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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. The Discussion of the Week! How it works: - Each sunday a staff member will start a thread with a new music-related question. They can range from broad to specific, but they are usually more in-depth than just asking for your favourite band. - The discussion will be featured as announcement on the front page to get as many people involved as possible. - People should put some effort into their posts, ie. not just write a few words and leave, or quote a sentence from a previous poster without adding anything to it. At least 2-3 well-worded sentences are not too much to ask. - Other than that it's just like a normal discussion: you can discuss posts made by other users, but try to stay on topic and, of course, be civil. The thread will stay open even after the week has passed, so the discussion can continue, but it will be replaced in the announcement center by the next featured question. (Btw: you can also submit questions for the Discussion of the Week by sending them to any staff member.) Got it? So here's the new question: Do you believe music was really better in the "old days" or has music always been, in essence, the same and older generations are just a bit jaded?
  2. Champ213

    This..... what ..... why..... omg.
  3. Champ213

    By the way, I have a good news for all non-US Chrome users: Stealthy now works for Chrome as well! No more bothersome manual adding of proxies. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/deta ... edikadnoje I just tried it and works like a charm so far. I got in on the first attempt, and everything seems to work great, even the extended scrobbling plugin.
  4. Champ213

    THE CRAP GAME! How it works: 1. Go to this page: http://www.last.fm/listen/globaltags/Crap 2. A random song will play that has been tagged "crap" on last.fm. (You don't need to be a member of last.fm for that.) The stuff you can get can range from mainstream to outright hilarious. 3. Listen to the song. 4. Copy and paste band and song name and give a short review (a sentence or two) and your verdict: Crap or not crap? (Additionally, it would be a good idea to include a link to a Youtube video or similar, if you can find one, so that other people can check it out we well. If you can't find a streaming link, you can just link their last.fm profile. This part is optional though.) 5. No flaming, insults and stuff. Even if you disagree with the assessment of a user whether something is crap or not, this is NOT the thread to fight over it. This is supposed to be a fun thread, if it does get out of hand, I will terminate the game at once. If anything, I hope this game will show how subjective labels like "crap" are. All clear? Then I will make the start. I got.... My opinion: Well, I'm not an avid CoB fan, although I do like some of their songs. I didn't know this one before, but it seems like very typical CoB song to me. It was reasonably catchy, not very original, but still, not crap.
  5. I listened to the BUCK-TICK, Malice Mizer, Luna Sea and Dir en grey covers. It's funny how the vocalists suddenly start to sound a lot more like the persons they're imitating than they way they usually sound. Anyway, SPEED sounds pretty good, while ILLUMINATI left me unimpressed, but the samples are a bit too short to pass judgement already, so I'll wait until I hear the whole thing.
  6. Champ213

    Okay, shall we meet up tomorrow for a theme-less night? Time: Saturday, November 26th, 9pm GMT (Use Time Zone Converter for your local time.) Theme: None! Play whatever you like. Place: http://turntable.fm/mhturntable
  7. Funny thing is, the single is just a re-release from last time he had this "Heart of Project" thing going. And just after xジハードx magically revived for a short time and re-released some old songs. So what's up with all this recycling of old songs?
  8. Champ213

    I tag them as 'エース' (last.fm page). Confusing which one is the right tag, but this journal said it's the one in kana. That's not the currently active band though. It's a different vk band called A(エース) that was active between 2004 and 2005. At least the picture and profile pic belong to the older band. Personally I use the unicode for the active band. If you don't like unicode, A (エース) (with a space after the A!) also seems to be quite popular. From what I know, the band isn't very consistent when it comes to writing their name, so one is as good as the other.
  9. Champ213

    Apparently the release date has been pushed back to December 2nd according to their label Prophecy. http://www.prophecy.de/front_content.ph ... =1028#1028 Either way, I pre-ordered the CD at Phropecy's webstore, I hope it will arrive quickly after release. If it's not on the net by the time I get it, I can hook up anyone who's interested.
  10. Champ213

    Just play whatever you want. I'm also planning a christmas night later for december that will be similar to the halloween night. Christmas-themed songs will be welcome, but anything else goes as well.
  11. Champ213

    Video for Saivon Kimallus / Siniset Runot from the new album: l8uDlHN26xs Thanks, Tenhi, I can die peacefully now.
  12. Champ213

    Alright, I'll schedule a night for next Saturday and will put up an announcement a few days before.
  13. Champ213

    Yeah, it's Marshall Lee's turn. I guess he forgot about this. So, if he doesn't post in the next day or two, I would suggest that just anyone jumps in.
  14. The Discussion of the Week! How it works: - Each sunday a staff member will start a thread with a new music-related question. They can range from broad to specific, but they are usually more in-depth than just asking for your favourite band. - The discussion will be featured as announcement on the front page to get as many people involved as possible. - People should put some effort into their posts, ie. not just write a few words and leave, or quote a sentence from a previous poster without adding anything to it. At least 2-3 well-worded sentences are not too much to ask. - Other than that it's just like a normal discussion: you can discuss posts made by other users, but try to stay on topic and, of course, be civil. The thread will stay open even after the week has passed, so the discussion can continue, but it will be replaced in the announcement center by the next featured question. (Btw: you can also submit questions for the Discussion of the Week by sending them to any staff member.) Got it? So here's the new question: How much do you care about lyrics? Do extremely stupid lyrics turn you off from a song, and would you listen to songs with lyrics that strongly go against your ethical/political/religious/etc world view?
  15. Champ213

    Yeah, a Saturday would be better. Due to the time difference when it's early evening in the US it's already almost midnight here, and I have to get up at 6 am during the week....
  16. I'm glad people liked the Tenhi album! I can only recommend to check out their other albums as well, but specifically the album "Väre". As a matter of fact, I couldn't really decide whether to suggest Maaät or Väre for this list, because they're both really good, although I admit that they need their time and may not be something that 'clicks' on first listen. (And they have a new album coming out in a few days, the first studio album in 5 years, I'm so exited. ) Anyway, I'll try to review the Q4 album too, probably be a bit late again. I'm really not into Hip-hop, but hey, this is about checking out something new, right.
  17. Champ213

    Wheee, thanks so much everyone! I had a nice evening today, eating All-you-can-eat-sushi with a few friends.
  18. Champ213

    I might go and see them if I find the time and it's within a reasonable distance. I'm guessing though if they really want to visit 15 different countries, they won't make many stops per country. We'll see.
  19. Well, it depends on what you prefer, I guess. Maybe it's also because I first listened to Ensiferum and later to Wintersun. Or maybe Wintersun is a bit too technical for me, too much in love with intricate solos and perfect riffage (which is not a bad thing but can get boring after a while.) Ensiferum is more "charming" to me, and the folky elements in some songs are unmatched, like Lai Lai hei!. That being said, people that like Wintersun will usually like Ensiferum too, as they are still very similar. Listen to for a more standard Ensiferum sound.And what you'll prefer in the end ist just a matter of taste. They're both great bands, obviously.
  20. Welcome dear MH users to the introduction of a new feature! The Discussion of the Week! How it works: - Each sunday a staff member will start a thread with a new music-related question. They can range from broad to specific, but they are usually more in-depth than just asking for your favourite band. - The discussion will be featured as announcement on the front page to get as many people involved as possible. - People should put some effort into their posts, ie. not just write a few words and leave, or quote a sentence from a previous poster without adding anything to it. At least 2-3 well-worded sentences are not too much to ask. - Other than that it's just like a normal discussion: you can discuss posts made by other users, but try to stay on topic and, of course, be civil. The thread will stay open even after the week has passed, so the discussion can continue, but it will be replaced in the announcement center by the next featured question. (Btw: you can also submit questions for the Discussion of the Week by sending them to any staff member.) Got it? Then let's start with the first weekly question: Are you more attracted to music that emphasizes technicality and instrumental proficiency or music that puts more emphasis on soul and accessibility? Go!
  21. I'm kinda super-late but the last 2 weeks were really busy, lol. I did listen to the Astrud Gilberto album and I quite liked it. It was pleasant, soothing, maybe a bit too, well, trivial? The music was kinda flowing in the background and it was easy to loose focus. Also, I wish some of the songs would have been longer. Most of them had ended before I really got into them. Still, I enjoyed it quite a bit. Overall: 6.5/10 As for the current albums of the week, I already know WIntersun, so I'm going to say a few words about that. It's a good album, pretty impeccable from a technical point of view. I always enjoyed Ensiferum a bit more, because they had this slightly folky edge. Wintersun is a lot more straightforward melodic death metal. Anyway, I wonder if "Time" will come out soon after all? Overall: 7.5/10
  22. Champ213

    I listened to it once so far and I'm really liking it. Overall the sound is quite similar to the recent two albums. So far I especially enjoyed Vashegyek (so intense!) and Trilobita, but there wasn't really any "bad" song that negatively caught my attention.
  23. Probably. Personally I'm not overly fond of all too convoluted and/or compartmentalized genre descriptions, but that's because I suck at assigning genres anyway.
  24. I suppose it's a name for bands that are somewhere between black metal and shoegaze? Dunno, I never heard the word either even though I apparently listen to several of those bands. XD
  25. Champ213

    I didn't actually listen to this (I swear!), but obviously I needed to know: http://www.drinkify.org/idiot This sounds positively awful.
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