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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. Champ213

    That's some nice lineups in general. And yay for Laputa!
  2. Champ213

    My guess would be cosplayers. My vk-trained eyes lead me to believe that some, probably all of them are female, which doesn't rule out a band, but makes it less likely. I could be wrong though.
  3. Champ213

    They should release some samples or something, the album is still so far away. Also, their OHP is broken for me ._.
  4. Champ213

    My new favourite webpage.
  5. Champ213

    Yeah, some commentors get overly alarmist with things like these. Obviously the chances of someone going to prison for watching a Youtube video are pretty much zero. Same with Youtube being banned as a whole. The truth is, the driving forces behind these laws, (ie. parts of the entertainment industry) don't actually want services like Youtube etc. banned - they just want to press out more money from them. They don't want them banned because they actually profit from them, and they know it. But they're greedy and want to profit more. For example, puplishers of newspapers have been pressing for a law here that would mean a page like Google News has to pay the publishers for posting the titles and snippets of their online articles, since it's their creative work. Which obviously sounds like a major facepalm. Every fool can see that the publishers profit from sites like Google News because they get thousands of hits directed from them. Why would they want to have it banned? Answer: they don't. They just want to milk them (basically, they're asking to get payed for the free advertising that Google News does for them. Ingenious plan, isn't it?) I'm really hoping that Google just says "Screw you", and pulls the links to all publishers that complain. At the moment, the puplishers seem to gamble that Google doesn't want to risk a confrontation and just pays up. But if Google doesn't and just removed their pages from the index - believe me, they would be crawling back within days (a similar thing happened in Belgium already). And if Youtube decided to pull the plug on its japanese service tomorrow you can expect a LOT of back-peddeling and "We didn't mean it THAT way!". Laws like these are all launched by an industry that has completely missed out on the digital revolution, and that is now desperately trying to get a share back of it from those companies that actually adapted to the new means of communication. They don't want to trample down the cake - they're trying to get a bigger share of it for themselves by the force of law.
  6. Champ213

    /thread Owait, did you mean japanese bands? Well, I guess I always kinda liked this:
  7. Champ213

    ^ You can only delete posts if nobody else has replied to the thread yet. Meaning, once there is another post made after the one you want to delete, it's no longer possible.
  8. Champ213

    That name is kinda.... plain. But better plain that something ridicilous I guess. Really want to hear some music, but the album release is still so far away.
  9. Champ213

    Naw, it's ok. Being released on a japanese label is good enough reason for me to leave it here. I'm not going to move around topics based on the racial makeup of band members. Speaking of which, I can't help to think that if this was some random vk indies band made up of japanese boys, they would be getting a lot less hate and a lot more drool around here, even with the weak vocalist and plain compositions.
  10. Champ213

    I just heard the german entry for the first time. tzMye6AV8BQ It's.... ok, I guess? Just really boring. I guess I rather want to have the russian grannies winning then. WKNRGc71hjc
  11. Champ213

    Actually, this is for J-rock related news, visual or not. Hence the section title "Japanese Rock". So.... I dunno, maybe this should probably better be posted in the European section? Then again, it's on Universal Music Japan, so yeah.
  12. Champ213

    ^ I agree on the garlic, however, asparagus is one of the few things I don't like, so that's not for me. Tuna on the other hand.... yummy. Anyway, here's something that I recently made: You need: Pasta (I used Farfalle but whatever floats your boat) shrimp or prawns tomatoes (preferably cherry or cocktail tomatoes) cream cheese basil garlic fresh basil olive oil salt & pepper optional: white wine Boil the pasta as usual. In the meantime, sear the garlic in oil, deglaze with a bit of white wine if wanted. Add shrimp, tomatoes and cream cheese, let it cook for a few minutes, finally add a bit salt, pepper and the fresh basil and serve with the pasta. It's really simple and seriously deliscious.
  13. Champ213

    Yeah, a lot of bands just sound crappy on their first releases. I actually tend to start with the newest releases when first checking out a band. I expect a sound that's more matured, more versatile. Members can actually play their instruments, and they are more likely to have the means to make the songs sound like they actually want them to sound, in terms of production and recording. Yes, bands may change their style over time, but depending on personal tastes, who's to say that you don't like their later sound better? I know several of these examples. As Jigsaw said, it really depends on the band and personal tastes. If you really have the time to listen to the whole discography of a band, it probably doesn't matter where you start. But if you just want to have a first impression of a band before deciding if you like them at all, I don't think the very first release is always a good way to go. Probably something from the middle, or something representing the sound(s) they had in a specific period. After that you can still listen to all chronologically.
  14. Champ213

    Oooooh yeah, now I remember. My brain must have repressed that memory. XD
  15. Champ213

    Maybe I was too captivated by Panda's rarez or I suffer from early onset dementia, cause I don't remember XD I guess it's up to my imagination then.
  16. Champ213

    ^ Now I want to know what you mean...... Anyway, have fun, Pandaz!
  17. Champ213

    We had that feature once and it caused major server lag. Since our server already is very strained as it is, it's probably not coming back. Plus, I don't think it is very feasable these days. People will just download their stuff elsewhere then. Also, the Has thanks/has thanked under the avatar is just the result of our mods going crazy after the problems that occured a week ago or so. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, we already had a Thanks-mod installed, but it was not fully implemented for the standard theme. When I wanted to reinstall the custom title mod two days and it actually caused the Thanks-Mod to screw over the forum, making all threads inaccesible, taking me 2 hours to fix. So, we are probably going to remove some mods, including the Thanks-Mod, maybe start with a fresh phpbb install, if we find the time, and slowly add back only the most necessary mods. Either way, if we bring back the Thanks-Mod, it will most likely not be a Thanks-for-link-feature, but purely voluntary, because of the server lag I mentioned above. Also I know from the time when I was uploading a lot of stuff that I ratio downloads/thanks was usually around 10:1. But personally I think that's just the way it is. But just seeing the number of downloads (pages like Mediafire do that anyway if you have an account) was satisfaction enough for me, and I always preferred people giving me genuine thanks by their own choice, rather than just spamming a button because they had to.
  18. Yeah, I was under the impression that they're just going to remake the PV, not actually re-record the song..... But I guess we'll find out.
  19. Champ213

    Wouldn't it be a problem that people don't always spell out a person's full name? Most people say "Champ" and not "Champ213" and "Cat" instead of "Cat5", "Kai" instead of "kai_desu" and so on... Plus, think of all the users that use names of band members, songs etc. as username. I guess that would create a lot of false hits.
  20. Champ213

    Actually, I'm fairly sure that amazon mp3s are V0-VBR. That's at least what my last purchases were. They definetely were not a constant 256k bitrate. To be honest, unless you have eagle ears and/or very good equipment, I doubt you will hear much of a real difference. I guess it will mostly depend on what format you prefer?
  21. Champ213

    I guess it didn't work out too long? XD Cat and Panda are there though, so if you manage to get back in...
  22. Champ213

    I'll be idling in the MH room tonight, so if someone wants to join me we can spin a few tunes.
  23. Champ213

    Use a proxy. The Stealthy addon for Firefox and Chrome works quite well.
  24. Champ213

    lol even roll.fm (or w/e that other site was called) wasn't this bad. Rolling.fm, I think. I completely forgot about that site, does it still exist? It wasn't really that bad, but there was something weird about it, I don't remember exactly. I think it was kinda clumsy overall.
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