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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. Champ213

    Very well. I leave the organisation up to you guys then. You can set the time, make the announcement etc. when and how you see fit. I'll guess I'll drop by for the night but obviously I won't be able to contribute anything. XD
  2. Champ213

    So, should be schedule a Touhou night for next weekend?
  3. Champ213

    Yeah, it was pretty cool. I think we had 7-8 people around during the high time, which isn't too bad for the room. However TT was being awfully buggy for many, refusing to upload songs and shit. I had some major problems too, either because of TT or the proxy, or a combination of both, so I missed parts of the night. But once I finally got it loaded again, I stayed pretty long with Doe and Rarez Train. XD
  4. Champ213

    Chill-out night will begin in 2.5 hours. Hope to see many people there!
  5. That song wouldn't be so bad if the vocalist could actually sing.
  6. Champ213

    This brought a little tear to my eye.
  7. ^ I somewhat agree with that. It was a good album, but I will have to listen to it a couple of time more, because it kinda... merged together. In other news.... has anyone tried Einherjer's new album yet? I was really about their reunion, and I heard good things about the album already. Downloading it now.
  8. Champ213

    I'll keep the 24th in mind for a Touhou theme night then. And Ito, that's too bad, but if that Thme Night is a success, we can repeat it another time.
  9. Champ213

    I wouldn't be opposed to a touhou night, but it probably should be done at a time when Zess can be more active, so he can moderate that night. Anyway, I'm hereby announcing the next official MH turntable night: Theme: Chillout night Time: Saturday 17, 9pm GMT (Time Zone Cenverter) Rules: Any country, any genre, as long as the music is relaxing, slow, down-tempo (so probably not absolutely any genre, but most genres will have some songs that fit the criteria.)
  10. Champ213

  11. Champ213

    Just to let you know: there won't be a theme night this Saturday. We already had a theme decided but we didn't want the announcement to interfere with Panda's theme night, and afterwards we forgot about it, lol. We will announce it in time for next weekend though. However, the room will be open for normal business of course, so we hope some people show up for a night of theme-less Dj'ing instead.
  12. Champ213

    Saw it on Facebook this morning. Exited!
  13. Champ213

    To ensure a minimum quality of the reviews, this forum is under moderation queue, i.e. your posts have to be approved by a mod before they show up. So make sure you follow the rules below. - When discussing a release, try to limit any discussion not about the music to the band. So if you're talking about the GazettE, refrain from worming Dir en grey in there. - Refrain from too much profanity because it makes everything sound less classy. - Ratings are optional - we should be able to tell how you feel based on what you say. If you don't know how you feel yet you shouldn't be writing a review. - No empty topics - if you're going to start a topic write a review up for it. - We don't expect mammoth paragraphs but we expect some explanation for why you feel a certain way about a track and album. A few well-worded sentences should suffice. Just saying "this sux" in response to the entire release is not useful at all. If you can't do better than that you shouldn't be writing a review. - The track by track format is popular here so feel free to do that if you wish. An alternate but accepted method would be the inclusive method (viewing the work as a cohesive whole and not picking out every single track one by one). - You can discuss reviews made by others, but make sure to discuss the review, not the reviewer. Ad-hominems or intellectual laziness like "You're a fan of band xxx, hence your opinion is void" will not make it past the mod queue, so don't bother.
  14. Keep this thread civil and on-topic or warnings will follow on the double.
  15. Champ213

    Somehow that girl looks like a female version of Elijah Wood.
  16. Champ213

  17. Champ213

    It isn't. Male and female names are used alternately
  18. Champ213

    I don't really watch enough Anime to have an expert opinion on this, but this is really cool: V4ADVCJKseI And several years ago, I kinda dug this, though I never even watched the anime: W2B7MVBF3Ng
  19. Champ213

    I wanted to come, but I was away this weekend. Too bad, I already had some songs prepared. Anyway, I think we have a theme for next night, but Mr. Cat will take care of that, so I guess he'll make the announcement too.
  20. Champ213

    We can probably schedule the next theme night a bit earlier than the ones so far.... Anyway, due to unforseen circumstances I may not be able to attend, or just drop by quickly this time. =/
  21. Champ213

    IMPORTANT UPDATE regarding the them night: Due to restrictions imposed by TT you will have to change the tags of the songs for blind listening night, instead of removing them. Why? TT records an untagged files as Artist "Unknown". Due to licencing restrictions an artist cannot be played more than 3 times per hour, even if it's a fake artist like "Unknown". So instead we would ask you to change your tags, for example by giving them your username plus a number: Champ1 - Champsong1 Champ2 - Champsong2 Champ3 - Champsong3 It doesn't really matter what you call them, but they should be distinctive, yet hide the actual artist and song name. I know it's a bit more work, but preparing 10-15 songs that way only takes a few minutes with a good tagging programme.
  22. Champ213

    Welcome back.
  23. Champ213

    If they want to go for realism, they should probably serve nothing.
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