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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. I know there already is a thread about tt, but this is more of an "official" for anything concerning the MH room on there. Several new members have joined us in the past few days, but to keep things interesting in the long run we thought about organizing certain "theme nights". Depending on the number of participants they will probably last 2-3 hours or more and all songs have to fit a certain theme like "Your favourite happy songs", "Favourite ballads", "Guilty Pleasure Night" etc. Theme night would be announced a few days beforehand so people can collect some songs, and start at a scheduled time so we can draw a lot of people at the same time (time zones will be problem, but we will try to find a compromise here, and they will probably be at weekends). If you have any suggestions for themes, don't hesitate to post them here! In the long run we might actually hold "DJ Battles" where 3-5 DJs compete with a certain number of songs and the one gaining the most points will win a mini prize, like a last.fm subscription. Anyway, any sort of events and theme nights will from now on be announced in this thread, so keep checking back.
  2. Champ213

    From my 15 or so contacts on G+, there are only two that post somewhat reagular, and one or two more that post occasionally. The first page of my news Stream goes back over a week. And unlike FB, I also can't cofigure it to send me notifications to my Hotmail account, which would give me instant popups from my Messenger when something happens there. But, no, of course Google, being Google, wants me to use Googlemail, which I never used in the first place. Hence I always forget about G+ and only go there like every three to four days, if at all. I just don't see how it's different enough from FB to keep people excited in the long run once the fad has worn off.
  3. Champ213

    o.o Amazing.
  4. Champ213

    get this.
  5. Champ213

    I'm not sure if you will get anything out of this discussion. As you can already see from the small sample of replies so far, the answers will basically range from "no" to pretty much every single vk band formed in the last few years that gained some popularity. I will not close this thread yet, but I don't think it will be of much use for those actually looking for recommendations. You should rather post requests for recommendations in the recommendations thread, where they belong in the first place, and be more specific about your request, for example what kind of music you prefer and what bands you already like. Only then will people be able to give you recommendations that may actually be useful to you.
  6. Champ213

    Sorry, I'm out of ideas then. You need to install the app. Without the app, turntable cannot see which of your friends already have turntable. Right after clicking the FB button on the turntable page a new window should open and ask you for permission to install the app. I really have no clue why it doesn't for you. Have you blocked popups? Have you tried a different browser? Maybe you could try to install the app directly from their FB page?. That's really all I can think of right now. But without the app it just won't work.
  7. Champ213

    Since most users there are still from the US I decided to write a quick guide how to get into turntable.fm without being in the US. There are several ways how to use a proxy, I will just cover two of them which have worked for me so far. One of them is for Firefox and one is for Chrome. Pre-requirement is that you have a Facebook account, and that some of your friends already use turntable.fm. If none of them does I'm sure some people here will be willing to add you though. Anyway, let's do this. --- When users outside the US visit turntable.fm, they see a grey page and a message explaining them that the service is restricted to US users. So, we have to make TT believe that we are indeed from the US. For Firefox I suggest that you use the Stealthy extension. It can be a bit slow at first, but you won't have to manually configure the proxies and can easily switch it on and off. Go here and install Stealthy for Firofox: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/stealthy/ It's compatible with versions Firefox 3.5 - 5.* Once you installed the extension, you will have this symbol added to your browser: Click the small black triangle to configure the plugin and make sure the options looks like this: Now, you're ready to go. Once you click the red symbol Stealthy will activate and the symbol will turn green. You are now behind a proxy. Try loading a few pages. If you get an error, or the loading is really slow, click the Stealthy symbol twice (ie. switch if off and on again). This will change to a different proxy. Once you are satisfied, try to enter our room again. Loading may be slow with Stealthy, so be patient. (If you don't want to use Stealthy you can also add proxies manually, but you should try to find some extension that allows you to switch between proxies. Then the process will be similar to the one described for Chrome.) For further instructions on how to login after having configured the proxy, please scroll down after the configurations guide for Chrome. ---- For Chrome you will have to configure the proxies manually, but once you have done this it actually seems to work better for me. Before you start, you should install the Switchy extensions. Chrome's own proxy abilities are pretty rudimentary and it would be a hassle to switch between proxies otherwise. Once you installed it, go to the Switchy menu: As you can see, I created a couple of profiles for turntable.fm, all with a different proxies. You will need to find some proxies to fill in, so visit this page. Pick a few US proxies with good speed and connection time, and copy&paste the IP and port into the Switchy Profiles. I would suggest to create several profiles with different proxies, just in case. Once you're done, you can easily switch between proxies or your normal, direct connection from the globe symbol on the top right. Again, make sure you can load pages with the proxy. You may be getting a page from the CoDeen network when first using a proxy, just wait until it redirects you. ---- Whichever way you chose, you should now be ready to log into turntable.fm. Instead of the grey page with the message you now should get this page: If not, try to switch to a different proxy/double-click stealthy. If it worked click the Facebook button. A window will open, asking you to login. Then facebook will ask you to install the turntable app. You need to install the app! If you don't turntable has no way of knowing if you already have FB friends on turntable! Now you should get logged in and will probably end up in the turntable lobby. Of course you want to be in our room, so go here. Wait until the room has fully loaded. There should be 5 turntables and a Lame and Awesome button. If some elements do not load correctly, refresh. Make sure that all functions work for you (Chat, upload, music). If a DJ is at the turntable, you should be hearing music soon, at the very least after the next song has started. If some function is not working correctly, refresh the page or try a different proxy. Once you made sure that everything works, you can actually turn off the proxy if it slows down your normal browsing. Of course, if you want to refresh the turntable page, you have to activate the proxy again. Anyway, I hope this will be helpful. Any questions, problems? Ask them.
  8. Champ213

    Let's not start this crap again, okay? It seems quite a few people here do care, so don't abuse this topic to bash vk fans, because that's just low and disrespectful. This is your only reprimand. Any further attempts to derail this topic will result in deletion of posts and a warning.
  9. Champ213

    I'm having that too at the moment, seems to be a problem with the Stealthy server, try again in a day or two.
  10. Champ213

    Dunno. Name changes don't really happen that often that they "clog my private message box". I would say that I maybe get one or two requests per month. I figure that a name change thread where people only need to post would actually create more work, because it seems that the "barrier" of leaving a post could be smaller than actually pm'ing an admin privately. And there are more obvious advantages of the PM system: - When I get a PM I always immediately see the request. I usually fulfill name change requests within 24 hours, at best it may take up to 48 hours. Posts on a thread, which we would have to check constantly, would be much easier to overlook, so it might take longer until a request gets fulfilled. - We cannot guarantee that you get the name you want. It may be taken already. If that happens, we would have to get back to the person and they have to pick a new name or stick to their current one, and these discussions would bloat the name change thread with confusing and unnecessary information. It's seems much neater to me to handle this business behind the scenes (ie. via PM) and only announce the final name in a locked thread, as we do now. - Lastly, it could encourage even more people to randomly change their names whenever they feel like it. I have no problems with name changes, but I think they should be taken with caution. If it happens too often it's quite confusing for the rest of the users. Anyway, I appreciate your input but I think the PM system is more convinient for us. And writing a PM doesn't take much longer than making a post, so I don't think it's overly inconvinient for users either. Or in other words: if it ain't broken, don't fix it.
  11. Champ213

    If I had to venture a guess I would say they want to know why sometimes an mp3 rip of a release gets posted, but not the DVD that comes with the release. But I think there isn't really much to say. Some people may not buy the versions of a release that come with a DVD. Some people may not know how to rip a DVD. Some people may just not want to upload their DVDs, other maybe only post them on youtube. Put it all together, and there you have an explanation why you sometimes may get the CD rip, but not the DVD rip. But, looking at the video section, I see a lot of PVs there, so obviously many people do rip and upload their DVDs.
  12. Champ213

    Yes, but it's probably some fungi. Even if it's higher developed, it's not necesarily intelligent life. Intelligence is not the ultimate aim of all evolution. At best it's by-product. Life has existed on this planet for roughly 3.5 Billion years. From there it took almost 3 Billion years to develope some simple worms and invertebrates. If we define Homo erectus as the first intelligent being on earth, than intelligent life has existed on this planet for less than 2 million years, and for 99% of this time "intteligent" meant "being able to use simple stone tools and make fire". Given that short span of existence of intelligent life on earth as opposed to non-intelligent life we can assume that intelligence is by no means a preferred evolutionary tactic. We can't even be sure if, in the long run, it will be a successful one. It just doesn't exist long enough to have proven its long-term performance. So.... extra-terrestrial life? Yes. Intelligent life? Maybe, but what are the odds that it exists at exactly the same moment as our short blink in time so far, is located close enough for interstellar travel and advanced enough to develope such technology in the first place? UFOs, extraterrestrial visist: definitely no.
  13. Champ213

    I think you should check out the mixtape thread. All sorts of genres, you might find something of interest there.
  14. Champ213

    That's a nice lake. Too bad that there is a weird chick obstructing my view.
  15. Champ213

    I think this topic is redundant now, since the thread in question was started already? --> viewtopic.php?f=13&t=10288 So I guess I'm gonna close it.
  16. Champ213

    Look here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10266
  17. Champ213

    Not in Germany it isn't. And I doubt it will be anytime soon. The German Recording Rights Association is a particular nasty bitch. They're even blocking most youtube videos that were completely legally uploaded by labels in the US.
  18. Champ213

    Yeah, but how many of them actually use their account and didn't just sign up because it was a new fad and OMGINVITEONLY? I don't use mine actively for mere practical reasons, because I think it's rather pointless to post a status to 10 people in my circles, when I can post it to 50+ people, including those 10, on FB. And I don't want to annoy people by cross-posting. Also, the moving gifs on the news stream are fucking annoying. Just now two people re-shared the same stupid gif right next to each other, and especially now with the stream not being overly active they just sat there, whenever I open the stream, attacking my eyes. I already adblocked it, just in case even more people decide to reshare it, just like I also adblock most annoying gifs here on the forum, but seriously.... They should allow gifs in the fullsize view but turn them off on the stream.
  19. I'm a Scorpio as well, and even though I don't believe in astrology I think it's the best zodiac to have cause it gives me an excuse to wear scorpio pendants, which are way cooler than cancers or pisces or whatever, and to own cool shit like this:
  20. Lol, Seeles Klar Unend was one of the first bands I posted in the original thread. Hence why they made it into the legendary All-time-worst playlist.
  21. Champ213

    Kinda. The pics were first posted here a few months ago.
  22. Since it's also in the profile section with links to the actual profiles removed.... probably not. I find it kinda ironic that the band is called "Friends" though.
  23. The first question that came to my mind: who was there with him to take the photo?
  24. I add my voice to this. Let's meet one day.
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