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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. Champ213

    So basically it's a "Let's watch Youtube together" site? I guess that can be fun too, but then it's really quite a different thing from Turntable. Happens to me too, I just click the Stealthy button twice and try again, until it works. Yes, it can sometimes take 5 or more minutes to get in, but once the site is loaded you can turn off the proxy and things usually run smoothly. Well, to each his own.
  2. Butbutbut.... the Marmot CD is listed twice! Did he buy both or is that just a glitch and you only had one copy? I've been wondering that anyway, since several items are listed twice or more... But anyway, I can actuall buy that CD from CD Japan, but I thought I might get it a bit cheaper here. XD As for Metal Fish.... not what I expected, but really not bad. Can you hold it for a few days, just so that I find the time to look at the list more closely to see if there's anything I want.
  3. Champ213

    I just tried it. It is. Which makes the site pretty much useless to me, because a lot (and I mean A LOT) of music on Youtube is blocked in Germany, because YT and the German music rights association have been fighting over royalties for years now. Almost anything that's a on a major label cannot be played here... unless I use a proxy. So I would have to use a proxy either way. Also, I have no problems whatsoever getting onto TT with Stealthy, so I'll stick with that, since I also can upload my own obscure music there. Sorry guys.
  4. Champ213

    I doubt it's a viable alternative if you can't upload your own songs - not everyone has a musical taste that is easily found on Youtube. And if you have to import your songs from TT.... you can just use TT in the first place. But I will check it out some time.
  5. How much for this: 実験台モルモット 良い子のための感傷キセカヱ型録 Also, just out of curiosity.... any info about "Metal Fish"? OHP? Infos? Samples?
  6. Champ213

    Indeed. XD I'm actually kinda curious to hear them now. Though they're probably crappy as hell.
  7. Champ213

    That matter has been discussed and taken care of already. It doesn't excuse your pointless trolling in this thread. Anything else is not your business.
  8. Champ213

    This has got to be the most old-schoolish name I have seen in a while.
  9. Champ213

    Hmh, I might go to the Cologne one. If they take one of the common locations, it's probably just 10 minutes away from my home.
  10. Champ213

    Stop it. Now.
  11. Champ213

    Hurray! notforeveralone.jpg
  12. Champ213

    My best guess is that it's some sort of studio of a group or company that specializes in shooting PVs, probably specifically PVs for VK bands. Even small bands are fairly well-produced these days, if you compare them to comparable bands 10 years ago who went into a forest or empty warehouse with a friend's handheld camera. Costumes, photo shoots and PVs look all, well, semi-professional at least these days. So I'm guessing there is a small-scale industry connected to the vk scene. Like specialized companies that make vk PVs for small money in their own studio. XD
  13. Champ213

    Kinda bored right now, so I'll be hanging out in the MH room today. If anyone wants to join me spontanously, come in and let's spin a few tunes. If not I guess I'll just stare aound the room emptily, lol. foreveralone.jpg
  14. Champ213

    In terms of japanese stuff I'm definetely looking forward to the new Buck-Tick album and whatever Luna Sea might put out. Also, that album by NightingeiL + La'Mule collab/new band/whatever sounds highly interesting. For non-japanese stuff it's a bit difficult.... my interests are kinda all over the place which makes it difficult to follow up on newly announced releases because there's not like one place I could go to to keep up-to-date, like MH for my japanese interests. Plus, a huge bunch of my favourite bands just released an album within the last year (Tenhi, Týr, Amon Amarth, Thy Catafalque), so there won't be something from them in a while. But I think Anathema, Unleashed, Harmaja and Ihsahn are releasing new stuff, so that's something to look forward to. Oh, and the upcoming Soundtrack for "Journey" sounds very very tasty. And Ensiferum seem to be recording new stuff, but I don't know when that will be released.
  15. Pretty much this. Mustaches look pretty stupid though most of the time.
  16. Champ213

    That looks more like a z to me. Since it's unlikely that they're going to replace Kazuki with someone of the same name, this doesn't seem to be the actual new line-up. So it doesn't necessarily mean that Yukito is coming back either. Might just be a re-release of old stuff when they still had the original line-up. Or they just list Kazuki as some kind of "eternal" member.
  17. Champ213

    Ok, let's do this! Time: Saturday, March 31nd, 9pm GMT (Use Time Zone Converter for your local time.) Theme: Free! Place: http://turntable.fm/mhturntable @ Arith: You can get drunk with us! D;
  18. Champ213

    I feel like having another TT night, whether with a special theme or just freestyle. Anyone else interested in having one this saturday?
  19. Champ213

    Can we please keep it generally a bit more civil in here? Thanks.
  20. Champ213

    As I said, no. The current mod is just not designed to do that, it works completely different. If no mod with those features exists already, the only other option would be to write such a mod ourselves (if that was even possible). However, none of us is really knowledgeable enough with phpbb to write it, plus we are working on other stuff that has higher priority. In the end, the current mod is working just fine, if all poeple would just use it.
  21. Champ213

    Well, I'm not sure if this is possible. The topic tags funtion already is a special mod that's added to the forum, it cannot be changed so that it would automatically change written titles to topic tags (I'm guessing that's what you meant). We would have to find another mod for it, and it's quite possible that none exists with that specific feature. I will look around a bit though. I guess people just have to remember to use the drop-down menu and select a tag.
  22. Champ213

    Pretty much. I did have some hopes for this band when they were announced, but Black Bird was a real letdown. I think I tried one more release after that, and it wasn't much better. The compositions were a mess, Juka's falsettos made me cringe, and the 3 guitarists seemed pointless, since the songs barely sounded like they had 2 guitarists. Maybe they improved later, but I think at that time they already lost many people. Sorry for their fans though.
  23. Champ213

    Hey there. I think I remember you.
  24. Champ213

    He's alive! Btw, whatever happened to The UnForgiveness anyway? Couple of years ago that band was announced and he even had a short video sample up, but then it went absolutely nowhere.
  25. Because Sailor Moon never had any theme songs performed by a vk band - or any rock band whatsoever. Just look at the tracklist, it's not just a vk-bands-covering-anime-songs V.A. but vk-bands-covering-songs-of-other-vk-bands-that-also-happened-to-be-used-for-an-anime V.A.
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