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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. Champ213

    You can use Demon Tools Lite to mount the iso without burning it. It will open the file as if it was burned on a DVD and you can rip it like you are used to. http://www.disc-tools.com/download/daemon
  2. Champ213

    Kamehameha is the name of several hawaiian kings, you otakus. XD What I find weird is that they first want me to kajak to Washington and then drive all the way down to L.A. Why can't I just kajak directly to L.A. from Hawaii? Also: waiting for the first person to sue Google in the US for 10 Million Dollar damages because he followed the instructions and almost drowned, lol.
  3. Champ213

    Eh, basically there is nothing wrong with a band advertising itself on this forum. It's not like they want to sell us Viagra of whatever. But since this isn't a download, it shouldn't have been in the download section. I put it in the Musiscians forum instead.
  4. Champ213

    Try Avira and Malwarebytes. If you already know what virus you got you can also look if there is a specific removal tool for that virus.
  5. Champ213

    Sumostig/Mono, refrain from personal insults or be banned again. This is your only warning. And yeah, I'm pretty sure that a lot less people would listen to k-pop if it was the same music sung by overwheigt 40-year-olds with bad teeth. And obviously a lot less people would listen to vk if it was sung by normal-looking people and jeans and shirt. That's no news and hardly suprising.
  6. Champ213

    ^ If they don't sell empty cases with white tray where you live, have you already tried looking for non-empty ones? Like a blank CD or DVD that comes in such a tray.
  7. Champ213

    Ah yeah... the volatile world of vk fandom.
  8. Champ213

    There is nothing worse than K-pop. I'd rather be locked in a room and forced to listen to ViViD for 24 hours straight than watch one hour of ass-shaking, over-autotuned, underaged girls that are made by greedy managements to dress up like sluts because otherwise no-one give a damn about their "music". At least ViViD refrain from the ass-shaking, I presume. On a side-note, it's interesting how fast ViViD turned from a hype-band to everbody's favourite hate object. I remember when I posted their debut single not that long ago I remarked that they sound just like SuG with slightly less annoying vocals, and everybody vehemently denied it and praised them like hell, lawl.
  9. Champ213

    Their website is full of lulzy engrish. WE ARE DECORATION GENTLEMEN!
  10. Champ213

    WTF happened to Orochi? They look awful now. =/ And why a song that is already 5 years old?
  11. Champ213

    In rock and metal too, very much so. Quite often you can tell the vague genre a rock or metal band plays by looking at their promo shots. Sometimes even the specific sub-genre. In the end, every band has a "visual", unless they never publish any pictures and never play any lives. But if they show themselves as a band in some fashion, they have a visual. Even if you only wear jeans and shirts. Quite often that's also a consciously chosen decision signifying "we are ordinary, down-to-earth guys!". In other words: if you choose a look that says "hey, we don't care about the look" you already did.
  12. Champ213

    Heh. 8=> Oh, and I forgot about Lovex. Totally. As a matter of fact, they are one of those few bands where I wouldn't be completely surprised if it was consciously inspired by vk.
  13. Champ213

    I remember the first time I had a passing glance at Deathstars, I thought they were an angura kei band. I guess that's what 10 years of japanese music do to your brain. Just curious though: why did you exclude all the things that you did? XD
  14. Champ213

    Hmh. It sometimes happen to me when I upload rars or zips to Mediafire, the file works fine on my computer, but when I re-download it, it gives an error when extracting. In 90% of all cases the problem can be solved by unzipping the file with 7zip (it still gives an error, but it extracts fine.) The problem only occures to me on Mediafire (but I rarely use other services), and re-uploading the (original, uncorrupted) zip/rar usually solves the problem. It never happened to me with unzipped mp3s though, so this is rather weird. Can you be more specific? Is it always the same song that gets corrupted, or does it happen randomly to various songs/rars?
  15. Champ213

    The board doesn't have taglines anymore. D: Should be incorporated into the new skin.
  16. Champ213

    Full song sounds better than the preview, it didn't really kick in for me yet, but it might grow on me. And I still think that Kamijo looks like a pimp in that costume. XD
  17. Champ213

    Mercurius Sorry, that's all I can think of, thus no Top10.
  18. Champ213

    I lol'd.
  19. Champ213

    We should probably make this the next banner pic.
  20. Champ213

    The 2nd sample on their OHP somehow makes me think of Marilyn Manson....
  21. Champ213

    The reviews there are pretty hilarious.
  22. Champ213

    Something nice: xCADBV-wh6U I stumbled across them recently. They only have a 4-track MCD so far, but I can warmly recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried them so far. More traditional intruments than the average folk metal band, and some atmospheric/ambient-ish metal elements. And the video is quite lovely too! All their (4) songs can also be listened to at their MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/viterofficial
  23. If I had known it would take this long I would have added all those mods already, lol. I just thought it wouldn't be worth the trouble if we were to change soon after and I had to implement them all over again. I guess I should have known better.
  24. Champ213

    Whenever a famous or semi-famous person dies unexpectedly, there's rumors and conspiracy theories. And most of the time they're bullshit. I could just as well speculate that he was killed by a steam roller or taken away by aliens. People die. It happens. Get over it. And yeah, there's really no point in throwing around rumors and wild theories that cannot be proven anyway. The family decided not to disclose it. And unless they change their mind one day, you'll never know. Accept it. End of story. I'll give this thread one last chance. If anyone has anything substential to contribute, be my guest. But I have a feeling I will lock this thread very soon, because as it seems there is no new "Yasmine Yuu news" except some outlandish, unprovable rumors that won't benifit anyone.
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