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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. ^ I like it! Looks like something Gustav Klimt would have done.
  2. Champ213

    Maybe not that similar, but the vocalist does remind me of Yuki sometimes: YHKmsbqbXpo
  3. Champ213

    Review: Good Songs to Feel Bad by bonsaijodelfish Kill my bleeding smile: It was tagged as sludge and shoegaze, but I actually found it kinda doom-ish, which I liked. Maybe could have been a bit more interesting over the lenghth of the song. Mare: This one had some nice parts and some rather boring parts. Overall okay, but nothing I would listen to a lot. Chelsea Wolfe: This on the other hand was pretty cool. Very relaxed and atmopheric. Mucc: I remember this song and Zekuu was wuite a coll album in general. I haven't followed them in recent years, but back then, they were pretty great. In retrospect, the vocals kinda remind me of Atushi Sakurai here, lol. Pelican: I was listening to this song and kinda didn't realize that it ended. XD Shining: Liked this one, it was crazy and chaotic, but not in an unpleasent way. Electric Wizard: This was okay, but I would have liked it better with different vocals I guess. Sun 0))) & Boris: Sun 0)) and Boris are cool, not much else to say here. XD Converge: Didn't like it at the beginning, but it grew on me a lot. The screaming was a bit "meh" though, it didn't seem to fit that well. Overall: I'm mot really a sludge/stoner/shoegaze fan, but considerign that this was quite enjoyable, especially when the music got more doom-ish. But as the title of the mix suggests, I guess you need to be in a special mood for this. XD Yay: Chelsea Wolfe, Mucc, Kill my bleeding smile, Sun 0)) & Boris Nay: Pelican, Electric Wizard I'm also planniong on reviewing Pandabears mixtape and if I find the time, leafwork's.
  4. Champ213

    Oh yeah, this shall be good.
  5. Champ213

    It should be availible in other forums as well, I just tried it and it works fine: viewtopic.php?f=7&p=205907#p205907 If it doesn't work for you, I will have to look into it.
  6. Champ213

    Well, not really. You can usually see within a few seconds if a post is a genuine review or not. And it can't be changed anyway, because the system doesn't allow for edits to be exempt from the mod queue, so it's either all or nothing. Anyway, I think the question has been sufficiently answered, so I'll close the thread.
  7. Champ213

    Ich habe noch keinen Urlaub, erst im August. Allerdings werde ich nicht verreisen, sondern die meiste Zeit des Urlaubes nutzen, umzuziehen.
  8. Champ213

    That's sort of how things already are though. I was recently looking for some VIDOLL releases I was missing(that weren't even close to rare) and 99.9% of the links I found on various blogs were all dead anyways. Well, I'm working on something to counter that. That being said, I do not support the "MH Exclusive" tag. I can somewhat understand why people use it, but I don't think you can stop the re-uploading of stuff just as much as the music industry can't stop the uploading of music in the first place. Also I'm sure everyone on this forum has in the past downloaded from links that weren't posted by the original ripper and never asked if the ripper approved of that. They were just grateful they found the stuff at all. Filesharing is under enough pressure from the industry as it is, I don't think it helps if we start to cannibalize ourselves by telling other people not to share, keep the number of mirrors down and stop the spreading and accessability of files.
  9. Champ213

    Yes, if you edit a post it has to be reviewed again. Even if you just want to correct a spelling mistake - after all, the system doesn't know if you are just making some asthetic changes, or change the post to be against the forum rules. So it has to be approved again, otherwise it would be easy to "cheat" the review system. (Not that we have that high requirements for reviews - as long as you write a few sentences about the topic at hand, you'll be fine. We only put up the mod queue because in the past review threads would quickly turn into bitchfights, were people spent more time attacking other reviewers than actually posting reviews. This has luckily stopped by now.)
  10. Champ213

  11. Champ213

    I find the whole story mildly amusing, but that's about it. However, I think some fans are overly attached to the private life/personality of musicians. I just want them to make good music (which, in case of Kisaki, he sometimes has and sometimes hasn't), I don't have to like them as persons. For all I care they can be fullblown assholes. After all, I don't want to have them over for dinner, I just want to listen to their music. That's why I never read personal blogs even of my favourite musicians because, quite frankly, I don't care.
  12. I ended up buying Just Cause 2, Mirror's Edge, Max Payne 2 and Knights of the Old Republic, all when they were reduced at 75%, so I only ended up spending around 13€. So I got off pretty well.
  13. Champ213

    CDBaby is pretty good, they have quite a bit of obscure japanese music, but it really depends on what stuff you are looking for. 7digital.com also has a small selection of jrock, mostly common names like Unsraw, 12012 or Ayabie. I have no clue if the shop is availible in Poland though, I guess you need to find out. Other than that, the japanese iTunes store is your best bet. There are dozens of guidelines how to set up an account for the iTunes Japan store, just google for 'japanese itunes account', and you'll get lots of them. Then you need japanese gift cards which you can buy with Paypal, like from the site negativizm linked above. They usually send you the code via mail, so it's pretty fast, and then you can use the code to shop for stuff with your japanese iTunes account.
  14. Champ213

    I'd like to thank bonsaijodelfish for reviewing my mixtape. Luckily I managed to read the review before the Timetravel-Database-crash swallowed it. XD I'm glad you enjoyed some of it. So, let the record show that bonsaijodelfish did post a review, so if he wants to add a mix to the mixtape thread, he's free to do so.
  15. Champ213

    The Not-so-usual-metal-Mix As the title says, I wanted to put some metal together that is a bit more unusual and/or has a bit of a twist. Thus, the music on here falls into the broader genres of avantgarde/progressive/atmospheric/folk metal. And all bands are from different countries, too. It includes both "heavy" and "slow/melodic" stuff, but you still should have a taste for metal, don't mind long songs and be opendminded for music that is a tad bit more experimental. It's not the "easiest" mix, so I'm curious to see if anyone is willing to review it. XD Since I'm not very good at labeling music, I will use top last.fm tags as a guideline for you. 1. Thy Catafalque - Csillagkohó Country: Hungary Tags: avant-garde metal, black metal, progressive metal A hungarian band/project that very skillfully mixes influences from metal and electronic to make insanely intensive music. My favourite song by them is actually 18 minutes long, but... I didn't put it on here. XD 2. Dark Suns - The Sad Song of the Elephant Man Country: Germany Tags: progressive metal, progressive death metal, doom metal Just some nice catchy progressive song, reminiscent of Pain of Salvation. 3. Aiumeen Basoa - Akelarrearen Sua Country: Spain Tags: folk metal, pagan metal, black metal This band is just insane. Labelling it as "folk metal" or "Black metal" doesn't even begin to do it justice. Yes, it starts as a very sweet folky song, then it suddenly erupts into black metal, goes back to a folk song, and then out of nowhere it changes into a proper jazz tune, only to end in some nifty progressive drum solo. Oh yeah, and they sing in Basque. 4. Solefald - Eukalyptustreet Country: Norway Tags: avant-garde metal, black metal, post-black metal A very nice, jazzy song that starts very slow and builds up very epicly. 5. Mar de Grises - Shining Human Skin Country: Chile Tags: doom metal, death doom metal, death metal Intensive, atmospheric sonf with both harsh and clean vocals. 6. Wormfood - Salope Country: France Tags: dark metal, avant-garde metal, progressive death metal One of the slower songs on the mix, but with a very nice build-up. 7. Winterhorde - The Curse of Gypsy Country: Israel Tags: black metal, melodic black metal, progressive black metal Probably the most "conventional" song on here. Basically symphonic black metal, but with some nice progressive/folky elements... and a seriously epic ending part. 8. Ancient VVisdom - The Opposition Country: USA Tags: occult rock, death rock, psychedelic Something nice and melodic to end the mix.... and it's accoustic, so probably not really metal, BUT I DUN CARE! >> Download
  16. Champ213

    Review: Biopanda Mixtape 2~Angel's Breath~ I already knew some of the bands on here. SUZZY&CAROLINE reminded me of a christmas song.... but I guess that's why it's called "Winter love song". A silly little song, but I kinda liked it. 16, Piano didn't do that much for me, but it was okay. I already knew and like 桜-SaKuRa-. Nice and oldschoolish. I think I heard some L'LUVIA before, though not this particular song. It was okay, but I didn't find it very special. MELODY and Neo Sonic Art basically suffered from the sort of vocalist I don't really like, though the MELODY song wasn't that bad. GREAT CONFUSION... was kinda weird. But it grew on me after a while. Dear Loving I already knew. They're great. Yay for non-nasal vocalists! Angelique is another bands I knew before, though I couldn't really remember what they sounded like. But... they sounded pretty cool and the vocalist was good too! I can't really say much about the VIRTUE song, it was kinda, uh, non-descript? Favourites: Dear Loving, Angelique No thanks plz: MELODY, Neo Sonic Arts Overall: there was some stuff I liked, and I enjoyed the old-schoolish oshare vibe of it. As you may have already noticed it was mainly the typical high-pitched nasal vocalists that I had problems with. XD I do like some of these kind of vocalists, but not that many. But the songs that didn't suffer from helium-vocalists were almost all very good, especially Angelique.
  17. Champ213

    I'd be up for it. I think however one of the problems of the previous two threads was that many people posted mixtapes, but a lot didn't do any reviews. Dunno, maybe there should be a rule, for each tape you post, you should review at least one other? It's more fun if you get feedback on your mixes. Obviously the first few people posting mixtapes on the new thread might have to get some mixes from the previous thread for reviewing. Maybe a bunch of staff members can kickstart the new thread by posting a bunch of reviews + one new mixtape each at the same time, and then everyone else can join in, but with each mix you post, you have to add a review of a previous mix, even if just a short one.
  18. Champ213

    Der alte Admin Dai hat die Kosten für das Hosting nicht mehr gezahlt und darum wurde das Forum irgendwann vom Server gelöscht... Und wir konnten nichts machen, weil wir keinen Zugang zum Server hatten und Dai alle unsere Anfragen ignoriert hat. Der Streit mit Spike kam dann später, als Dai ein halbes Jahr später auf einmal wiederkam und die Kontrolle über das Forum wiederhaben wollte. Dai und Spike haben dann ein zweites "Tainted World" gegründet, wir haben uns unbenannt, und das andere Tainted World ist nach 3 Monaten gestorben, weil kaum jemand dort aktiv war und Dai schließlich wieder verschwunden ist, lol.
  19. Champ213

    @ Hyato Das war noch auf dem alten Tainted World forum. Sämtliche Beiträge, inklusive der Internationalen, sind verloren gegangen, weil das Forum vor etwa 2 Jahren gecrasht ist und unser damaliger Admin sich nicht darum gekümmert hat, bis alles vom Server gelöscht wurde. Danach sind wir erst auf ein kostenloses Forum umgezogen, und haben uns dann hier unter dem Namen Monochrome Heaven neu gegründet, aber irgendwie sind wir bis jetzt nicht auf die Idee gekommen, das Internationale Forum zurückzubringen.
  20. Champ213

    Keine Sorge, dein Deutsch ist besser als das mancher Deutscher, die ich kenne.
  21. Champ213

    Wat? Yet another band? Oh, Yukiya, how about just doing something with Kain again? Ah well, let's see how this turns out.
  22. On my wish list of 6 games, 5 are on sale. But I can't get them all, because I will move appartements in 2-3 months and need to keep my money together. So I'll probably just get Just Cause 2, and maybe one other game, if I see a good deal for it.
  23. Jawohl, das internationale Forum ist zurück und mit ihm "der deutsche Faden"! Diejenigen unter euch, die schon länger hier sind, mögen sich noch daran erinnern. Aber auch alle, die nachher zu uns gestoßen sind, sind herzlich eingeladen, hier mitzumachen! Hier kann auf Deutsch über alles und jeden geredet werden, gerne dürft ihr auch weitere deutsche Fäden ("Threads") zu spezifischeren Themen eröffnen, dies hier ist mehr ein Sammel-Thread für alles Mögliche. Also, ihr Deutschen, Österreicher, Schweizer, und alle anderen, die des Deutschen mächtig sind - sammelt euch und sagt Hallo! (Und nicht vergessen, mein wachsames Admin-Auge ruht auch auf diesem Forum, also seid nett zueinander. )
  24. The International Lounge is a place for you to speak in other languages then English - whether it's your native language, or a language you're currently learning. You can talk about whatever topic you like, jrock-related or not. The rules are simple, you can make threads in your preferred language, just use a tag in the title to signify the language like [spanish], [Finnish] etc. Other than that, the same rules apply as on the rest of the forum. Don't troll, don't be an asshat. If we get any reports of people misbehaving in the international section, the guilty parts will be punished just as they would be anywhere else on the forum. But, enough of that, have fun in the new forum!
  25. Ah, I love Borknagar! Haven't checked out Urd so far, the album before that, Universal, was good but it never really stuck with me. This sounds very good though, and I really like the video too.
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