 - 孔雀
  12. Champ213

    I don't have any doujin music to play, but I might drop by for an hour if I find the time.
  13. Champ213

    Until it is officially confirmed this shall be better housed in the "Rumor" section. Moved~
  14. Champ213

    I see. So I guess people just came really late, because I was in the room for almost 3 hours after the official start and nobody was there. Due to the time difference I can't really stay as long as other people, so if things only pick up when it's late night here I'm out of luck I guess. I'm dependant on people turning up somewhat early to be able to join in. But if the night took place as intended I guess there's no need to repeat it just because I wasn't there, unless there is a huge demand for a reschedule.
  15. Champ213

    So did anyone go? I was idling in the room for roughly 3 hours from beginning, but except for Saku nobody turned up so I went to bed. Not sure if something happened after I left, but I'm guessing not much? So I guess I'm rescheduling the event. How about next week Saturday?
  16. Champ213

    Just to let you know, I ended up buying "To The Moon" for her. Since it was pretty cheap I also bought The Sims: Medieval as well. The latter was kinda a safe bet, since she liked previous Sims games, and To The Moon is a bit more experimental. I hope she'll enjoy it. Anyway, thanks for your help, I can close this topic now.
  17. Champ213

    The matter has been taken care of, so I'll close this topic.
  18. Champ213

    So here we go: Time: Friday, December 30th, 9pm GMT (Use Time Zone Converter for your local time.) Theme: Your favourite songs of 2011 (Any genre, any country, but the song has to be from 2011) Place: http://turntable.fm/mhturntable
  19. Champ213

    Well, I guess I'm going to schedule the event for Friday, if the turnout is really poor we can still consider postponing it then. But it would make sense to hold it while it's still 2011.
  20. Champ213

    Dunno, I'll probably go down to the river and watch the fireworks, but I don't really have any partis planned. And I haven't really made any new year's resolution either. Though I did manage to keep my resolution for this year (to save up some money and buy a DSLR came by the end of the year). I guess "Find a new, bigger apartment and move in there" as a new resolution would be as good as any.
  21. Champ213

    I think I have a nice idea for a turntable theme night: "Your favourite songs of 2011". Usually I would scedule it for Saturday, but I'm kinda worried that many people have other plans that night, so how about Friday? Anyone interested?
  22. Champ213

    Well, they are. Nevertheless they actually make pretty cool music. And bands like Alestorm and Finntroll don't exactly seem to be 100% serious either. I would buy it instantly. I don't think so either. There's a japanese band that plays celtic folk metal and sings about Odin. Which doesn't make a lot of sense since Japanese obviously aren't Celts, and Celts didn't worship Odin. So that's a bit odd (reverse-weeabo? ), but honestly, it's fine with me. Whatever floats their (dragon) boat. You can't really argue with lineage and heritage anyway. It's not like Europeans are all purebred or can even trace back their individual lineage back to pre-christian times. I guess since folk metal is also very nature-focused, it's nice if there is a certain connection between the music and the land you're living in, like you said with Agalloch and Portland. If you're sitting somewhere in sunny Florida and sing about about wandering through the dark snowy forests it may seem odd. But as long as they can pull it off, I wouldn't care. For example, there's a very nifty melodic black metal band called Winterhorde, and they sound like they're from northernmost North of northern Scandinavia, when they're actually from.... Israel.
  23. Champ213

    Okay, here's some more: Hammer Horde 9GDW9MUO1Bg (Quite a lulzy video too. ) Oakhelm BedHazcS8cw And of course the impeccable Nekrogoblicon! 5EF47ny4gBw And here's some Inca metal: 09bLhFE8ZxI
  24. Champ213

    Agalloch! http://www.last.fm/music/Agalloch DlKzz78hj60 Not the most straightforward folk metal, but they have folky elements. I'm sure there are more, give me a moment to think about it. Though most of them point back towards the european heritage of their ancestors. "Native american folk metal", now that would be interesting, but I don't know any from North America. But there are a few from South America. I will try to find them again. As for "pagan metal" just like "viking metal" (or "christian metal", lol) I guess it's really just based on lyrical themes and imagery. For musical classifications it's not really a useful label.
  25. Champ213

    Yeah, I know. I copy-pasted the list from a mixed list, I just overlooked them. Fixed now.
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