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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. Champ213

    I started listening to vk 12 years ago and believe me, it was no different back then. People have been declaring vk to be dead since at least 1999, and moreso since 2001. To put it bluntly: just because there are no more bands that you personally like doesn't mean that vk is dead. Dead to you, yes, put your taste isn't the universal yardstick. Some of the bands that popped up in the early 2000s and are loved and treasured by many people around here were already hailed as the downfall of vk by first-generation-vk-fans of the 90s. Go figure. Point in case: the whole oshare movement. Many 90s fans vomited in disgust when it first appeared on the scene in the early 2000s. To them it was the definite death of vk. Today it's an accepted subgenre of vk.
  2. XD Jurassic Park was released in 1993, so that must have been the year I got it.
  3. Champ213

    Zombies are a bit overused at the moment. I swear, if I see another "Blahblah Z" somewhere, I'll scream.
  4. Finally got around to listen to this, and you're right, it's really great! Also, I randomly found out yesterday that Rebellion has a new album out that I didn't even know about, although I really enjoyed their Iceland trilogy. Then I realized that the new album is a concept album about Arminius, a 1st century german chieftain who defeated a large roman army at the Teutoburg Forst, and I was one happy panda - me being originally from the Teutoburg Forest area. Even our soccer club is named after him. Also, I love me some cheesy heavy/power metal with non-falsetto voices every now and then.
  5. Champ213

    Here's mine. The order within the 2nd and 3rd tier category is pretty random though, it would have taken too long to sort them properly. I only included 1 album per artists btw, but I did include Best of and collection albums.
  6. Champ213

    Waffles indeed. Waffles have a deep philosophical meaning on this forum. They represent the end of the tainted world that once was, and the beginning of a new heavenly era. Thus, waffles are both the end and the beginning. They are also very tasty, especially with powdered sugar. It is therefore very appropriate that waffles won this poll. Yesterday too, one era ended a new one started. Beginning, end, eternity.... in one word: waffles.
  7. Champ213

    I usually think that live versions aren't the best way to be introduced to a song, but I didn't really mind here. The song had a nice progressive touch, I liked it. 8/10 RZqW0J7tW0A
  8. Champ213

    Somehow I can never get used to chinese language in songs. It sounded better here than in other songs I heard though. The song itself was nice, but a bit unspectacular. Plus side: the girl had a pleasent voice. 7/10 And unreleated: I found the PV somewhat straining because of the constant quick fade-outs. D: 7uEdqYz1oiw
  9. Champ213

    Sloths. Sloths all the way.
  10. Champ213

    I'm sure it will end like all of these. Also, waffles.
  11. Champ213

    I liked this, I liked it a lot. A nice doom-ish metal song that didn't get lost in an endless monotony, as songs of this sort sometimes do. 9/10 nnhxo_hfEnw
  12. Champ213

    Well, Winter finally came today, and he's not joking around I can tell you. I would take pictures of the massive amounts of snow outside, but it's dark already.
  13. Champ213

    Somehow I didn't enjoy his growls all that much. Instrumentals were okay. 6.5/10 Ancient VVisdom - The Opposition 6rnBp2xVKoE
  14. Champ213

    Aww, thanks everybody!
  15. Champ213

    Yesss! I was hoping for this.
  16. Champ213

    Oficially jelly now.
  17. Champ213

    I'm 31 and I still like Versailles. I also listen to bands that pretend to be vikings and sing about plundering villages. I guess that makes me really immature, lol. Seriously, people should stop judging so much. Music is about enjoyment, not about how mature or immature it appears. There's nothing wrong with having harmless fun beyond the age of 30. Just because you have aged a few more years doesn't mean you must only listen to serious, darker, more sober bands. I like those bands, but I also like bands with cheesy lyrics and wild imagery. Why? Because it's fun. Not everything in the world has be serious and sober, even to a 31-year-old.
  18. Champ213

    For many people it is, but it doesn't have to be. Personally, I never understood how people can be so volatile that they can change their tastes so drastically in such a short time. One moment vk is the greatest thing in the world and 2 years later everything they loved is suddenly crap? It doesn't make sense to me, unless that person is 15 or 16, because your tastes changes drastically during puberty, lol. Maybe the problem with vk is that people treat it as a musical genre (which is it not), so they think "If I like vk band A, I also must like vk band B". So they listen to both Versailles and SuG, because it's both vk, but they listen to it for the wrong reasons. And at some point they realize that they don't really like SuG. And they never would have, if they weren't vk. But they still like Versailles, and they also would have if they weren't vk. I have been listening to vk for over 10 years. During some time it was probably 80% of what I listened to, nowadays maybe 20%. But I am totally at peace with my musical history since the age of 15/16. There are bands I hardly listen to anymore, but when I go back and listen to a song I loved 5 years ago, or 10 ago, I can still say: Yes, I understand why it appealled to me back then, and it still appeals to me now. I think music is a journey. So yes, you should alway move on and find new terretories, but a journey becomes pointless if you totally dismiss and block out the paths you travelled before. Instead of jumping from one phase into another, from vk to kpop to whatever, bring your favourites with you when moving along. There was a reason why you liked them before, so don't think you have to hate them now because you want to move on. Trust your tastes!
  19. Champ213

    I think we usually had it start at 9pm GMT. That's early enough for Europeans to join, but not too early for American users. Convert it to your local time here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
  20. Champ213

    I have moved a lot of crappy 90s music really old stuff into boxes, so this isn't really all. Oh, and it's obviously not japanese only. Actually it's mostly non-japanese, but it's not seperated in any sort or form, so yeah.
  21. Champ213

    Well, I'll be there tomorrow after all! I guess I'm going to announce the event then.
  22. Champ213

    I visited their website a few weeks ago. I actually think they have always been active the last few years, they just don't release anything. So I'm not exactly holding my breath for new releases now, lol. But it would be great. And Mai has been doing (background) vocals before, but it's new that she doesn't play guitar anymore. That might mean that the female vocals become more prominent.
  23. Champ213

    It's getting colder already! Almost 0° C and it's not even November yet! This will be one cold, frostbitten winter, I can feel it! Now we just need the snow!
  24. Champ213

    To me it's all about choice. People have a choice to download. Nobody forces you to download something that is labeled "Transcode". If you don't want it - don't download. Give people the choice. They can either take the transcode, or wait for a better rip. If you don't want to wait, take the transcode. If no "real" rip of the file apears - shit happens. But I'm not entitled to get all the music I want for free in best quality. At least I don't think that I am. Also, why are people so focussed on transcodes? A file that has been transcoded from 190k to 320 may actually still sound "better" than a real 128k rip. Should be ban them too? Transcodes are basically just a problem of mislabeling/misleading. Something that claims to sound like 320k file but just sounds like 190k file for example. This mislabeling should not be supported, thus I suggest that the threads are locked. This might also entice poeple to upload another rip, since the first thread will vanish from the front page quickly. I don't think they should be banned for the same reason that I don't think that any rip that's not 320k should be banned. Choice.
  25. Champ213

    Except the bulk of the transcodes we see here are of releases that are popular/widely available and have an extremely high chance of being ripped legitimately and uploaded. Well, then why don't they? If high quality rips of these files are so widely availible, then why don't people upload them? Nothing is stopping them from doing do. Anyway, all I'm saying is that people should pay more attention to how a file actually sounds, rather than how it looks like on a spectograph. Because music is about the listening experience, not about looking an pretty graphs. At least it is for me. If I download a file and I don't notice any obvious quality deficencies, then I don't go around making spectographs that are supposed to "prove" to me that I should be hearing something that I'm actually not hearing at all. It just doesn't make any sense to me, sorry. To me, the easiest solution is still this: if a transcode is found, label it it as such. People know what to get, they don't have to download it. Once a proper rip appears, make a new thread for it, delete the transcode thread. Or maybe lock the transcode thread as soon as it's found. The link will still be availible for those that don't give a shit about transcodes, but it's not hogging the front page. Problem solved.
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