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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. Champ213

    Oldschool night isn't completely over yet, but it's been a cool night already. I think we actually had a user record during the high time. Too bad about the downtime of TT, we lost some users due to that. Anyway, there surely might be another oldschool night in the future. We also set a theme for next weekend. This time it will be on Saturday again. Time: Saturday 27th, 10pm GMT (Time Zone Converter Theme: Blind Listening Rules: The normal rules of the room will be relaxed for this night. Anything goes, japanese or not, and any genre. HOWEVER, you have to change ALL TAGGING DATA from the file before uploading the song. The idea is that people will only be able to judge the song itself, without knowing the artist. Edit: IMPORTANT UPDATE regarding the them night: Due to restrictions imposed by TT you will have to change the tags of the songs for blind listening night, instead od removing them. Why? TT records an untagged files as Artist "Unknown". Due to licencing restrictions an artist cannot be played more than 3 times per hour. So instead we would ask you to change your tags, for example by giving them your username plus a number: Champ1 - Champsong1 Champ2 - Champsong2 Champ3 - Champsong3 It doesn't really matter what you call them, but they should be distinctive, yet hide the actual artist and song name. I know it's a bit more work, but preparing 10-15 songs that way only take a few minutes with a good tagging programme.
  2. Champ213

    Well, I give him the benefit of a doubt that he's just being intentionally polemic, because obviously you don't get much attention on the internet by being ACTUALLY sensible. But if he really means all of what he's writing - and I haven't even read all of it - then he's just as deluded and obsessed as the fangirls he rages against.
  3. Champ213

    Yeah, it must be him. Or his "bro". Who else would refer to Dir en grey as "MY Dir en grey" (capital letters included), and would constantly fanboy over how deep, emotional, difficult and heavy they are. If this is how a "real and sensible" Dir en grey fan looks like, I have little hope left for Dir en grey fans as a whole. I did like the one with the k-pop though.
  4. Champ213

    It was okay. I liked the title track, the second track (not counting the SE) was a bit forgetful. It sounded like a weak GRiST song, ie. overall sound was nice, but the composition isn't on par with some of the better GRiST songs. So far I still prefer GRiST over Vior gloire, but this is only their first single, so maybe they'll write better material in the future. I do like their overall direction and the vocalist seems to have improved too. Anyway, still the best new band I heard from UCP in quite a qhile. 6/10
  5. Champ213

    If I see any more drama in this thread I will start handing out warnings on the double. I'm tired that I always have to see the same few names when it comes to unfunny, rude and spiteful behaviour on this forum. Over and over and over again. Like a broken record. Some people in here are this close to getting permbanned already, they should really be more careful where they tread. My advice: get out of this thread, grow up, get a life.
  6. Champ213

    Yeah, it seems it finally comes out after all. Was supposed to be released in summer 2010, and it seems to be finally ready now. No release date so far, though, I think.
  7. Champ213

    Completely forgot that movie existed. Completely forgot that band existed too.
  8. Champ213

    The Female-vocalists-night was significantly longer than 2 hours (I think I left after 4-5 hours and it was still going then), so I'm sure the party will still be going on when you come. Unless your Q is already filled with oldschool stuff (which it probably is, lol) you might want to consider to prepare ahead and uplaod the stuff you want to play a day earlier though.
  9. Champ213

    Read here: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=10632 But yeah, it's a bit too late to change the date of theme night again, Friday evening it is. But you can play your music at any other time you wish, provided there are enough people in the room.
  10. Champ213

    Seoul Muzik was hosted on the same server, so it went down along with TW. Though I don't think it ever really became very active. Anyway, as Number Girl already said, the real upsetting thing os that Dai pulled us through all this drama about wanting the forum back, and then put so little effort into his new project. You can all thank the heavens that except for Jake none of the staff team gave in into his promises (or blackmail would be more like it) but opted for a rebrand. Otherwise, we probably wouldn't be here anymore. The fact that this forum is alive and kicking might have kept Dai's interest up for a while longer, but who knows when he would have bailed on us again. So, in short: Dai killed Tainted World. The first time the rest of us picked up the pieces again and salvaged the community. And half a year later he returned, wrestled the name away from us, screwed it over a few weeks later and left it in a ditch to die. As for Jake, he made some questionable decisions and he had to bear the consequences for it. But let's not look back. We have something better now, more varied users, a lot less spambots, the new name has caught on (though incidentally we are still the #1 Google result for "Tainted World") and, thanks to our partner, greater things coming for the future. I believe this sufficiently answers the question of the OP, so I'll close this topic now.
  11. Champ213

    Seems like a I spoke too early. I probably won't be there on saturday evening due to a family celebration. Since I'm probably the staff member that's most proficient with oldschool jrock I guess I should be there though to help moderating, so I'm going to move the date forward to Friday. I hope this isn't a problem. New time: Friday, August 19th, 10pm GMT (Use Time Zone Converter for your local time.)
  12. Champ213

    Well, Dai still is the owner of the TW.net domain. Who knows, maybe there will be a Re:re:birth next year. But even so, why would we want to? We renamed the spam section to Toasted Waffles as a hommage to our temporary existence under that name, since it had proven quite popular, I don't see a reason to change it.
  13. Champ213

    We can't say for certain since we aren't really in contact with them anymore but from what we gathered Dai disappeared again two or three weeks after restarting the site (and since he had been very adamant to be the only one to control vital server functions it probably meant that no other staff member could do important work), then the mods bailed one by one, spambots reclaimed the site, making it impossible for the handful of remaining users to do anything, and two or three months after the rebirth it went down completely, probably due to Dai not paying the server costs.
  14. Champ213

    The first theme night is over and it was a lot of fun, although some people were dearly missed. We also decided on a theme for the next night. Time: Friday, August 19th, 10pm GMT (Use Time Zone Converter for you local time.) Theme: Old-school Jrock Rules: Theme is jrock, so this time everything has to be japanese, but it doesn't have to be vk. Songs should be from the 90s, 80s or older. I will make an exception for certain sorts of oldschool vk from the beginning of the 00'. Current/recent kote bands (ie. Metis Gretel, Ru:natic) will be fine, just don't overplay them but focus on stuff that actually is at least 10 years old. Until then the turntable room is open for normal business. Edit: Date was moved one day ahead, from Saturday to Friday.
  15. Champ213

    Theme night starts now. Come and join us!
  16. Champ213

    It's an error of your proxy. Replace it with a new one.
  17. Champ213

    We'll miss you on TT.
  18. Champ213

    Okay, our first theme night will be hold on Saturday evening (for some people it might be Sunday morning actually). Time: Saturday (August 13) 10 pm GMT (Use the Time Zone Converter to convert it into your local time.) Duration: ? (Will depend on the number of participants - we will probably maintain the theme for at least 3 hours. People can still play their theme-specific songs afterwards, but other stuff will be allowed again too.) Theme: Female-fronted bands Rules: The normal rules of the room still apply: music must be japanese, or if it's non-japanese it must be rock-related. Female-fronted means having a female vocalist. Dual vox male/female are ok, if the female vocalist is featured prominently enough (ie. Onmyouza). If you deviate from the theme too often, we may remove you from the DJ booth. Anyway, you now have several days to collect and upload songs, and we hope to see many of you there! If this theme night goes well, we will certainly have more of those. So don't be sad if your favourite theme didn't make it, there will be other chances. We will probably also try different starting times later to give people in other time zones a chance to participate.
  19. Champ213

    I don't think you understand what I mean. The idea is to draw as many people as possible into the room at the same time. That's why we want to schedule the beginning at a certain time, say 10 pm GMT. Converted into specific time zones, that would equal a convenient 6 pm at New York, but a rather inconvenient 8 am in Melbourne. If I understood you correctly you propose that we set a certain time, for example 10 pm, and every users turns in at 10 pm in their time zone. But this kinda defies the purpose of getting as many people together for a few hours at the same time, and by the time the later time zones arrive the early birds will probably have run out of theme-specific songs already. Oh yeah, and the theme nights will have no judging/competition. The "DJ Battles" are something we might do at a later point, the theme nights are just fun and play.
  20. Champ213

    Umm, the problem is not about converting, the problem is that whatever time we choose, it will be inconvienient for at least some, because it's in the middle of the night/early morning for them. Fact is however that we need some mods present during the theme nights, so most theme nights will fall into a time zone when several mods can be online. However, there usually seems to be quite a few people online at late night GMT, so that seems to be the best time for a theme night. And they can continue for as long as people want/have songs to play.
  21. Champ213

    Okay, we've been thinking of holding our first theme night next weekend, so if you have any suggestions for possible themes let us know. One suggestions we got was to hold a "Blind listening" night. For this people would remove all tagging info from the songs before uploading. The idea is that people only judge by the music and not possible bias they have against an artist. Other possibilities would be themes based on genre (metal/pop/jazz night etc) or moods (sad/happy/angry night etc.). Prefrences? ideas? Let us know so we can decide on a theme a few days ahead of the weekend.
  22. Champ213

    The kanji read "zettai zetsumei" which means distress, emergency or desperate situation. However, considering the fondness the japanese have for using completely random english phrases, especially on clothing, I wouldn't necessarily count on the T-shirt meaning anything deeper at all.
  23. I've always been meaning to check them out. I think I always mixed them up with Septic Flesh, for some reason. Anyway, I watched the video for The Violation just now and it sounds pretty cool. Will be trying more.
  24. Champ213

    Yeah, I read it on their FB today. That's cool, I don't have any of their albums yet, and whenever I saw Róka Hasa Rádió for sale on eBay etc it was pretty expensive. Sadly the re-release doesn't seem to be a digipack.
  25. Champ213

    Shogu! Did I just see a ghost?
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