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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. Champ213

    I prefer a transcode over not having the file at all any day. Plus, it has already been shown that most people can't even identify a transcode by ear. If you can't actually hear it's a transcode it can only mean that it doesn't actually sound bad, and if it doesn't sound bad, why do you bother? People have become obsessed with little spectograph-pictures and they have become more important to some people than the actual music. "OH NOEZ, the yellow lines are not all maxed out on this funny pic! Surely the file must sound like crap!".
  2. Champ213

    Actually, I might not be able to make it on the 27th. -__- The Friday before would be okay though.
  3. Champ213

    Well, I'm probably away next weekend, so I would suggest Saturday 27th.
  4. Champ213

    I lol'd
  5. Champ213

    What date should it be? I can make some announcement about it then.
  6. Champ213

    I'll try to get it done this weekend, if I'm not too busy and no one else has done it by then.
  7. Champ213

    In general, releases should only be requested a day before official release day, because there isn't much point in requesting at any earlier. People won't have it anyway. Xanadu will be released on 2012.10.17. Also, moved to Help section.
  8. Champ213

    Two vocalists, one of them being Aska, and no other member whatsoever. Now I kinda wish this is an a-capella duo. THEY ARE GOING TO REVOLUTIONIZE VK!
  9. Champ213

    I'm Champ213 (duh). My share is currently list-only, but if you're in the MH Brochat you can message me and I'll add you to the list.
  10. Champ213

    This is weird. I was under the impression that pretty much every new band popping up in recent months is of the lighter, colorful style and makes happy, strongly dance-oriented music with lots and loops and samples and autotune. Stuff like DEVI+TEC. Avidit, カメレオ or LUCHe. Sure, it's not classic oshare but to me it's just seems like the next step of it.
  11. Champ213

    Well, "force" is a strong word. You can't force anyone to listen to anything, unless you tie them up somewhere and blast the music to them. The Jehova's Witness knocking at my door isn't forcing me either, I still find them irritating and annoying. XD
  12. Champ213

    To be completely honest: I see no point in trying to "convert" people to other sorts of music. It actually may come across a bit condescending when people feel "appointed" to divert other people from their "wrong ways" of only listening to certain kinds of music because they have seen the "light" of a diverse musical taste. I do not like missionary zeal in general, whether it applies to religion, music or whatever. If people want to discover new music, they have more than enough possibilities to do so, here (Mixtape Thread, Recommendations Thread, Download section) and elsewhere (Youtube, last.fm, Music Streaming sites). And when they do, they usually do it on their own, because they wanted something new/different. Yes, some people only listen to vk. So what. If that's what they like, who am I to judge? There was a time when the music I listened to was 90% vk. And I have absolutely no regrets about that. I found many great bands during that time that I still cherish today.
  13. Champ213

    ^ Nice! But this calls for.... SUNSET BATTLE Sunset over the Rhine as seen from the Dragon Rock Sunset over the ruins of Dragon Rock Castle Again sunset over the ruins of Dragon Rock castle, but this time seen from the distant Ölberg mountain. Sunset over the ruins of Löwenburg Castle in winter.
  14. Champ213

    Good work! Looks just like the postcard photos they sell here all over the place. XD I always wanted to venture out at night and take some pictures around the city, but I never really managed so far.
  15. Are they a 聖飢魔Ⅱ-Coverband? XD Liking the line-up though.
  16. Champ213

    For a supposedly easy, global dominant language, japanese singers butcher the english language quite a lot. Maybe it's not so easy after all? So yeah, I really don't get why it's ok for japanese bands to litter their songs with meaningless, badly pronounced english phrases, but if a non-japanese band does so much as get japanese-sounding stage names, they're a bunch of detestable weeabos.
  17. Champ213

    I would say that 95% of western vk fans only have a rudimentary grasp of japanese themselves. All the more hilarious that they complain about western vk bands not writing lyrics in impeccable japanese. Also, I doubt it's really about the language. From what I know a band like Seremedy mostly writes in english, not in japanese. Still they get a funny amount of hate - not for writing lyrics in a language that's not their native tongue (English), but for loosely emulating a visual style that for some weird reason is considered untouchable for westerners by a large portion of the fandom. That being said, I don't care at all for Seremedy, the few songs I heard were mediocre at best. As a matter of fact, many western vk bands I heard were pretty mediocre, which isn't all surprising, considering they're usually a bunch of young guys that probably just learned to play their instruments. However, a lot of equally mediocre japanese vk bands seem to get a lot of love. Thus I tend to believe that a band like Seremedy would be received very differently by the fandom if they were ethnic japanese, even if the music was the same. As cute, dressed-up japanese boys they would probably even get away with singing in english/engrish.
  18. Champ213

    I am going to lock this thread for now, since there doesn't seem to be much conclusive evidence to support this rumor. I would think that if this had this been announced by a manager on an official event, we would have heard more about it by now? If there is some sort of official announcement about this, people can still make a new thread in the news forum.
  19. Champ213

    I'm mostly into sweeter stuff myself. Thus I don't really like beer, strong drinks and I'm not that big on most wine as well. Basically I would recommend fruity low-alcoholic wines. The first ever alcohol I drank was french Cidre Doux, a sweet sparkling apple wine with about 3% alcohol. I think I was about 13 or 14 when I drank it on a holiday to Normandy with my parents and I really liked it. If a 13-year old can like it, I'm sure so can you! You can also try the stuff I linked, Umeshu (japanese plum wine) and mead, both are pretty sweet. When looking for mead, take something with low alcohol level, of about 5%. Since the sugar gets processsed into alcohol, a high percentage of alcohol means less sugar = more bitterness and less sweetness.
  20. Champ213

    Cheers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umeshu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mead
  21. Champ213

    I was never that fond of 21st Century either, except for "Kourin" and "Under the Rose Leaf". It's not a bad album and I don't mind the industrial style, but honestly - there are other bands that pull off that style better. They had - for their time - a somewhat unique sound going, but then replaced it with a much more generic industrial sound. Also, while the older songs worked well enough with their relatively low production value, the sound they were aiming for on 21st Century would have needed better production, methinks.
  22. Champ213

    No. But you can get banned once again, if you want our attention so badly.
  23. Oh, I actually know this band, but I haven't listened to anything since Aurora borealis, which was reeased in 2006 or so. If they have something new I need to check that out!
  24. Champ213

    Nobody cares about a german/swedish/brazilian etc. band singing in english and having an english name. A finnish band singing in Swedish doesn't even raise an eyebrow (see Finntroll). A german band singing in French would be considered curious, but they wouldn't get hated for it. An english band singing in Kiswahili would be considered exotic, but they wouldn't be hated for it. Only the japanese language is considered so sacrosanct by fans that it may never me used in lyrics by any gaijin band. Ever.
  25. Champ213

    First new song availible for listen! --> http://www.npr.org/blogs/allsongs/2012/ ... ke-hammers Mind. Blown.
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